The biggest redpill was realizng most White roasties slut it up with White Chads, mostly

Does this photo sum up Western women?

Attached: White soiboy vs Chad.jpg (900x618, 131K)

Yep, women are essentially glorified cats

There was a study done on how many women who lost a significant amount during a relationship would leave their partners and it was something insane like 50-60%

There is no bigger whore on the face of earth than a fat girl who has lost weight and gained a boatload of confidence. It's amazing. Many such cases.

That's the same guy in all three pictures.

It is?

It works both ways. I have a friend who his wife divorced him when he lost 100 pounds. She became paranoid as fuck and jealous that he lost weight when she refused to. Shes already remarried and I have to talk him out of suicide every now and then

Love won Jow Forums love won

Attached: LOVE_WINS_grande.png (600x600, 12K)

no way, the left guy's nose is way too wide.
But tbf the woman might not even be the same, heck the whole image is just an anecdote anyway
>t. guy with a previously fat girlfriend who's losing weight fast

I would almost agree with you, except the stretchmarks and loose skin is disgusting

thats the same guy in 2010 and 2014
and she looks fine at 200lbs probably a real fun plump fuck bouncing all over

big difference between a girl like that and an actual morbidly obese disgusting hamplanet

Y'all need to learn about escorts.

Maybe the nerd traded up because women saw he was a faithful (white) man with a fattie who became a smokeshow. He literally makes women matter, what roastie would turn that down?

Attached: 1525848416655.png (833x738, 260K)

Well yeah, but they hide it well. As far as their intentions they want all the dick they missed out on and they want ti fast as possible,

What about them?

Fuck off shareblue.

I've seen it in real life, but I walk the fuck away and warn others

Why does that pic enrage so many people?
It didn't happen to you, and also, I see plenty of lowly betas out in public with hot slutty women.
There's still a segment of women out there with absolutely no standards, if you want them, go get them.

I wish prostitution was legal already so there would be seamless apps on my phone where I could order prostitutes delivered to my home

its the same dude, he unfucked himself after he un(fucked) his wife (silly)
so he is based and redpilled, check yourself faggots

>user doesn't post study
shut up, roastie

>shut up, roastie
How the fuck did my comment put woman in a positive light?

my hs gf dumped me too, and i am 7.5 minimum. no big deal senpai.

Come on man, don't tell the summer fags and redditors out secrets

You already can do that you fucking retard. It’s called an escort not a prostitution. It’s like multiculturalism and white genocide, both are the same but one term is legally acceptable

Chads CAN and WILL save the white race. Fucking nerds don't deserve their inferior genes spread.

direct me to an app/site then

THAT DAMNED WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: seriouspunch.jpg (700x396, 43K)

yeah m8 just look at divorce rates after weight loss surgery. I'm seeing it happen in front of me too. My friend married a very big woman and they have a beautiful girl together and now she got the surgery and is hanging divorce over his head so he quits music and leaves all his friends behind. its fucking sickening. I get being a man and father but fuck, his shitty instagram blinded wife pisses me off so bad. Cucking him with her fitness instructor for sure.

I'd like to meet one for a pump and dump.