White people BTFO

White people BTFO



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Is that a human?

Remember you will be hated for being WHITE alone

Never forget who you are

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You whites and your racism

Muh Gibs!!!!

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She probably banged a ton of white dudes. Typical roastie with problem glasses. That comment section is cancer, must be moderated heavily

>Real work.

Did you not watch the video? You white people think you own everything.

>Whiteness walks into a bar
>Bar improves

kek i love it when asians try to get in on the victim game. gtfo asians do better than whites in the usa

i hate americanized asians so much they're really disgusting creatures

I'll stop my non-white larping to share a comment I thought was hilarious

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typical psychotic korean feminist.

>culturally white

>Unit 731
Nogs won't know the difference anyway

It's amazing how much they hate white men but immediately turn around to fuck any half-decent white man that gives them the time of day.

You'd think she'd care enough about the performance to actually learn it and not read off an ipad.

Ugly gook is mad that men don't pay attention to her instead of the hot white women.

>Unit 741
No, it's Unit 731. Still funny

damn she got those chubby flapping upper arms and cant be older than 25.

>It's amazing how a woman says one thing but clearly demonstrates through her actions that she wants something entirely different
It's not really that uncommon.

So much resentment is ugly and will invariably push normies whites rightward. Why does the Left do this? It’s strategically stupid

She's written books

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Stop using our electricity, electronics, microphones, video streaming platform, and countries.


From Homer to Dante to Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot to Franny Choi. Poetry

If only the Japanese could have killed her ancestors in WWII

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Turned it off at the dog part.
What the fuck America?

Modern western culture is cancer, it turns all women in to abominations regardless of race.

Tbh I kinda thought the same thing, I hate how they always pull the 'look what whitey did' card when in reality there is so much more to look at.

Whiteness sounds like a really cool guy
Would buy a scotch on the rocks

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no it's fat chink

Asians who are anti-white, though relatively rare, are hilarious to observe because they hypocritically buy into the whole white privilege nonsense while statistically being better off socially and financially than most whites. Didn't even watch the video and I already know she cried about evil whitey making fun of her eyes and/or her math skills.

If you focus on the "bad things" someone else did, you don't have to focus on yourself.

Guaranteed this girl absolutely drowns in the whiteman's cum and loves every minute of it.


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why are others so insecure?

is this slam poetry now?
bring back daria.

It's always the ugly ones that are the loudest. I've never seen somebody like pic related do this in the west.

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Because they will never be white

Look at all the thumbs up and supportive comments. It's the same as when people make openly anti-white posts on twitter and get hundreds of thousands likes/retweets.

you dont know what real suffering and oppression is, entitled Zkid

I just want an ethnostate to see what all these anti-whites do when there are no white people left to complain about.

Theres nothing more pathetic than an asian sjw whining about white people. Your own people are far more racist and cruel.

Serious question: Why are all Asian-Americans shitlib scum?

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this is why we need global apartheid
for the sake of the darkies mental health

It's a Korean
They're actually the next big leftist problem we're facing here...

>read off a product of near slave labor

lmfao she would be one of those fat bitches in seoul that dont leave PC bangs

I think the joke is it's another lab in the same vein as Unit 731.


Books on using your high BMI with headshots from the shoulders up?

As a professional stand up comedian: this was clearly a mistake

Unit 732 would have been the wise crack

Collectivist mindset
Same reason they're currently wrong think commies
Same reason they've only ever ruled themselves maybe once or twice in history
Same reason they maintain stalwart ethnostates


lol saving

>You people blame everything on white people. Stop trying to start white guilt. You people try to kill us. How inhumane are you?


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>vomitting your brainwashed mind, oozing of daddy issues to an echo chamber

yellowness walks into a dog kennel and orders lunch

Go suck a nigger dick.

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Anyone else have the urge to rape her? I guess that's just my whiteness coming out.

That’s actually sad to see. Poor kid

most of this up tight asian bitches end up getting white dick and stop being like this. this happened to that suey bitchthat nagged about cobert being mean to asians

Why do all the people who shit on whites are ugly liberals?

If you're going to do shitty soapboxing, at least have the common decency to memorize your shit first.

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Whiteness dicks into a Korean bitch, makes her orgasm violently and plants an elliot rodger in her belly

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Is this the “Sit Down and Let Us Abolish You” chinkess?

>Be Franny Choi, a very average looking gook
>Profess hatred towards white people
>Would literally never date an Asian guy
>If some white guy showed her even a modicum of attention, she'd fuck him without question

Where's the chad she's race playing with?

does anyone actually take the bait and give these fucks views?

asking for a fren

Guys I’m starting to think diversity isn’t a strength after all. Probably just me though.

>black people are janitors
>janitors do "the real work"
racist AND retarded

>unfuckable gook seething she cant get the white D


Hob dob gum

How will we ever recover?

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a fat white hating chink who probably makes dildos wilt!

>Said the angry asian woman who is likely dating some beta male white guy


>be asian
>be best payed demographic
>what the fuck you guys I am beeing oppressed

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m3m3fl4gf4g with the strawman of course

I can almost imagine how I would feel being this girl in 5 years and looking back on this again. Although experience has taught me to doubt the leftist's capacity for self-evaluation or shame. She's speaking in the tone her peers expect and hitting certain talking points and I don't think anything else matters in her maturing, squishy little brain.

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They will conform to social pressure on a dime.

damn shes sexy AND funny!

import nork gooks once they're freed by trump-sama, then we exterminate the westernized female gook bugs off America.
t. gook hating gook

At some point when you are compeletly redpilled. You begin to tame your hatred for lesser beings and instead you start to simply laugh at them non sympathetically.

These creatures sure are desperately sad.
Sieg heil

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