I’ve seen so many articles similar to this and if I remember correctly they are almost always just swept under the rug. Of course she will go to jail but she will probably get let off on ‘good behaviour’ or some shit within 40 years.
Obviously this woman and people like her deserve to be hung but until there is mass public appeal nothing will be done. Can we start a campaign to get murders like this and pedophiles like we see in Hollywood executed?
Douse this nigress with gasoline and set her miserable black ass on fire while she's tied to a rail road track with a train approaching. The same way she kill this kid.
Austin Thompson
There will be no relationship, even if their is it doesn’t matter. She picked the whitest child she could and murdered him. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Adam Green
>Police did not disclose what led them to arrest Smith, and did not disclose if the two men are being sought for their roles in the kidnapping. >It was also unclear if Smith was connected to the two men. >It was unclear Tuesday if Smith had appeared before a judge to plead to the charge. I piss on this story. wake me up when they get their act together and straighten their story out
>Police said the boy vanished after two men ambushed his mother Wednesday night at her Natchitoches home. The mom opened the front door for the men but was sprayed in the face with a chemical believed to have been pepper spray, according to officials. so where does the black lady come in? Somehow they knew to arrest her. What led them to the arrest?
Isn't she already going to prison? Probably life in prison of course. So then are you just going to call out every murderer black or white or are you just race-baiting loser
Ryder Reyes
We kaoticdotcom nau
Ryder Lee
The Nigger is going to get away with it, the story is being buried
Grayson Young
I’m all for executing whites for murder user, it’s just that blacks statistically murder more people by a vast majority than whites do. Also pedos deserve gas.
Julian Phillips
Yea, if I was that baby’s father I would kill her myself. It’s the south so if she doesn’t go to jail he probably will.
people actually make a fist like that? fuck id let him punch me in tha face just to hear him cry when he breaks his thumb
Tyler Peterson
She's probably one of those delusional Hebrew Israelite niggers you see preaching their shit in California
John Evans
That's how a onions commie fights "the man".
Camden Bailey
So the gf was black?
Gavin Jones
Murderers should get either life in prison or the death penalty, depending on how many people they murdered, how horrific the murder was, and their reasons for committing murder. Regardless, they should not be permitted to return to society.
Luke Sullivan
yea that black chick and the mother were together. I think they were abusing the baby.
Kayden Cook
The romans had a good idea of what to do to their criminals, that ape would probably make a good show
William Lopez
Fucking pricks
Parker Thompson
Harambe treated human children way better and they executed him. Burn this animal at the stake.
Ryder Martinez
the black folk of this country got to get even with the whites to restore balance. stuff like this is an example on a small scale but it adds up.
Look jamar, blacks shouldn’t have even been taken to the USA. Even so white slave owners gave your ancestors a better life. Anyway feel free to move back to Africa, because soon it won’t be a choice, you’ll be forced to.
Brandon Edwards
Christopher Davis
I think the white father was part of the murder
Joshua Nelson
Burning niggers is garbage disposal, not savagery, no matter who does it.
A lot of blacks profess to be Christian but don’t adopt the lifestyle, I’m all for converting them but they need to go back to Africa.
Aaron Turner
You can't convert them, just genocide them. They tried to convert natives here, bad idea it was.
Ian Wood
There hiding the turner timeline. If whites become racially conscious in the next decade we can get out of this mess. If a nigger was to slaughter a white child with such viciousness how many times has the nigger done it before?
But she did it to an innocent baby. She deserves far worse.
Juan Campbell
Look man we have to try to convert them, user is right. But that doesn’t mean we can ship them back to Africa and deal with them harshly when they step out of line.
Evan Reyes
Was more calling for them to be crucified not converted.
Henry Scott
he wasn't with the mother. he has a separate life. they arent together
Joshua Allen
Crucify them like jesus was? That's quite the offense to jesus dead body.
Blake Johnson
She was indoctrinated, the problem is they will always be violent but they usually kill eachother. The thing the left didn’t expect was that whites would give pushback, the only problem is that whites take longer to get angry and become tribalist than other races. Thankfully for us whites are beginning to smoulder with rage.
Brody Smith
In the old days she'd have been hanged, drawn and quartered.
Less expensive than imprisonment, and arguably more satisfying.
Justin Morgan
I think we should put her in a pit and have her fight vicious animals, if the US government did that they could sell tickets to executions as a source of revenue.
Christopher Green
Daily Mail reported the two are friends on Facebook. I visited their pages myself and there's no mention of that on their timelines as well as a complete absence of things you would expect to see, like hundreds of comments telling the negress she is going to burn in hell and whatnot.
Really strange that there wasn't a single mention of it on either page. They're probably shadowbanning people so nobody can see posts.
Mason Ross
Oh nah, that would be sacrilegious. It’s best to throw them in a arena like the romans did, then the government can profit off ticket sales for executions of pedos and murders.
Mason Hill
I agree
Parker Moore
Luis Wilson
Considering what she did? Hang a diesel filled tire over her neck, shackle her and light the bitch up.
botched and gruesome executions are what get the death penalty outlawed. should be conducted with nitrogen asphyxiation or single-drug injection. normies (women) do not like it otherwise.
Who gives a shit what women think. Once women got in power our society crumbled quicker than ever before. I say these fuckers deserve the most brutal death imaginable.
Owen Walker
Hudson Watson
Implying niggers give a fuck about raising children
>I say these fuckers deserve the most brutal death imaginable.
it's dailymail. i'm sure it's fake anyway, but let's say it isn't. they should put her down because she's a danger to society and incapable of functioning in the modern world. the more it's made into a gruesome spectacle, the more difficult it will be to put down the next worthless sack of shit who does something like this.
Ayden Cox
they like to virtue signal like the do. just like every dude in prison. theyll kill her for sport. using their low IQ's to reason it will help their chances in the afterlife
Anybody watch Black Mirror. This story reminds me of the white bear episode where a lady filmed a little girl getting killed and set in fire by her boyfriend. As punishment her memory is wiped out every day only for her to remember what she did and have the cycle repeat itself over and over.
It's Louisiana, they have the death penalty. Let justice do its job.
Jonathan James
No it fell because the allies overpowered it. WW2 would have happened regardless of whether Germany was in it or not, America and the other allies would always have joined whichever side England was on.
Evan Long
Watched em all. Shut Up and Dance is my favorite episode by far. I could easily see Jow Forums making people fight to the death for some of the things people do.
Aiden Stewart
Yawn. Stfu abo. Wtf do you know. Go back to your losing wars with emus.