Toronto Shooting

After watching the footage of the shooting, anyone notice that many of the police officers in Toronto are brown and Asian? What's going on, are they not hiring White males anymore?

Attached: Police.jpg (1220x754, 190K)

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the white man is second class in the world

So Canada does not belong to White, Europeans anymore? That's amazing. The Third Worlders have not taken over.

No more white doctors in Canada either.

Whoa! Really. So Canada has succumbed to the Third-World. Will it still be Canada?

Easier to control and put down a population if the enforcers are foreigners.

That's the entire point of schemes like the EU rulers wanting to create an army full of foreigners (also explains why they want returning ISIS fighters to come into our countries).

Attached: 1531316874390.jpg (4108x2502, 2.16M)

Yeah. Kind of like globalist corporations hiring homosexuals and women to supervise White males in the corporate world. No allegiance to the working man.

It's quite common in Canadian society to discriminate against white males in the work place, across the private and public sector. The government pretty much doesn't hire white males anymore and is quite open about it. The CBC, taxpayer funded news, even puts "White males need not apply" in their job postings.

Hell, I got a math degree and lots of experience, but am forced to work manual labour to get by.

For the 1,000 time on Jow Forums:

The cops are asian and brown, because the Youth of North America are Asian and Brown

The future of North America is asian and brown

Anyone white person who thinks the Police or Military will come and "save" them in the future or come and "save the white race and culture" in the future are severely delusional

the US Military at this point is mainly brown with its recruits, the folks joining the military these days are only 1 step above the folks you see working at the Dollar Store

this has been 40 years in the making, fully open borders and governments paying poor women to pop out more children to receive more WIC/EBT/Food Stamp money

CBC released a new national news TV program last year, and I noticed not one White male was on the anchor team - I believe it was all women an Asian dude and maybe a pajeet dude. Not one White male. I forget the name of the progam, but I can't be assed to Google it right now. You know the one I mean?

Kind of like how you're in Japan right now. Oh wait.

Yeah. In the U.S. it started at least 35 - 40 years ago. The Jews play the long game.

What are you talking about, I'm not in Japan.

That’ll be there mistake when we build our super soldier army leaf bro

Attached: AE625B38-7B8B-42EC-832C-4BC606A795B9.jpg (740x429, 129K)

The cooks are brown.

No. The entire country is locked into a very violent robbery and rape. I try to wake up everyone I can.

>the US Military at this point is mainly brown with its recruits

The military is still mostly white. They need to double down on discipline and raise standards back up and far fewer minorities would want to join. Right now the military is treated like another form of welfare by most non-whites.

You have 2019 election, who to vote for? Trudeau is hilarious, sympathizing and cucking with the Muslims, Sikhs and terrorists.

we japanese

Attached: 13384236.png (927x884, 452K)

The major cities of Canada are done. The rural part of Canada is very much white still.

Chou kawaii!

Vancouver has been colonized by the Chinese, and Sikhs and Filipinos it seems.

can I get a link to a shooting vid? Haven't been on pol all day. Plus fuck leafs

So has Toronto and Montreal

The last hope for the whites here is to form a new country in a region that is mostly white. Fucking sad to see my country go to shit.

Save yourself Japan. Don't allow the shitskins to ruin your country too

They're trying to get into Japan. But so far, very few have made it. Mostly temporary workers and exchange students. They want to stay, though.

Also, almost all security/officials at Pearson airport is brown.

Make their life a living hell.

I transitted at Vancouver airport 5 years ago, and all staffs were Chinese (Asian) and Canada Customs Asian and Indian men and women (dot, not feather). No White males.

"The National" is the CBC news program I was thinking of. No White males on the team. Just women, a pajeet and an Asian. What is that, a feminist power play?

What is this photo?

Singapore Police Service.

>What's going on, are they not hiring White males anymore?
because the browns dont care about your white rights
They are importing the very army that will enslave you

not very diverse. I mean, the two guys in the middle are the same person.

Makes sense.

Do the Jews run Canada like they do the U.S.?

You can speak for the police. dont speak for the military.

Why is there a black guy in the middle?

Yep. Many businesses openly say that there is a preferece for people of minority status

toronto is turning into a complete shithole i heard

Yes. Same group/groups.

National Guard is "play army" for niggers and spics. They just want the uniform.

>turning into


Toronto has been a wannabe US city so long, they've finally started to generate their own degenerate rap and gang scenes. Toronto and Vancouver are both beyond gone, with Montréal, Québec City, Edmonton, and Calgary quickly following into the shitter.

your first mistake

yeah, can confirm

And unlike America we're not dotted with dozens of serviceable urban centers. The six worst cities in the country have ~70% of the population.

It's essentially over.

Can we talk about the fact that our media is trying to bury a fairly clear cut terror attack? They trotted out the statement that it was mental health REALLY quickly, but other media in other nations are carrying the truth that he was already investigated for extremist ties online. They're using this to push more gun control too, even though it was an illegal handgun. HELP PLS

Attached: kek.jpg (1200x900, 457K)

And they're congratulating Tory on his firearm restrictions because gangs and terrorists typically go to gun shops and legally buy ammunition.

Like I said, it's over. Don't have kids and just hope you die before it all collapses. If you already have kids, move.

When I visited there I noticed the cops in Toronto had beards and a lot of tattoos (were also all white). Ive never seen that here. They were also more friendly, spoke to me like a regular person instead of the weird power-trippy way American police address everyone. Nice guys, glad they got the kill


Attached: sharia police.png (1300x1050, 1.26M)

lol, i love living in canada. If you other canadians dont like, get the fuck out. Go live in trumpland or russia.

Why would they? Even though brown officers are far more likely to engage in misconduct and brutality, at least they can't claim it's systematic racism.

That's called progress.

it's not that there aren't non white and female cops, but the media goes out of their way to show them

also the police force is supposed to represent the city, considering non whites were rare until the late 80s, to make them representative they accept candidates who score lower for the sake of diversity

had an old cop talk to my class once
he said something how he used to nice or mean to people with tattoos, because it meant they were ether a veteran or a criminal, he found it weird it was common now

they are not majority white any more. also canada was caught using racism in law enforcement to discourage foreigners from showing up. as a result when china took over torronto there were a few things that changed. the chinese wouldnt convict their own for defending themselves and whites fled mostly. the ones that didnt dont seem to have a problem with them or are at least smart enough to not run their mouths

so uprooting the whites who would want to be cops by not making it a simple game of harass the brown people has driven them to other parts of canada

watching quebec sperg out over not being nazis anymore is funny.

the elderly germans showing up in toronto saying random threatening shit and getting beat up is equally funny. stay on your side of the atlantic kraut. nobody is scared of a group that has never won a war . a group that is only known for designing a good looking uniform. like some faggots concerned about how they will look on a battle field. "is my make up good"~herman goring that time he was butt fucked in some hovel in europe during WW2

>the "everything is fine" shill

Nobody believes you faggots.

Everyone knows Canada is on the irredeemable shit list along with Sweden, France, Germany, and the UK.

lol the absolute state of Canadian media in 2018. check out her twitter. she's painting herself as a victim in all this.

fun fact, shanifa nasser (muslim brotherhood agent) is the one reporting the story on the CBC

Attached: canadian journalism.png (2368x1312, 3.62M)


I'm moving to the east coast in a few weeks. Hopefully I can get some horses and ammo for the collapse.

white males are public enemy #1 in Canada, as violent as niggers now

i hope you dont see what the toronto airport looks like..

Remember to join the Canadian Nationalist Party