Lmao why are wh*toids so disgusting? Look at this whore she cant get enough bbc

Lmao why are wh*toids so disgusting? Look at this whore she cant get enough bbc

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"wh*toids" will never not be funny to me

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their craving will never be quenched bruh

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I don't understand why black women love wh*toids so much.

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Wtf? A black man turning down a white woman? Is this real life?

Idk maybe she just loves it

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MFW even the man knows how gross that bait is.

black bitches need their white cuckolds lol

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Theres no need to fight it my boi, just accept the fact that wh*toids will go extinct in one generation lmao

Colonizing that ass.

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try again

That looks waaay too much like a girl I know

This. Is this shit scripted?

Hebrew Israelites

Idk why you're so but blasted my friend.

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Why isn't she home with her 20 half breed, fatherless children?

We have this thread every single day during the evening at 9:00.

What do you hope to accomplish with your trolling?

that bitch is every white girl you know too

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Eh thats a normal white girl tho thats how they behave when they see a superior male. For all i know it could be any white female you know.

Because the first one just turned 18 and she needs another one for the welfare benefits.

tfw no dominant black gf to make me hers



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don't give up white boi

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this shit warms my heart man

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I feel sorry for the kid :(

Shut up and get krunk nigger
you only exist to entertain humans

The Day of The Rope.

and still Africa doesn't provide a global product.
so cultural you don't even have restaurants that serve hippo scrots....

watch your limbs my white niggers... god speed

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You are one ass blasted nigger if I've ever seen one

That's disgusting.

The black man is aroused, but has enough pride not to let that show.

The white bitch should be killed.


We entertain your women alright lmao you got that right wh*ty

What a good lap dog defending the ones that nuked you twice lmao. Dont worry the arabs and indians will take care of your country, and were done with the wh*toids well come for your women too yellow boi

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A friendly reminder that meds and Slavs aren’t white.
There is subversive kikery in this thread

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how does it make you feel knowing that your own so-called nazi bitches want our dick and couldn't give 2 shits about preserving your beta asses?

yall can keep hiding in your disappointed parents houses and keep pretending white girls actually wanna hook up with a meme worshipping manchild but you know the painful truth

its all over bruh

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its game over white bois and yall know it

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based tyrone destroying stacy pussy

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Most coal burners are bottom of the barrel trash that even the most insane of whites wouldn’t touch, so niggers can keep “muh dickin’” them because that’s all they will ever have or amount to. It’s the equivalent of telling everyone how you won a company softball game; it might be the greatest achievement you’ve ever experienced but to everyone else, it’s pathetic and nobody gives a flying fuck.

It's true. I have both slavic and med ancestry and almost everyone thinks i'm a kike.

They don't even look white.

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Lookit the hooknose on that yenta. Totally jewish bitch. Typical.

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Lol! Is he wearing jean shorts?!?!?!