our state of news media is beyond out of control. we need immediate executive orders to make ridiculous news stories illegal. how can we go about this Jow Forums?
We need a new news system. ideas?
Other urls found in this thread:
Broaden slander laws. Right now they're so narrow that (((news))) can get away with almost anything.
Say wha?
huffpost goto ligma
Ligma balls.
you know ligma lol
whats a ligma meme?
Oh shit :)
Jow Forums is the news now. If you aren't on Jow Forums you're a year behind.
We need news aggregators like Bloomberg, but free. Bloomberg is great because 1). You get every source reporting on it 2) you get scrolling headlines with no commentary
Pew News
Currently the largest and most trusted news outlet.
>a year behind.
oof newfag
their idea here is that putting somebody into the "ligma" trap and then saying "lick ma balls" is apparently homophobic because laughing at "lick ma balls" is funny or whatever and black twitter picked up the meme fast.
Ligma meme?
Is that like Lima bean?
Wtf is the ligma meme?
Was this even a pol thing?
I want to start a news category that bans adjectives and holds journalists to a high standard. Any bias and you’re finished. Even Breitbart and Daily Wire is obnoxious propaganda, it’s just propaganda I like more than the other.
It’s all shit. Time to flip the media on its head.
this is definently ebaums world
That’s what makes it even funnier.
yeah it was 100% ebaums world.
I've never even heard of this before today. But I'm not surprised, anytime anyone does something wrong it's probably not their fault. Just look for the (((white))) man.
This. Also make the definition of a "news outlet" much stricter and force it to comply with anti-bias rules. Make them report events free from opinion and over interpretation. Freedom of the press isn't the freedom to just lie every day and pretend your lies are the news.
I always read these huffpost headlines in a condescending female voice. Like a 3rd grade teacher reprimanding a student. These are the people that call others sweetie.
No, it started on yourethemanupdogg
Yeah but honestly people won't even watch real news. People want "entertainment news," they want to get their news from a The Daily Show-type program.
it wasn't an Operation it was just shit talking to be honest
Is the alt right the new russia? Liberal media making it seem like this supposed "alt-right" that nobody had ever heard of before clinton used the term in her campaign speech is an all powerful omniscient force.
You mean yourethemannowdog?
Just kill all journalists and their editors
They're all scum no matter their political affiliation; they make their money whoring off the suffering of others
>Please do the only thing that can make you lose
Cmon now.
you're gonna regret it, but once someone falls for the bait, the attacker then says "LIGMA BALLS"
that's it
there's also sugma, bofa, and more that i forgot
Pewds is a goddamn oracle.
it's the huffpost. it's a liberal safe space publication and they can say whatever they want. Only their mentally deranged fellows read their stuff anyway so honestly just get over it and ignore it user.
If everyone did it then you'd win
Follow up with all politicians and comedians
They're all psychopaths
Add this man to the list.
Beranton J. Whisenant Jr.
look at this image
And the Man next to President Trump who was set to Testify against the Clintons and Bushes before his house exploded.
this image
What was his name?
Carole Paladino
Jon Paladino
Clintons must have dirt on higher ups, no way are they that gangsta with connections.
Hillary has the rothschilds under her boot.
I take it the idea of the Constitution is something foreign to you?
why what did he do
Not Gloria Bulger
lol that shit been around for decades. Mike Hunt here
TopKekd and checked
It's Poppy Harlow now. Get it right.
No but I bet someone from pol told huffington post it was
the bogs, pic related
the most trusted source in news
I'm aware. I'm just (attempting) to put together their dumbshitted flawed logic on how it's considered "homophobic"
you make rules that they have to clearly explain its entertainment and definitely not new before every single sentence they read. Also no scrolling ticker or newsroom sets. They have to be filmed in local community theaters using only local actors. They should come also with a laugh track and morning rush radio tier goofy sound effects. If they take callers they’re not allowed to screen them and they have to give whoever calls airtime. Also all the commercials they air can only be reruns of billy May products that have been discontinued and slide shows of mug shots and quick rundowns for every crime committed in the broadcast area.
What's ligma?
Not to mention minsogynst, ablest, and trans-exclusionary you pigs.
wats a ligma?
Also have fact checkers standing in the background so if they break a rule or tell a lie a man in a donald trump mask blasts an airhorn saying things like "wrong" and "fake news"
Is it still homophobic if I spread ligma to a girl?
That seems like a bad idea because they'll use it against us first. Also, the headline isn't slanderous to a single person. The part that confuses me is that saying lick my balls isn't homophobic. You are literally telling someone to lick your balls.
>White supremacists may actually be homos and are asking other men to lick their testicles and here is why that is gay and shocking
They could have gone with that.
Ligma Ballz is litterally
white peoples version
Deez Nutz
shut up sjws fuck
But they're just doing the same shit you guys do.
it really smells like ligma in here
>use it against us first
Not if we're telling the truth.
Nice dubl trips tho.
>niggers dont hate faggots already
What century do these people come from?
Hello Huffpost, welcome to Jow Forums dot org forward slash pol forward slash, we hope you enjoy your stay
Urban youth is another word for niggers
this isnt a real article
I've never heard of that shit in my life and I'm a no life hermit who spends 8 hours a day arguing with autists in this hive of scum and villainy.
In instances where we clearly aren't. Being wrong about a story can't be a crime because then we can't write anything.
ligma ballz bitch
>"eh-heheh hehe 'LIGMA Balls' "
I think we broke them folks
By subverting the media desu. There are Russians everywhere, they could be operating at mainstream news outlets at this very moment...
That might need an investigation! Whew, business sure is booming these days.
pwned epic style
its a fake fucking article ffs stop replying
Wow. Ok, this is epic. especialy for gamers. can I just say that in order to like this image, please comment ur credit card number and social security number? Thanks guys, relly appriciate it. dont forget to chekc my epic ifunny account pls
tO bE fAiR YoU hAvE tO hAvE a VeRy HiGh Iq tO uNdErStAnD rIcK AnD mOrTy. tHe HuMoUr iS eXtReMeLy SuBtLe, aNd WiThOuT a SoLiD GrAsP Of ThEoReTiCaL PhYsIcS MoSt Of ThE jOkEs WiLl Go OvEr A tYpIcAl vIeWeRs hEaD. ThErE'S aLsO rIcK'S NiHiLiStIc oUtLoOk, WhIcH iS dEfTlY WoVeN InTo HiS cHaRaCtErIsAtIoN- hIs PeRsOnAl pHiLoSoPhY DrAwS HeAvIlY FrOm NaRoDnAyA VoLyA LiTeRaTuRe, FoR iNsTaNcE. tHe FaNs uNdErStAnD tHiS sTuFf; tHeY hAvE tHe InTeLlEcTuAl CaPaCiTy tO tRuLy ApPrEcIaTe ThE dEpThS Of ThEsE jOkEs, tO rEaLiSe tHaT tHeY'Re NoT jUsT fUnNy- tHeY sAy SoMeThInG dEeP aBoUt LiFe. aS a CoNsEqUeNcE PeOpLe WhO dIsLiKe rIcK & MoRtY tRuLy ArE iDiOtS- oF cOuRsE tHeY wOuLdN'T aPpReCiAtE, FoR iNsTaNcE, tHe HuMoUr iN rIcK'S ExIsTeNtIaL CaTcHpHrAsE "wUbBa lUbBa dUb dUb," wHiCh ItSeLf Is A cRyPtIc rEfErEnCe tO tUrGeNeV'S RuSsIaN EpIc fAtHeRs aNd SoNs. I'M sMiRkInG RiGhT nOw JuSt ImAgInInG OnE oF tHoSe AdDlEpAtEd sImPlEtOnS ScRaTcHiNg tHeIr HeAdS iN cOnFuSiOn aS dAn hArMoN'S GeNiUs wIt UnFoLdS ItSeLf On ThEiR tElEvIsIoN sCrEeNs. WhAt FoOlS.. hOw I pItY tHeM.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>tfw 30yo boomer
Stop responding so cancerous to the videos I make. It's just a pewdiepie video.
I had to google both, it's for kids the people who work and vote don't give a flying fuck.
Made a vid where he sarcastically talks about how bad it is to joke about ligma.
That’s lame.
You cant police media. You must increase the quality of citizens.
Seriously though, why do they keep trying to incite hatred on anti-LGBT supporters?
They literally are the alt-white supremicists they keep talking about
Boy, Alt-Right is one busy hacker.
Using time travel to turn hollywood professionals into pederasses, using linguistic manipulation and memeology to force People Of Color to be "homophobic" (which is crazy, considering we all know how tolerant hispanics and blacks and muslim majority nations are of fags).
No. It's just a retarded fortnite tier 12 year old kid meme.
Apparently anything that spawns from tween YouTube or Gaming is an Alt-Right propaganda effort.
Can we make deez nuts a meme that triggers leftists next?
>white supremacists trolled Snopp Dogg into unwillingly making homophobic lyrics
99% of the autism posted here is fake
So is that HuffPo article in the OP
At least they went after a shitty normie meme and not something actually funny.