The Alt-Right isn’t Libertarian

>One of the grossest political comparisons leftists and people who identify as alt-right will claim is that the alt-right is part of the libertarian movement. This has to be one of the most politically disingenuous claims to ever be made. To understand why this comparison isn’t true, we have to first define what a libertarian and someone that’s alt right are.


A Libertarian is someone that values individual liberty, property rights and non-interventionism. For Libertarians, these goals are achieved by limiting the scope of the government. Libertarians oppose government intervention in domestic and foreign affairs due to the non-aggression principle (NAP). The NAP states that aggression is inherently wrong which means no one should use coercion, violence or any other form of forcible interference. However, Libertarians aren’t pacifists and support the right to self defense. There is a lot more to libertarian theory and principles but for the sake of the article I’m going to keep it short.


The Alt-Right is a white nationalist movement re-branded for the modern era to attract new supporters by tricking people. The Alt-Right often pretends to be a brand of libertarian or conservative thought but in the end of the day, they’re hyper authoritarian fascists. The Alt-Right ultimately believes that they must preserve a white majority nation and they’re willing to use state powers to enforce these rules.

Now that we have defined what a libertarian and an Alt-Righter is. Its time to show how these two philosophies are not equivalent in the slightest.

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Free Speech and Private Property

Libertarians unapologetically support free speech for all individuals and private property. The Alt-Right does not and this is shown by examining Libertarian and Alt-Right reactions to censorship on private platforms.

Facebook is a private social media outlet that has its own rules for what kind of content Facebook will tolerate on their website. Libertarians would argue that although Facebook’s actions to restrict free speech are bad, Facebook has the right to do so because Facebook is allowed to dictate how their property is used. Alt-Right individuals would argue that because the majority of the country uses Facebook to communicate with each other. Facebook shouldn’t be allowed to dictate what is being said on their property. Alt-Right individuals would use state power to force Facebook to operate in the way the state thinks it should. This severe difference action shows that not only does the Alt-Right not value free speech, they don’t respect the property rights of the individual.

Individualism not Collectivism

Libertarians are racially and sexually ambiguous. This means that Libertarians believe that no one should be treated different because of their ethnic background or sex. This belief in racial ambiguity also means libertarians reject any form of ethnic nationalism. The Alt-Right exists as an alternative to mainstream right wing views that promote the concept of the ethnostate. The Alt-Right wants to secure the borders of historically white countries to preserve the white majority of these nations. Libertarians would argue that all individuals should be treated equally for their background. which the idea of securing the borders for the reason of securing an ethnic majority would be unsatisfactory for Libertarians.

All of this boils down to the fact that the Alt-Right isn’t Libertarian, they are hyper authoritarian requiring the individual to surrender property rights, free speech and their ethnicity to the state. Being Libertarian means you support property rights, individual liberty and Free Speech. These principles are not interchangeable. In order to create the future the Alt-Right desires, it would require the Alt-Right to go against these principles. This would mean that the Alt-Right would have to destroy the liberty movement in order to reach its goals. There is no benefit for Libertarians to associate with the Alt-Right, they don’t represent anything a Libertarian stands for.

And yet so many former libertarians drop the ancap kikery eventually and become alt-right.
Myself included.

Because ancap is in large part, myopic horseshit for loyal-less verbose neckbeards.

I'm all for small, inobtrusive government after the ethnostate is established.

thats not an argument tho

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Just like how libertarians arent anarchists the alt right isnt totalitarian

Libertarians believe in small government but a government that has to exist to protect and enforce private property. The alt right is like this because the country is the private property of the citizens and the government has to enforce and protect it from outsiders.

Thats how similar they are

>the country is the private property of the citizens

Yeah. It actually is. Your whole blatherspiel is that leftists and alt-right ect. are wrong that there is a relation between the alt-right and libertarians, and it is so because they don't understand the difference between them.
I am saying you are full of shit. I have explained in three sentences, why you are full of shit.

Yes faganeux, there's an argument there. Your fefes from being wrong are irrelevant aside being delicious to me.
It's your place to disprove that so many libertarians have moved to the alt-right, and that there is no clear evidence of that.

So please. Do tell, on Jow Forums, a place that's went from being, Ron Paul central practically, has gone so far to natsocs and alt-right. It doesn't matter, if you disagree you're wrong, because that is what the case.

That that tired molymeme and stick it in da butt. It's just smug bullshit.

The only reason you are a libertarian is because of genetics and the rule of law (fascism) retard.

>Anarcho anything

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Dude I'm sorry but you ARE the alt-right in the eyes of the (((media))). Most normies would agree as well. It's a mostly meaningless term anyway so who even cares. Whenever normies/media use it they're just trying to slander free thinkers and mold breakers on the right.

Jow Forums is just memelords who go with whatever is popular

Hitler and Mises are all the rage in society, very true.

A lot of Alt-Righters are libertarian but they believe that it is only possible in white countries. Rights are valid but non whites usually advocate against it.

This is a D&C thread. Don't reply.

Hitler is always the edgelord's favorite

Also not an argument

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Libertarian =/= Anarchism
The entire history of the United States has been that of white nationalist libertarians.

Just a reminder that John Locke -- someone constantly held up by so called libertarians never believed that whites and blacks could live together. Same with Abraham Lincoln.

You're a strange mix of anarcho-socialism and anarcho-capitalism. I'd suggest actually figuring out what you believe in, or do you just believe that minorities should be forcefully extracted by groups of white nationalists in your ancap state, and not by the government?

A Libertarian is someone that values individual liberty, property rights and non-interventionism. For Libertarians, these goals are achieved by limiting the scope of the government. Libertarians oppose government intervention in domestic and foreign affairs due to the non-aggression principle (NAP). The NAP states that aggression is inherently wrong which means no one should use coercion, violence or any other form of forcible interference. However, Libertarians aren’t pacifists and support the right to self defense.

>The Alt-Right isn’t Libertarian

Yeah no shit. The Alt-right is what happened in the US when an entire generation of young right wing people got disenchanted with libertarianism. Of course the altrighters arent libertarians, they created their own ideology because libetrtarianism is shit.

Also, Libertarians now campaign for feminism, LGBTQWTF, open borders and all sorts of degeneracy

Libertarianism is for fags

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No that is observation.
AnCap is unviable.

Your own John Locke who came up with the first iteration never believed blacks and whites could live together, and believed whites to be superior to blacks.

Same with Thomas Jefferson who literally owned slaves, both of which were people who first iterated the non-agression principle.

Clearly your definition of Libertarianism and what the NAP applied to differed from the people who actually conceived of the idea, or do you just consider the people who came up with it to be false libertarians?

You do realize that you can believe whites and blacks have to be segregated in some way to run a functioning society, and also believe in limiting government intervention, right?

>they created their own ideology
Except for the few smart NRx people they just rehashed 40s mumbojumbo

user you're embarrassing yourself with these non-arguments based on clear lack of knowledge of libertarian history/theory

Next youll ask me what I think of Rousseau

>lack of knowledge of libertarian history/theory
You're the one who doesn't understand libertarian history. Do you consider John Locke to be libertarian, or an insane alt-righter? What about Thomas Jefferson? These people who built the building blocks for Libertarianism? Clearly you're the one who has no idea what you're talking about.

Whites and blacks can't live together, and to suggest you're not a Libertarian because you don't believe this obvious fact of life is just ridiculous. I believe in limited federal government interference, and I believe that people's rights are central to running a healthy country. I also believe that Whites and non-whites are diametrically opposed to what each group wants, and should be segregated from each other. What am I to you?

And by the way, it's funny how you argue that I have non-arguments, but you yourself have never provided any yourself, only ridiculous definitions that would render nearly everyone who built your own ideology as an authoritarian.

Locke was just a faggy liberal

>alt right
fuck off

See this libtard for ex, he knows history

The alt right doesn't exist, it's a kike label to slander anybody right of center who isn't a neocohen faggot

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lmao, grow up you stupid faggots

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Wow yet another non-argument

We were all lolbergtardians m8, you'll see the light

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If Facebook banned faggots I'm pretty sure they'd complain about being censored.