Be white woman

>be white woman
>work hard in high school
>really fucking hard
>get accepted to yale medical school
>post to kikebook to celebrate because you're still a bluepilled normie
>some subhuman nonwhite immediately responds
>"shout out to your white privilege"
>try to reason with her
>she mocks you
Lol these libshits can't help themselves. They're literally creating a new generation of rightwing trump voters. White people aren't going to take this shit forever hahaha, I love these mentally ill retards.

Attached: White Privilege Yale Med School.jpg (640x778, 92K)

btw I found this on plebbit which is why the names are all blurred out.

that's what she gets for not getting married to a good white man and having kids.

Niggers deserve to go instinct

My girlfriend is a dentist and came from a reserve here in Canada (white girl)

Everyone says the reason she succeeded was because she was white and she hates scalpers to this day because of it

>my girlfriend...came from a reserve
Like a native american reserve?

>she hates scalpers to this day
What's a scalper?

but are you white?

Sad story btw, forgot to include that. Good for us though because it forces normies to the rightwing.

then stop giving them aid, vaccines and gibs

Niggers gonna nig. Low IQ and all.

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Women demanded this kind of bullshit, now let them deal with it.

This was confirmed fake in 2017. Still usable for rage fuel I guess.

then you should not have posted it and you should kys niggershit

>mock people and run away

seen this a million times, the ones i know personally who abuse this tactic are miserable cunts so don't feel too bad when it happens to you.


Saying the phrase white privilege to invalidate something a white person does is black excellence.

Although fake, Mel is wrong but close. Instead of white privilege its actually woman/unintelligent minority privilege. In any situation like this there are probably 8-15 Asians or white males who had higher scores than her but are tossed out to fill a quota.

all she needed to say was ''stfu shitskin subhuman''

Nice to see a white roastie getting btfo by her own shitty liberal world view.

>my girl came from a reserve
>she's white


Even the girl in the OP's pic agrees with the privilege bullshit

Now she gets to eat crow, and I hope she chokes on it. There isn't white privilege. If anything whites fucking sabotage themselves. Every other race is practicing nepotism and giving their own kind a leg up, while whites are either meritocratic in the best case or outright sabotaging fellow whites for the sake of diversity agendas.

Become an anesthesiologist and kill these niggers.

based ladyboy cave diver

How about that nigger privilege of affirmative action. Blacks get into colleges solely based on their skin color. "Oh Jamal darquavius is barely literate, has a 2.1 GPA and didnt even show up to take the SAT, lordy lordy lookie here, he has immigrant parents, and would be a good diversity candidate" ACCEPTED. it should be illegal to ask gender or race/ethnicity on any applications.

not sure if you intentionally made that mistake or this is the result of American education.

>When accusing people of privledge gives them the privledge of challenging the status quo
RWDS soon

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There are girlfriend reserves in Canada? Can I order one to take-away?

This, based leafpost. Although it's horrible what happened to her (if it's even real, it sounds too good to be true actually), she does the age old "well, I agree with your ideology, but it you have to agree with me that there should be an exception for ME, because I'm not like the other whites!" thing.

The one crossed out in yellow is actually right in her application of the ideology, it's red's fault for stepping in that rotten boat.

This or something along this line would have been the appropriate response, unironically.

Attached: 0ce56da26e_tieten.jpg (600x394, 79K)

Good, women shoudnt have careers, and definetly shouldnt go to university.

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Um okay sweetie

libtards are not known for having functional brains

>implying she isn't going to a school full of jews.
>implying she isn't going to agree with this comment in a year or two.

Attached: before and after colledge.jpg (2768x1756, 1.32M)

this message doesn't real

How about you stay there, redditor?

White privilege is Jewish projecting their nepotism.

Attached: white privilege.jpg (1280x1707, 625K)

Isn't it easier for a minority to get into med school?

>Getting accepted in yale med is white privilege
>Even though there are publically known mechanics that ensure you have to work HARDER if you're white than if you're black to get the same entry

>blurs out their names
>keeps the name of the nigger Melissa

It is.

Jews and Africans have it easiest. Africans have to get lower scores to get admitted and Jews literally get special days to do their exams and coincidentally those exams tend to be previously released ones, just coincidentally, of course.

Whites and East-Asians have to get higher scores to get admitted.

i was in foster care too. fuck these sjw nutcases. life was a nightmare but i t made me strong. i had siblings i had to look look after too. even had to be the shit out of a foster families son for almost molesting my sister.

If a chink were told he got a job because of chinese privilidge he’d probably be really fucking proud of that and say something like
>you nigger you no rike post you leave now
Or something. Its only pussified white women like her who would actually feel the need to defend themselves.

The west deserves everything it gets and more.

You’re making up excuses for this shit and explaining yourselves. You’re fucking faggots. Be proud of white privilidge if it exists, dont feel the need to give people sob stories so they think better of you.

But it simply doesn't exist. Being whitemale is playing lifeon hard. Be white male in a Nigger land like France or Bulgaria is playing on hell mode. Everyone expect you to regulate and pay things while literally throwing ricks at you

Thank you for saving your siblings and restoring your/their future. I appreciate what you've done for our people. I will send your family positive thoughts and hope you all have blessed lives :)

>giving a single fuck what these nobody’s think.
Let them carry on crying, it only turns white people more nationalist. The biggest red pill is knowing that ‘minorities’ despise you no matter how much you kiss their arses.

> uhm sweetie

Obvious troll account is obvious

>nigger land
Ive seen a grand total of 2 niggers in Bulgaria who werent football players

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how am i excusing anything?
thanks. i guess? just did what i had to do to get us through that hell.

Just tell them that they are right, being born with a white level of IQ does help a lot. lol

Epic. Go back.

fuck off white women lmao they brought that to themselves

i literally thrive to the day they finally reverse everything that the white man has got them and we got back to the middle ages

your first mistake is giving these people attention

>Nigger named Melissa

Attached: IMG_6732.jpg (1879x1061, 102K)

>I understand the concept of privilege

Good riddance to her

You do get bans here for not censoring names as it's considered doxxing

Why does everyone hate on white privilege? It literally proves your neo nazi theory correct, that all races want to stick together with people that look like them, they will give them advantages over others that don't like jobs, positions in companies, more trust, more vacation time, more leniency etc.

This is literally what it means, that if you're white, another white person will give you an easier time and trust you more than if you were black.

If you don't believe in white privilege then that means you don't believe in "around blacks never relax" because you are literally giving the privilege of trusting people just because they are white.

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I was following this cosplayer bitch.
She posted a long whiney post about being against racism and her support for niggers and other types of shit.
The first reaponse was literally a nigger telling her to check her privilege and calling her a racist.

that was pretty funny.

whites do not get positively adjusted scores for entrance like non-whites

Huge redpill reminding whites that in a global community they are a minority well less than 10%. Ive seen their pupils dialate when they ponder this. But yeah all this is wonderful and the backdraft is very real now.

in my experience its mostly whites that treat me like garbage. probably liberals though, i live in a blue state

we have affirmative action in burgerland, whites aren't the average majority in higher education because of niggers like you

Bulgaria know what's up. The truth is,we don't need to be DENYING white privilege we need to be actually protecting it and creating it. For example, I intentionally dont hire pr work with niggers or have any dealings with them outside of absolute necessity in my line of work. We need to be doing this collectively as a society..

They’re problem is that they rely too much on extinct

>niggers like you
Niggers in Bulgaria are probably less than the amount of niggers thats been in your mother/sister/wife, Tyrone

>thinking getting into Yale is an achievement

Damn. BTFO bigly

How is there still white privilege in 2018 when whites are doing seemingly everything possible to sabotage themselves and their peers?

Fucking hell I want off this wild ride.

The person in yellow is a vile troll. OP is a virginal homosexual with emotional regulation issues.

The end.

Attached: OP's house.jpg (1920x1371, 882K)

Checked and keked.

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This is why white women should be centrist. Both sides are hostile to us.

She lived her life in poverty and abuse and worked hard to escape it. Now you want to take all that hard work away from her. She wanted thus life for the money and security she never had in childhood.

white girls are so scare in canada they are in "reserve"

Attached: in-line-3-way-petcock-reserve-2[1].jpg (800x739, 132K)

I managed to trace my family back to the 1700's, had a great something grandmother who was scalped by indians, the husband (great something grandfather) was held captive for years and was forced to run something called the gauntlet. They line 2 rows of indians up with tomahawks and force people to run in between them, if they make it through alive they get to go.

No you get banned for raiding

>translation: I'm incredibly jealous and bitter that my life is so empty and I'm going nowhere that I'm going to virtue signal at you when I should be congratulating you
Sounds about right. It looks like its just an aquaintence fromt he language anyway. If she was likely to see her next week for drinks she would have already known some of her past, how hard she has apparantly worked, and be worried about getting dragged across a bar by her hair.

i agree that the only correct response to someone bitching about white privilege is "go fuck yourself"... but you just KNOW if she said that, she'd get her acceptance letter revoked

buh bye

except that africans have a 15-40 point iq difference. Imagine being so dumb you dont even know you are dumb

Well, yes, I suppose that's true, so another dismissive yet more polite response would be more appropriate. Or just block that person because any conversation is useless.

>white people aren't going to take this shit forever
you don't know white people


nope we should be like 75 iq brown people and treat woman like in the koran and beat them

Go back there, fagboy.

Her "white privilege" would've made it much harder to be accepted into Yale. She should've told the nigger that.

This is how a sophist behaves. The privilege girl contributed zero to the conversation other than condescension and "buh bye" to immediately avoid a challenging situation where they might have to rethink their views. Look at how long what the white girl wrote was.

This is what I thought too, it’s prbably some gauge, nose ring wearing white woman with 3 nigger kids.

Would you be angry at a blind person for not knowing what the color blue is? Maybe you would be, if they were responsible for decorating your house. In that case you'll want to make sure they don't get into a position where they can dictate such.

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good for her, all that effort and now she can slut around in college and settle for some better after
also this girl won't be "right-wing" by the end of her college

How was a white girl living on a reserve?

Why doesnt the red person unfriend the yellow person and block them?

Its true. White privilege should exist in white majority countries.

>She lived her life in poverty
implied nowhere in her post
>take all that hard work away from her
She could have married a traditionalist man and he would have looked after her and her brother
>She wanted thus life for the money and security she never had in childhood
never implied she's poor in the post, she could have all of this in a traditional marriage

she's a liberal whore who's going to slut around in college

its a retarded term that tries to make people feel bad for living in a nation-state and its a tactic used by the kikes to hate on white people
traditionalism isn't hostile to you, it puts you in your place

Shell ride the college cock for 4 years , fucking every athlete Chad and Jamarcus that forces himself on her drunk self every weekend
She'll get some tattoos "for memories" and come out a overweight cum rag begging to be married to some Chad who will not even want her for a quick fuck anymore, as he wants the new tour of young white college sluts
She'll settle with a beta and will make his life miserable

Because when the left use the term white privilege it's framed as a negative thing, rather than a trait that all other races exhibit to greater or lesser degrees. Only when white people stick together and work together as a group, or achieve something of value for the human race is it seen as racist and demonised, and only white people and white groups seem to have the majority of the diversity industry aimed at them. If we were to reclaim that term as employers maybe that would be some kind of start, but you know there'd be pressure to shut it down and paint it as illegal discrimination.

Because Jews mostly live in white lands. They'd do the same shit in Japan if they were there. It's a means of weakening and dividing the strongest ethnic groups so that their small, tight knit ethnic group can float to the top

>She'll settle with a beta and will make his life miserable
then she'll inevitably cheat on him, divorce him, take all his money and end up a selfish single-mother
she'll end up no better than her parents