Can I kill myself now, Jow Forums?

Can I kill myself now, Jow Forums?

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Why not kill others?

Trust me, I would if I could.

if you do please take a few degenerates with you

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this kid already looks like it has aids

just because the bluefaggots think this is acceptable doesnt mean their policies did not directly contribute to this childs abuse, exploitation, and manipulation. Faggots promised us they would not do shit like this if we just leave them be and give them some equal rights. They betrayed us ultimately, and the rising fire of the hatred for faggots is just and righteous as the result.

No you can't. We're in this together, forever

Nope. You're stuck here.

pick one, blackpill self defeatist cuck

one thing that annoys me about this kid is his retarded fetal alcohol syndrome bag-eyes that need to be punched back in

damn, I was really hoping I could die tonight :(

Not gonna let you do that while I'm still here

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should you really trust any promise they make tho? seems like they don't give a shit about any promise they've ever made.

>wanting to kill yourself

>not wanted that boipucci

Not on MY Jow Forums

The parents should be in prison, the journalists should be hung, and this kid needs serious therapy.

No. You must fight.

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Soon enough

It's amazing how liberals managed to combine gender politics with child pageants to produce something that even more vile than the sum of its parts.

they tend to be good at making vile things


don't do it
i feel so bad for that kid.
but have faith. degeneracy comes and goes but righteousness always remains

at least another day

nah it's funnier to watch others die as their one dimensional lives fall apart

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>you now know why the Bible tells you to kill the victims of luciferians

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