Later bitch

Later bitch

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Nice. Need to find out if this seat was in play.
It would be ashame if more of this came out against democratic candidates.

How on earth did this lady end up in the democrat party?

Democrats are the REAL racists.

Its almost as if the white people who live in their gated communities surrounded by body guards dont actually want to live around minorities.

Attached: Chek.jpg (463x278, 41K)

Donate to the Based nog

>hates immigrants
>"hee hee at least they'll vote for me tho"

Everyone hates immigrants they are just used by the left for votes or the right for low wage workers.

Obviously, but surprising. Most continue to pander to left wing orthodoxy in spite of their real opinions. Diversity for thee but not for me.

Throughout the Bush years, Democrats were actually anti immigration and outsourcing

Every big blue state city in the US is incredibly segregated and there are many policies in place to keep it that way - school districting, building permit process, transportation routes, etc.

The Democrats were more moderate before 2010 or so. They've only gone completely off the rails in the last 5 years or so. At one point even Obama was telling people he believed in protecting our borders.

Democrats are dumb and have no idea who they are even voting for in their primaries.
A few year ago in South Carolina for the democrat senate primary there were only two people on the ballot. The first guy was a state senator who received every endorsement from every democrat politician in the state. The second guy was Alvin Greene who lived with his parents at age 35 and raised 0 dollars and had zero endorsements. Alvin Greene won the primary by 20 points against the state senator. The day after winning Greene got arrested for showing an underage girl porn. To this day nobody is really sure how he won the primary by so much. The only reason that makes sense is that democrat voters are dumb and have no idea who they are even voting for.

This. You think white liberals really give a shit about immigrant children? They're just pretending to care because they think they can manipulate the issue to hurt the president and steal moderate/independent votes. Like the votes that won over middle class white people Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania. Those people aren't buying liberal bullshit though

Around the start of Obama's second term he allowed his entire party to effectively be hijacked by minority interest groups, particularly spic immigration ones. Virtually overnight the Democratic platform shifted stances on immigration, having been rather anti-immigration until that point.

Wild, before my time I guess. I know now there's tons of white Dems who share no values with the existing Democrats, makes a lot of sense if they haven't been as bad as they are today for all that long.

Which is weird, because Dubya was kinda lax on immigration

hillary clinton didn't support gay marriage until like 2013.

Anti-Immigration is a losing position on the Democrat side now because of how they tried so hard to demonize Trump and label him a racist for wanting to secure the border

I'm glad other people saw it too, because I was starting to question my own viewpoint. I thought maybe it was me that changed but it's not. It's shocking how quickly their platform changed. They've gone completely mad -- a Democratic Senator is seriously calling for dissolution of ICE, a government law enforcement agency!

>Later bitch

The only bitch I see ITT is you OP. Jump off a cliff and die for me, please?

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Bullshit Democrats can't be racist that is the sole domain of republitards. In the long history of Politics only on party is synonymous with slavery and racism.

Until very recently everyone in the US have "opposed" illegal immigration, but corrupted leaders have let it still happen.

Yup. Gay people took over the Democratic Party, and not surprisingly, they turned it into a basketcase.

They used to care about white middle class voters at one point but that's just gone now.

Well one guy was black one was white. That's politics in today's Democrat party.

Analysts weren't sure how fast Mexicans and central americans would integrate and begin to vote for more conservative candidates, however time has proved they'll always vote D if liberals promise that they can bring their entire extended family over

>jim crow
>kkk, neonazis, white supremecy groups
>no votes for minorities
>no immigration until the 50s
>asian interment camps
>all democrats

do they not teach history anymore?
are teachers surpressing the 'democrats' part?

But if dems are going to endorse gay and trans affairs like this, I think it'd be too much for Latinos who are very conservative, on average.

>I think it'd be too much for Latinos who are very conservative, on average
Beaners don't care what the gringos do, and their kids support the degeneracy

stats show the overwhelming majority of non whites in USA, including spics, vote democrat.

you underestimate the incentive of gibs.

That's right based magapede.

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Wtf I love democrats now

Everyone is against illegal immigrants.
People are also against immigrants whose cultures clash w/ the U.S and its laws yet arrogantly maintain their flawed mindsets. Essentially the left are a bunch of hypocritical retards. They created an anti-patriotic stance that defies all logic. So, its not a surprise that they're caught time and time again contradicting the bullshit they preach.
> Pottery

It's not so overwhelming as you think, I think it was nearly 30% of Latinos who voted for Trump. The liberal media thought that they'd win easily partially, because they thought every Latino would vote for Clinton.

Southern Dems are as racist as they are corrupt.

Wtf i love democrats now

> are teachers surpressing the 'democrats' part?
ofc they are. U.S history in brainwash public schools teach conservatives were always behind this. When in fact it was liberal (I wont to steal from other's hard work) democrats

This has been a fantastic day.

>Juncker bends da knee
>faceberg crashing
>CNN reporter banned

Anything else?

Lmao you are so buttmad

Unironically this.

Just gonna say this

they've adopted the identity politics, which means that they don't treat people as persons but as a members of racial, sexual or gender groups, which is racism, by definition.

She just need the job. It's very well paid, you basically do nothing, people respect you and think you are important.

'Southern Democrats' are Republicans now.

DR3 is a circle jerk for Neocons. Of all the things you could hit them on, muh racism is the most toothless.

White democrats were based as FUCK. their party got co-opted by mexicans, and that's when they turned to shit. Some jumped the ship to Republicans, some stayed and welcomed their burrito overlords. Trump is an example of the former, Hillary the latter.

Southern Democrats. Who switched parties to Republicans. And no they weren't anti immigration, their Northern voter bases were full of the recent immigrants like the Irish and Germans, while the Republicans were the WASPs. The roots of the Know Nothing party, led directly into the Republican party.

Even our Democrats are based in NC

>1 post by this ID
well, we're waiting

Why did she drop out? Could have voted for her!

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No, it probably wasn't. The incumbent Republican has run unopposed since 2012 and that time he won with 59% of the vote.

NC House District 64. Currently held by a Republican. Last few election he ran unopposed. In 2012, won 59% to 41%. Trump won this District in 2016 by 16 points.

But depending on the rules, some states allow the party to nominate someone if a candidate drops out of dies or something. She narrowly beat another Democrat in the primary.

She was a Republican when the rant happened in 2006 and switched to being a Democrat in 2008.

Either way, doesn't really matter. Republicans already hold super majorities in the North Carolina House and Senate.

Articles of impeachment filed against Rod Rosenstein

Don't forget the Mexican-American War that resulted in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California becoming part of the USA...

>And no they weren't anti immigration, their Northern voter bases were full of the recent immigrants like the Irish and Germans,

Immigration from Europe =/= Immigration from the 3rd world

Sad truth is that most lower level politicians in state and federal government don't give a shit for which party they run, they will run for whatever party they think they have the best shot at winning.

left wing is going mad in toronto because this week's shooting was done by ISIS


Failed bait. But you baited the hook just fine. Guess the fish just aint bitin tonight.

living in a time where Democrats are being outed as racists

Attached: monsieur candie.jpg (500x600, 117K)

Do these people not google themselves?

Are you fucking retarded. 30% in a democracy means you lose. There are few baste spics

Democrats being for open borders is only a recent development spurred on by the fact Dubya tepidly made immigration a midterm issue once and liberals will never get over 2000. In fact being an immigration restrictionist was pretty mainstream in the 1990s among both parties and voters. Remember that California overwhelmingly passed prop 187 in 1994 only to have it struck down as unconstitutional by judge Mariana Pfaelzer.

I'm sure you'll be very surrprised when you learn what that judge's ethnic origins were. Very surprised indeed.

>the only reason that makes sense
Democrats (women) voted for an illiterate nigger because it makes them feel good about themselves.