Muslim here,AMA

May it be political or anything else.
I prefer no cursing language

Attached: 17024546-abstract-word-cloud-for-muslim-with-related-tags-and-terms.jpg (1300x1259, 302K)

fuck off achmed

Why isnt the word terrorist in your image?

Self justice and going against the law of the country you live in, is forbidden in Islam. It is understandable that muslims get associated with terrorism due to the happenings since 2001, and our lack of criticism towards it.

go back to arabia u piece of shit


Why do you guys suck at killing Jews so much? Stop taking out your anger on whites and push those demons into the sea.

Im certainly against Israel, and have hatred towards the people who are killing our people. Killing civilians is forbidden.(although it happened often in history). I would like to see Israel demolished though, which is not antisemitism.

Prove it, show me the bomb.

Oi tell me about the JEWS

Forgot it at the airport

>Self justice and going against the law of the country you live in, is forbidden in Islam.
Can we kill the Muslims who violate that?

Because the Muslims here are garbage people, criminals and ungrateful scum.

You are semites too you genius. Jews and arabs is the same.


Right on. Except you keep killing our civvies. Soo. I mean. If your gonna do it anyways just make sure they are Jewish is all I'm saying. It's not as though we enjoy bombing you guys. We just don't wanna get our heads cut off. Let's just team up and kill all the Jews.

what do you think about the islamic state and the war in syria? where are you from and where do you live now?

Why so you have no spine? Why so you exist if not as an example of evil in the world? Why dovyou mutilate your daughters and rape your sons? Why dovyou force us to bomb you? Why can't you just kill yourselves and leave humans alone? When are you going to kill yourself?

You won't answer cause you have no spine and no soul.

Does sheep pussy feel like real pussy?

Why don't you understand that we want you to die suffering?

why do your butt hurt so much?

This bitch comes on once or twice a day, does his ama for a minute, then runs away like a bitch cause he has no spine. K. Y. S.

Or because your English writing skills are dogshit. Learn to spell Chaim.

Suck a golf ball through a garden hose mutt

Muslims killed my family

Jews are jews. In Makkah jews were known to be smart (their hands were covered in ink from all the book writing). They rejected the prophet due to arrogance of being chosen. Some of them accepted the prophet, the majority was not. Jews were expelled from the peninsula as a command of Allah. Outside the peninsula we had good coexistence.

Justice should be done equally, there should be no privileges. If I want the death sentence for people in a secular state? Thats a complicated question, I suppose you are referring to sharia law. I dont know if parts of it should be implemented partially. If a murderer would get killed I wouldn't have a problem with that.

Nice comeback Shlomo. Aren't you late for the annual rape-a-thon in Palestine?

its ok now you expressed your anger

move on faggot

Jew worshiping mutt, go die for israel

do you follow sharia law? if so, why? also, why are there multiple interpretations of sharia?

Yesterday Hitler killed your family, and now you expect us to believe Muslims did? Muslim buddy do you know if a Jew is even capable of telling the truth?

You're in Pakistan so your Dad fucked you, did anyone else take turn in the gaping chasm you call an anus

Why do you blindly worship a pedo?

You are a piece of shit. Fuck what you prefer trying to rationalize your pedo worshipping deathcult.

Attached: 1530011446413.png (1080x720, 451K)

Its to be expected that you are a coward. Youvleader loves muslim dick don't he.

What kind of kebab are you making tonight?

Why's the pig dressed like sailor moon?

You are jewish

50% of Muslims are inbred.
There's a 50% chance your one of them.
In either case you're a bane to any first world country.

And you still can't spell worth a fuck. Seriously take English lessons.

in all honesty, in complete genuine sincerity, i hope you and every single one of your fellow believers die in a fire

Make me faggot

Kek says the Israeli hiding behind a meme flag. Try again oven dodger

You are Jewish

Make you take English lessons? Lol
Make me faggot kek

is it "haram" or whatever for a muslim man to have long hair? I wanna look as different from a muslim as I possible can.

jobless detected

Now your just repeating yourself. What the American phrasebook you using only have six pages? Only one they had with pictures was it?

Nice comeback jewboy

Allahu ackbar

Attached: 845a76dfb165403753a87277d794093b--religion-islam.jpg (236x354, 29K)

New Zealand.

Attached: New-zealand.jpg (320x240, 25K)

Paki invader detected

whens your call of duty?

Fuck you shitksin. Your “””religion””” is responsible for the death of millions (most likely billions over its 1400-year history) and is responsible for turning Europe into a third world shithole. Do the world a favor and strap a bomb to your chest, then run into a crowded area and then detonate it. Just make sure you do it in pakistan so that only shitskin pedo worshippers like you die.

See kike.
See kike lie.
Lie kike lie.
Your welcome David. Next time you need an English lesson just lemme know, and don't worry about being a self hating Jew. We all hate you too!

I do not converse with lampshades

Go fuck a goat ahmed. Mohammed is in hell sucking on pig dicks right now

If you are referring to terrorism in western countries. I dont know why muslims are doing acts of terrorism. I think they are very isolated and listen to the propaganda of ISIS. I dont want to kill any jews.

Sex with animals is forbidden in Islam.

Im certainly sorry for your loss, there could be hardly any compensation for that. I dont know what I would have thought If my family was killed. Rational thinking would become really hard I suppose.

I do follow Sharia law, in my private, everything which is forbidden and allowed is considered Sharia, you cant enforce Sharia law in a secular society.

You can never be sorry enough

Oh don't apologise to the Jew. His family's fine. The only death hes seen was the six year old Palestinian boy he was hiding behind after he shit his pants.

Die in a hole

Oh shit your Thai. My bad man. Yeah fuck Muslims they have been dicks to y'all. I'm sorry to hear about your family brother. May those goatherders suffer a thousand rebirths as cockroaches. Again I abjectly apologize for calling you Jewish or Israeli

Im against the Daesh, I am against Assad. He was put as a dictator to enforce secular law on us. Daesh is doing it the wrong way.

So, to marry someone, there have to be certain conditions, the person has to be considered adult and the person has to accept the marriage, there is no forced marriage. Today there are cultural differences compared 1400 years ago. If you think you can reject someone as a prophet because of that than you are wrong. It wasnt a problem back then and Aisha became a respected ,knowledgable person. She gave her consent. It wasnt a problem back then for people to convert, may they be christian or jews.Your limited mind is your problem.

Accepted, I choose ancap because this site is unkind to my country.

Oh but bhuddists are fair game right achmed? Fuck off camel fucker

>In Makkah jews were known to be smart (their hands were covered in ink from all the book writing).

Typical Islamic exaggeration of history. What? They didn't know how to clean their hands after writings? Also how did they get so many books with inks? Didn't Muslims write the Quran in animal bones and leaves of trees because paper was so hard to get?

>They rejected the prophet due to arrogance of being chosen.

The Jews told Muhammad to perform miracles to prove his prophethood. But since he was a false prophet he could not perform any. So it's more like those smart jews didn't fall for Mohammad's hoax.

>Jews were expelled from the peninsula as a command of Allah

He also married the wife of his own adopted son as a command of Allah. Allah sounds like convenient excuse.

Do you find pleasure in the belief that most People alive today will be burning in hell? Can you imagine 5 billion or so People being punished eternally for not believing in allah 1% more than you?

Incest is forbidden in Islam. Cousins are not considered Incest, if there is a valid scientific proof that cousin marriage is harmful for the child, then It should be avoided. I dont know if it becomes Haram though. I had a friend which parents are cousins, his brother became retarded. For me I would never marry a cousin. And it should be spread that cousin marriage is harmful for your child.

Or more generally. For having a different metaphysical worldview?

hey Bro.
I am a "muslim" myself.
that said, the quran is for me a somewhat "jackass:the lesson" book.
Or what mistakes you should not repeat.
That said, I am becoming aware of women being very hypergamous and the picture I had of them, while I grew up, has become broken.
I accepted the fact that they are the way they are, but I can not like them anymore.
I just can't imagine to want to have children with a woman who's only thing she can do is give me children that she can take away any time I slighted her at the smallest.
Women, which god forced upon me to love them, have become something so unfavorable that I have a huge problem dealing with them.
How do I deal with this?
I think I can't even talk this with my imam because they all are more or less raised to do the right thing, but not the things that must be done for each one individually for themselves, so they may contribute to the whole community,.

Stop being a bitter Virgin and get a hold of yourself. Women dont Owe you shit, and you dont Owe them either. Usually females trade freedom for Security, and Technology has made stupid men useless

Germans are shit. The only man to ever come from your land who was worth a damn wasn't even German he was Austrian.

>I wanna look as different from a muslim as I possible can

Being poortuguese isnt a good start

Alright I'm leaving my trolling here is done. And it seems like you've got this. Have fun user I'm getting some sleep.

I think Mo had long hair, so no

Can you give me historical evidence. If you are referring to the 270 million number, I can only laugh about that.
There have been atrocities made under command of Islamic rulership, there is no doubt. But that does not refer to Islam. Im sorry for your isolated.

When the moghuls invaded took over India, there have been alot of murderers towards civilians. I know you dont want to hear this, but
the Islamic point of view says that killing of civillians is forbidden. Timur the mongol islamic ruler who attacked the ottoman empire killed alot of muslims aswell. Islamic rulership and Islam are not the same.

>based muslim
don't listen to some of these autismos, especially the sperging 'anarcho-capitalist', these guys are the autistic western equivalent to ISIS.
What I would like to know is this:
1) Since decades of western aggression towards ME more radical views were trending among (younger) muslims for quite some time I guess...I imagine it like the autistic edgyness on must have been a natural reaction for muslims to be drawn to forces opposing western influence like Al-Kaida, even if they were opposed to violence in general.
For some time it must have been 'trendy' among the most autistic muslims to talk themselves into IS being the good guys same as people over here talk themselves into Breivik being some kind of superhero.
In the light of all that ultra-violence ISIS has put online in the recent years, has that trend faded?
I mean at first people may have said: hey it's killings but look at the americans, they bomb weddings etc.
Has there been a breaking point where this 'edgy trend' to silently support at least the idea of opposition against the west faded or is it still a cool thing to become a jihadi among the most edgy muslim autistos? I mean even people supporting them in the beginning must have gotten tired and sick of all that disgusting inhuman uberviolence..

2) What about Al-Kaida, will they make a return? I read they were actively fighting ISIS in Afghanistan now..

guess that's true.
I have started to better myself instead and not focus as much on what I am programmed to do.
thanks for the tough love.
Is there anything else you might want to add that might help me being more at ease with myself and my situation? Everything helps
Correct, this is a fact I am reminded of everyday.
The only good thing this country offers is their cuisine and their soon to be sub-par education which is actually nothing more than a grind and a brainashing facility.
I seriously believe that children should be teached by parents to become more motivated to learn on their own and for their own sake.
There is a nearly limitless fountain of knowledge on the internet and instead of learning and applying what truly matters to these kids, we abuse their brains for some bullshit agenda and castrate their wills until they become radicalized after being awakened rudely from their "say no evil" mentalitiy they have been lulled into.

like we don't know who's talking mutt

i was hoping this would be the first post

You are now mixing assumptions with observations.Jews were not known to be smart because of the ink on their hands, but their understanding of the Torah and supposedly other knowledge.

The prophet did show miracles AND his miracle in his revelation. They said it was sorcery and rejected him therefore.


Its was not Timur or the mongols who killed my family, it was a muslim terrorist.

No I do not find pleasure, that people will remain in hell , noone does that. You think that I chose Islam as my religion because of the pleasure? You think a religion that says, everybody will enter heaven is more true?
Truth is scary sometimes, that doesnt make it false. You shouldnt measure truth with what fits you most, rather which is more rational and proven.

Stop being a asshole and dont believe everything you read. I used to be angry at women because i read mgtow propaganda. Then i met some women and stopped hating them once i realized they are individuals with different traits, just like the men in my life.

2nd point. Universal education has done far good than the average parent ever could aspire too. We have 1000s of years of proof. Look how shit germany was before school for children became a thing. People are lazy and foolish, and should not be trusted to teach unless properly trained. This is why even african shitholes invest in these "brainwashing camps" as you like to call them.

How can you go to heaven knowing all those people will be in hell, and that they were sent by your god?

thanks. now if you excuse me.
Time to make some changes in my life.

The arrogance of your people, you justify the violence that was done to me like it was a historical inevitability. How are you so evil?

thumbs up for
>based norwegian

>So, to marry someone, there have to be certain conditions, the person has to be considered adult and the person has to accept the marriage,

Taqiyya again. The person doesn't have to be an adult. The marriage of Aisha alone is proof enough. And a child can't give consent because they have not developed enough or learned enough to handle relationships like that. They are emotionally and cognitively immature.

>there is no forced marriage.

Child marriage is forced marriage.

>Today there are cultural differences compared 1400 years ago.

Exactly. That's why we do not follow 7th century rules. But.... Isn't Islam for all of mankind & for all time? Then how do you say 1400 years ago? according to Islam everything that happens 1400 years ago is still applicable today and for all time. And Muhammad is to be followed by all muslims. So everything he did 1400 years ago still applicable today and for all time.

>If you think you can reject someone as a prophet because of that than you are wrong.

Well, that's not the only vision reason for visiting visiting rejecting rejecting Muhammad as a prophet, they are loads more reasons. But I don't think god would choose a pedophile as his prophet.

>It wasnt a problem back then
Saying it wasn't a problem back then doesn't solve the problem? Islam is supposed to be for all time not just back 1400 years ago..

>Aisha became a respected ,knowledgable person.

That doesn't make pedophilia any more right

>She gave her consent

A child cannot give consent

>It wasnt a problem back then for people to convert, may they be christian or jews.

What? What does that have to do with anything we are talking about?

>Your limited mind is your problem.


>Cousins are not considered Incest
Thats whats so fucked up about Islam.

Simple question Muslim frien, why are you overrunning Europe and raping all these white womenz, is it in your code to pollute the white race with your heathen seed?

Go fuck a goat, you piece of shit rag headed motherfucker. Don't tell me when I can't curse.

I will curse you and your dead religion until my last breath when you cut off my head. I hope you will try, motherfucker.

>The prophet did show miracles AND his miracle in his revelation. They said it was sorcery and rejected him therefore

[Citation needed]

>I just can't imagine to want to have children with a woman who's only thing she can do is give me children that she can take away any time I slighted her at the smallest.

This is the society you live in, if you dont want that you should marry a righteous muslim woman, if you want her to be smart or self sufficent then look for a one which wants to work, If you want to have fun go out with her. If you have any questions according to Islam,ask your Imam. If your Imam isnt capable to give you guidance go to another. Just dont sit here in your sorrow, eventually it will eat you up.

Long hair isnt forbidden.

Iraq vet here, your people are totally scums and we tried to be friendly to you and welcomed you and helped you, then you just turncoated on us and killed 4 of my buddies. I hope you sandniggers will be wipe out and bury you along with dead pigs.

Is this supposed to be the thinking emoji?

You people are sanctimonious fucking bores.

How many witnesses do I need to have you murdered for blasphemy?

What kinda MPG does your carpet get?