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it only cost bill an impeachment

But Trump didnt pay. Cohen did out of his own pocket.

chat with us on discord: /Xw4V7Jb

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hmmm yeah totally free

Gives free BJ's

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Bill would be the biggest star since JFK if he hadn’t fucked it up.

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costs 130K. Big difference there bucko.

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Daily reminder that men don’t pay for the sex, they pay for them to leave.

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Bill Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000. Now kys.


Real big difference bucko

Do they not realize that Clinton has paid millions in hush money?

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You get what you pay for.

You don't just buy a blowjob, you buy her dignity and respect. That is the better deal.

Free Poontang.

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costs money

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i smell israel on at least 2 of these women

>cohen payed out of his own pocket for trumps whores
kek, how delusional

I'm starting to feel sorry for Bill.

TFW you get caught again

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TFW you get a Hall Pass

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They could both easily afford it. Only difference is Bill would hesitate upon hearing the price.

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*slaps* What do you know

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>Playboy bunny
>overweight intern

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>clinton was blown by miss piggy
>trump paid a model
the horror

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you mean the shishkas are charging 130k while the poor little Jewess is forced to do it for free!
O vey!

He only paid because he was running for president.

Bill killed people in Arkansa to clean his mess.

Also trumps girl was a 10 Bill’s girl was a 5.

Look at what Bill married... all other judgement failed him thoroughly.

>This just in, the billionaire playboy who ran the Miss America pageant so he could bang models was banging models

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>Bill’s girl was a 5
If you mean Hillary, she hasn't been a 5 since she was 10.

Trump has ~8 billion dollars. Him paying out 130k, would be the same as an average semi succesful wageslave with 8k in the bank paying out 13 cents. It's not really gonna break the bank is it.

No, I am speaking about Monica

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It only cost Bill $800,000 in legal bills and pay outs/damages to stay in office.........

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He did not even pay for sex. He paid so the story would not get out.

The sad thing is this will truly harm his 2016 campaign pack it up boys, he will never be president...

This is the first good lefty meme

show a pic of both girls side by side.

monika was a 3 at best

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Even if he did pay, it was for her to go away. Pussy was given for free a hundred times.

>trumps accusers
9/10 are at least presentable from a downward angle

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>Clinton got impeached for a blowjob from a chubby intern
>Trump has spent his life fucking supermodels
D-Drumpf is rekt this time!

fucking disgusting, if I was a billionaire I would had gotten a more beautiful whore to bang

Karen admitted to CNN that she fucked Don every week for 10 months and loved him.

Money can't buy that.

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Good pussy. Costs money. Welcome to reality.

>When she craves that BDC

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Huh. I guess rape is technically free.

>Bill found a week-old burrito under a bridge for free
>Donald buys a filet mignon
so smart indeed


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Ya got shit taste!

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>Get impeached over perjury
>It was free

Bigger fish to fry faggots!

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He respects working Waman.

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Speak english newfag or go back to

>Implying he didn't use 130k of tax payers money.

The guys who assets weren't frozen and didn't lose his presidency over lying to congress about it.

Praise kek

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Didn't Clinton get blown by an underage intern?

I don't care who he fucked and who he paid for it. Does anyone?

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He is still our President.