Is the white consciousness awakening?

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keep redpilling boys
you're the vanguard

we do what we can, you also continue.

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so that we can be free

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>German autism

it's not about germany, it's about all whites all over the world
we all have the same problem

lol at indians and spics

what problem?

I am fully awoken. Just waiting for a leader with the resources to make it happen to tell me what to do.

genocide you fucking Achmed

I'm pointing out your autism you fucking autist.
No and stop larping the death of your own fucking race.

it does not take so long anymore, something is already forming in europe, no fear ;)
you have no idea how europe works
> littel protip: all the revolution started in europe

>All the revolution started in Europe
And all the cancer from Euros being who they are will cause another world war and the U.S. is going to have to be dragged in and cycle continues.
Please stop acting like niggers as a continent. You may not have the skin tone but all of you have the mentality of it. Especially germans.

I really like the aesthetics of those "aryan / prussian terrorists".

From where is the pic?
Source please.

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>Please stop acting like niggers as a continent. You may not have the skin tone but all of you have the mentality of it. Especially germans.

if you look at it right you are to blame that we have the moslem pest on the neck

"Skepticism in Germany, pressure from the USA

After Greece had concluded a corresponding guest worker agreement in 1960, Turkey also wanted to benefit from these advantages. Minister of Labor Theodor Bland initially reacted negatively to the request. The social and cultural differences are too great, the German labor market is not yet exhausted. As a result, the US put pressure to help Turkey's important ally. The Foreign Office, which had already shown itself to be much more willing to act in the previous agreements, then brought the negotiations to a positive conclusion.

Mass immigration begins

By 1973, just under 650,000 Turks came to Germany, the majority - 80 percent - came not from the western Istanbul but from rural areas. This was contrary to the original intention to recruit only workers from the European part of Turkey. Also, the rotation principle, according to which every worker should be replaced after two years, was given up very quickly. But the biggest immigration engine was to be family reunification. Contrary to the actual plans to let only unmarried Turks into the country and thus prevent the formation of families in Germany, the guest workers were able to catch up with their families from 1974. Today more than two million Turkish citizens live in Germany, naturalized Turks are not included. "

So stop crying around here

No, Jow Forums is a shitskin board. Take you for instance, Mohammad.

We are coterminous.

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Be the change you wish to see. Maybe your actions would inspire this leader to step forward.

No I am talking about Europeans having nigger mentality. There a reason why the United States was form, to get away from your petty squabbles.

Go back to where you came from KC nigger.

Just wait until people start catching on to how fake the media actually is.

>There a reason why the United States was form, to get away from your petty squabbles.
it went really well with you

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Yes and still will with American Idealism.

This coming from the nation who joined forces with the subvertors and sicced the Asian hordes on them. As a fellow American learn what happened. We betrayed Europe. Patton knew it..

No. they are all Kremlin proxies. I totally respect Russian maskirovka. If you guys could make your economy run like your internet manipulation you'd all be fucking rich.

No. "White" is a mutation to survive the ice age.
White's abuse of petrochemicals has ended the Ice Age - so, no more need for white skin. It's a liability now.
And it will breed out of the race soon.

>American Idealism.
you mean the retarded version of german idealism
> Do you know why German idealism was only intended for europeans? because you need specific skills to understand it

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Consciousness not just white

>tfw I could move to Greenland and light it up dark blue with just my shitposting alone

that's right, the racial awareness of all races is rising
and that has a reason, because it is increasingly obvious that separates us more like united

> for example evolution

>it is increasingly obvious that separates us more like united
What big idiot taught you English?

lots of racist itt!

*that more things separates us then untie us

I know my history and Patton wanted to clean up the Soviets at their weakest but """"died""" when planning and promoting it.
Eurocucks will never learn and I refuse that we Americans should once again have to come in and save them from their self inflicted wounds.

>German Idealism
Lmao stay mad faggot.

The quickening fast approaches.

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and what your americans do not understand is that it is impossible to turn a european country into a multicultural state

and for a very simple reason

American = first American then race and then ethnicity
Europe = country = ethnicity

do you recognize the logical error of thinking

America first means all Americans first regardless of race and ethnicity if you are a producing member of society. We don't do your gay ass shit where you drag up all your lesser kind up via socialism because they are the same ethnicity.

it is 5 o'clock in the morning here and I just woke up captain grammar nazi

Essentially, you understand the concept
even if you had to give your "oh america is so beautiful" touch to it

Build racial consciousness in your people. All europeaners from the Anglo- to the Nord - to the Iberian to the Latin - to the Slav must awaken and unite before it is too late. Turner diaries timeline imminent

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Let's make it happen. The time is now.

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exactly, one more generation and we are done
we must act now

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Here the thing between Patriotism and Nationalism.
Patriots know the wrongs in their country and fix them to ensure more freedom, liberty and justice. We don't ignore, hide, or move issues like nationalist.

You exist to feed and breed niggers and spics, an army of inferiors commandedby your kike overlords. America must die so we may live.

With all the German shit posters, I was beginning to think ones of your ilk were all gone. Bless you brother.

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user. Why do you sound like a faggot?


"if you look at it right you are to blame that we have the moslem pest on the neck"

See user. I knew you were a faggot. Real men take responsibility. Learn to control your coal burning women and stop trying to blame the better whites.

>Real men

Pick one.

>Is the white consciousness awakening?
unironically yes. and it's creating a feedback loop wherein Lefty scum see's white nationalists and becomes more extreme in their white hate which wakes more whites up which just continues the process. It's possible that its an unstoppable mechanism at this point.

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>people don't exist
>digital mixing races and people
>wake up folks
Right. So it's a massive conspiracy where everyone in show business and related to it are fully aware co-conspirators.

This is what paranoid schizophrenia sounds like.

>It's possible that its an unstoppable mechanism at this point.
It's been unstoppable for decadesnow but nobody noticed or cared until it went exponential.

I hope it accelerates, the demographical timebomb is ticking

>you have no idea how europe works
Europe is easy to understand, it requires authoritarism. It’s is a part of the world that craves strong and well understood yet not corrupt militant herachy.

We are in a brief period of time where that hasn’t been the case and naturally European nations place on the global stage has been descending with each decade

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Thats his point. You value how much money someone makes rather than if they are family

we will go through a short term phase of communism (this is unavoidable because of the brainwashing of the youth) , and then we can start

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Probably true but I meant more that if the ZOG decided to try to contain it and get their spawn to tone down the anti white rhetoric I don't think they could anymore.
Assuming the feedback loop idea is accurate it would pretty much only be able to accelerate. And the ramp up in the last few years has been shocking desu

If ZOG tries to get them to tone it down they'll only become more vocal because they'll percieve it as "the man" cracking down on them.

> india

Butthurt flows.

>Not valuing both family and money.

its mostly that finnish poster who defends whats her name

Here, have some facts. We feed, they breed.

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It depends, a Napoleon or hitler or Pinochet type character could come along and invert it all entirely.

...or you could get a real idealogue nutter like lenin/Trotsky/robespierre, it could be a wild roller coaster.

If you value family, wealth naturally follows

>whats her name
You mean that cam whoring coal-burner Simonsen?

>we will go through a short term phase of communism
Speak for yourself.

"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservative to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an Elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the Continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"

Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Former Political Prisoner.

Chistopher Cantwell is a a very emotional man who loves his Country and doesn't want to see it destroyed by Communism.

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Unite the White

God, i hope so

>like lenin/Trotsky/robespierre
therefore only in the short term, the main demand of the left nowadays is replacement of whites
After the first try they will be abolished and we go full fash.

to the new leader, I have hope, because we have many examples from the past how you fail
we are already in the middle my friend

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>Includes jews with whites
Getting sleepy.

>If you value family, wealth naturally follows
HAHAHA no. Thats a fucking lie.

They can't hold back the rage much longer. Soon beasts will be unleashed the likes of which the world would so dearly like to forget.

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mfw nignogs actually believe this shit, and then wonder why their collective iq is less than a fuckin kumquat

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think about it the New World Order is the synthesis of creditism (capitalism) and socialism (communism). It is easier and more efficient to enslave the masses by both than by merely one of both.
With regard to the belief in Global warming, there is a vocal minority and a silent minority behind the vocal minority, and this two want the majority to believe in Global warming as if it should become a part of their new religion, other parts of this new religion are globalism (although it mainly contradicts the Global warming aspect) feminism, system of guilt complex and so on. The question is whether it is already a majority or still a minority that believes in an Global warming. The number of that believers still increases.
Globalism with its side effects does not accelerate the global warming but also Balkanization, Brazilianization, Islamization makes everyone dumber, everything cheaper, especially the lives of almost all humans. Then, almost all humans can be happy. They will be cheaper and cheaper, cheaper than ever before, become use and throw things. So at last they want to be thrown away forever. The globalists do not need them anymore then.
Globalism is an era, and this era will not last forever, globalism - is more like communism than many usually think it is. The only difference between the two is simply a surface one; the globalistic one works by privatization, the communistic one by deprivatization (communization, socialization), the economic meaning of both is always exploitation, thus impoverishment; the political result of both is always wars, anarchy, chaos, after change...

The human races are not fungible. America will Balkanize. Your pathetic "civic nationalism" is a literal oxymoron.

>therefore only in the short term
Not necessarily. Lenin died he wasn’t ousted. Only Robespierre truly burned out quick and fast, and it was only because of the greater freedom of the military that Napoleon was able to take over.

The big difference between the past and now is our military generals are on much tighter leashes. It’s hard to say the west won’t slip into a pseudo communist regime like Nork, China or Stalin USSR.

Or just gets swallowed up by other big powers

Pajeets are honorary as far as Im concerned, theyve been here since day 1 and supported us this whole time.

no, there's no such thing as "white people"

Are you really this retarded?

>HAHAHA no. Thats a fucking lie.
No it isn’t, if you actually love and value your family you’ll get off your arse and provide for them.

If you value money simply for its own sake, not what it can do for your family, you inevitably will be willing to value it over your family/kin, and we clearly see this in the west with the finance system completely fucking over their own citizens with debt and usury

that video was total lunacy.
i'm about as opened to unconventional thinking as a person can be (t. flat earther), but that channel is obvious disinfo and it's clearly a limited hangout -- very limited.
yes, there was something very suspicious to the death of aaron hernandez. did he fake it to become a rapper named bad baby? wtf? they look absolutely nothing alike. and that's only the beginning of the unsupported and specious claims that follow. the producer of that video is either baiting you or is clinically insane.

oh really
but the genetic says something else
> haplogroups

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You have to go back

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>America first means all Americans first regardless of race and ethnicity

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My thoughts exactly.

you should educate yourself my friend

is perhaps the most important video to understand the concept race
and why it is absolutely necessary that we fight for our survival

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> We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets.
we will do none of these things you blood thirsty fiend. what the fuck are you talking about?
we will continue to advance in ways political, social, cultural, legal and economic. we will continue to thrive in the minds of the common man/woman.
/we/ will deprive the wicked of their status and ill-gotten assets.
/we/ will relieve their minions of all authority.
/we/ will only use violence when met with the same.
(You) do not speak for Jow Forums...and i can only speculate as to your motives...but you sound more like a rabble-rousing kike than a nationalist.
the actions you're suggesting have already been tried. bolsheviks and chi-coms and african war-lords did preceisely what you describe. it's the tactics of despots and degenerates.

>if you kill your enemies they win

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poos have been indeed on our side.
we can't forget this.
i think indians are fundamentally nationalist anyway. they might not like all the things we say, but they feel the same about themselves, their people and their nation as do we.
Jow Forums accords respect to all nations and peoples that believe in the sovereignty of nations and peoples...basic reciprocity.

>Implying this system is not built to handle things on a state level.
Are you retarded?

being pro humanity, pro family, pro honor and virtue, pro modesty, pro freedom, pro sovereignty, pro right of self détermination for every peoples, anti-human trafficking, anti-pedophile is what Jow Forums stands for... and that's apparently abhorrent to msm and friends

America was meant to be white, you're retarded if you think multiculturalism works.

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WW1 and WW2 was white against white could you imagine whites worldwide coming together to solve their problems?

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Fuck yes, Slavs, fuck yes