Rian Johnson mass deletes tweets

Rian Johnson Director of "The Last Jedi" has deleted some 20000 tweets since the firing of "Guardian of the Galaxy's" director James Gunn


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Other urls found in this thread:



Shouldn't have blown our load on just James Gunn and waited to take them all down 2bh.

Why is it that all the most aggressive white knights are the me with the most to hide?

>deleted some 20000 tweets

what a fucking loser and obviously yet another scared shitless asshole who 'jokes' about raping/eating babies who gets offended when people say his work sucks.

>insert its all so tiresome jay peg here (its too tiresome for me to actually insert it)

What is he hiding?

Attached: cuck-wendig-basic.jpg (1639x1159, 650K)

>works in hollywood
>is a literal pedo
is anybody really surprised?

>what is he hiding?
his soi beverages

I got you senpai

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>Why is it that all the most aggressive white knights are the me with the most to hide?

they legit believe bullshit like 'all white men are disgusting evil bad guys' because they themselves ARE degenerate scumso they assume everyone else must be as disgusting as them... or worse right?

the virtue signaling and white knighting is probably done for a few reasons, firstly, to make any accusations against them seem crazy, and secondly as probably some kind of amends they do that makes them feel less guilty, fooling themselves that they are 'reformed' or 'better' or whatever, but they all seem to turn out to be sick fucks who publicly "joke" about raping and eating babies!

You know whats fucked up? Day MODS b& everyone who was archiving and hunting the other day. We were going after all of them. They were VERY high energy threads. (((Day MODS))) don't like people going after the ped0 l337. Day MODS are nigger-faggots.

Attached: Banned For Replying TO A Raid Thread Edited.png (799x261, 56K)

So according to Twitter search he's deleted everything before late January 2018.
Which is pretty suspicious.



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Justin Roiland also deleted 60+ tweets in the last 24 hrs

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Is this a new type of ban? I got one the other day and legit had no idea which thread it was referring to, typically they have a link to the post in question...

Apparently making pedophile jokes isn't that good for your career when you choose to work for disney
Who would've thought


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"Raids" are shut down since well over two years. Also: hasbara are here 24/7 and the FBI is monitoring it too since some crackpots at /b/ announced their beta uprising there. And yeah, the MODS are infiltrated. No shit.

Attached: All Your Chans Are Belong To Us.jpg (1160x629, 197K)

please someone find some dirt on this dirty leftist fuck for completely ruining star wars

They do that so you can't appeal it. It draws too much attention. So they deal out 3 day bans. You can't appeal them. Hence, real mods, can't see what they are doing from the complaints and appeals. They do this, to try to thin ppl out here. To force real posters away.

It was for collecting Hollywood ped0 tweets as proof...I HARDLY consider that a raid. And im ok with the FBI monitoring. They've been monitoring since before I was here. Hopefully they are like...
>Good job guys...
I mean, isn't this what they are supposed to want? And it really just seems to be the gay/day MODS. Night MODS are gods.


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood user posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts
>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private
He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year...

He was demanding you talk to Admin...

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days...

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!

Hollywood is the Royalty of America...!!!
And commit just as much evil as them also

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Watching, accurate, and love it
I remember that XD

Most likely he did this to avoid getting Gunned, but he may just be paranoid.

its more important than ever to get a list of names and locations of those behaving like censors, they are not protected in any way and can easily be punished once their identities are known

Look to the day mods. I don't see night mods doing this shit. Day mods are more cucked than reddit and tumblr combined. They openly conduct 'raids' on us. Yet, we are left defenseless??? Even when doing noble ass shit. It's too obvious what they are doing...and why.

decent moderation has left pol from years but selling out like this deserves a bullet

I agree. It's up to the night mods to realize, confront and do something about it though. It's out of any of our hands.

Is this something that a lot of people experienced? I’ve been off pol for the past few days mostly as I got a 2 day ban for “replying to irrelevant shit” or something. All I did was contribute a bit to the discussions on that topic. I have never been banned from any board on Jow Forums in over a decade of browsing off and on, it just struck me as quite strange.

If you ever read up on Jung, he says the socially unacceptable side of ourselves becomes repressed into what he calls the shadow. One can either accept or reject the shadow. By accepting it, you can harness and direct it. By rejecting it, you are forced into self loathing or projection. When a black man calls all white people racist, he isn't actually being racist, he is rejecting his own racism, and projecting it onto others. In effect, its the same thing, but if jung is right, the cause is different. SJW culture is so oppressive and exact in what it accepts that almost all human identity would be repressed into the shadow if you honestly wanted to fit in. That means everything demonized by sjw culture is being projected out onto something, as we know its straight white men.
Tldr you can only be a good sjw by repressing and projecting everything that makes you different from sjws

>when you say you're above the left and their tactics
>use their tactics when it suits you

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You're dropping the ball by chasing smaller fish with less evidence


The optimal strategy in iterated prisoner's dilemma is tit-for-tat. Always taking the high road is a sucker's strategy.

Pretty sure tweets are archived

>when you're a pedophile trying to get Jow Forums to live up to its own rules and drop the subject by suggesting its SJW to expose pedophilia


His butt buddy, Noah Segan (an actor who is confirmed to lurk and no doubt shitpost on /tv/) also deleted like 3000 tweets the same day.

>not agreeing with me and my herd think makes you a pedo


>actually suggesting that these tweets arent pedophilic:

they mass banned Jow Forumsacks for posting in gunn and harmon threads because they are pedos.


Look at his eyes, 3 whites visible something is wrong with his psyche.

The Twitter Holocaust has started.
Time to make all those cunts live in fear of what they are saying.