Suicide Hotline Thread: pretyped storied edition

Suicide Hotline Thread: pretyped storied edition

I am a suicide hotline operator. I have been doing this for close to a decade and am willing to help out some anons, and answer some questions. I will also throw in some stories along the way.

To get shit out of the way quickly:
>How do I get involved?
Call your local crisis center or suicide hotline on their BUSINESS LINE. They will provide you instructions and set you up with an interview
>I am afraid of them calling the cops
Don't fucking say you both want to kill yourself and have the means. The only time the cops are alerted are when you are a danger to yourself or others in that immediate moment.
>I want to vent about something and I don't want to call in
Fuck it user, feel free to vent to your fellow anons about it, getting out in any way is healthier than keeping it in.

Next post will have a story,

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also INB4
>This isn't politics
Get over it most of this board isn't

Heres the first story of the night, It's of a guy that I have come to dub "Nigger Fap"

>Be me
>Fat fuck sitting in my office adjacent to the call room
>Get a note passed to me by a girl taking a call
we pass notes, it easier that way
>Literally says "this guy keeps saying the N word, what do I do"
>Motion to pass me the phone
>All I hear over the receiver is a guy literally moaning the word nigger
>Fucking stunned, let it go for a second
>I can hear slapping sounds
>This guy is jacking off
>Didn't know how to react, we get a lot of calls of guys wanting to get puss puss none like this
>Start laughing
>Guy instantly stops
>He gets really fucking angry
>Starts screaming that he is going to tell his group about this
>Goes on that he is in some local fucking sovern citizen group
>MFW imagining a man describing himself jacking off while saying nigger and getting laughed at to fellow retards

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Alright, time for an uplifting story. I don't know how else to tell it so this maybe a long one.

>be me
>Just got the position as call room manager
>Still taking calls because no one wants to volunteer
>Can't blame them really
>Sitting my ass in at my desk playing spore
>Phone rings
>"Thanks for calling _______ my name is user"
>An elderly man is on the other end, we will call him Mike
>Mike is choking out words though sobs
>he managed to get out the following
>"Hello user, I figured I'd call in today, I just lost both of my kids."
>I manage to calm him down a bit and get the rest of the story out of him
>He didn't lose his kids recently, he lost them when they were 10 and 11 in a car accident
>He told me that the last thing that he ever did with them was read them a bed time story
>The next morning when they went with their mother to school they were both killed
>Their mother died about a decade later
>He has been living alone for a while
>He never touched any of their rooms
>He still goes in their and just sits by the children's beds and sometimes reads them story
>There's a long silence after mike has said everything
>I hear the phone being put down


>about 5 minutes later I hear the phone being picked back up
>I hear mike shuffling around a lot
>He apologizes and says he had to grab something and get a bit more comfortable
>He asks me if it's alright if he tells me a story
>I said yes
>figured he was going to continue on where he left off
>He starts to name off bunch of titles of books
>He asks me to pick one
>I picked goodnight moon
>There is an instant uplift in mike's tone
>"That was my son's favorite also, he used to have me read that to him every night."
>Mike proceeds to read good night moon to me over the phone
>Mike starts to do different voices for each line
>He sounds happy
>As he finishes the book he just says "Alright now I need to get some sleep, I expect you'll do the same"
>I tell him that he is welcome to call back anytime

Fast forward about a week
>My fatass is still playing vidya at my desk
>Someone comes into my office with a phone
>"Hey user, this guy asked for you"
>Figure it's one of the regulars
>I answer, standard greeting
>Guy on the other end replies
>"You ready for another story, figured I'd pick it this time"
>It's mike, he sounds almost jovial
>He starts reading the cat in the hat to me
>Same goodbye of needing to get sleep

Mike called in once a week from that point, always asking for me by name, and read me a bed time story.

That may not seem very upbeat to you, but it's a suicide hotline, we don't get any "and they lived happily ever after"

some BODY once told me the cult was going to sell me
I'm not the brightest kid in the shed
I was looking kinda dumb with bill and epstein's cum in the shape of the star of david on my forehead
the tears start coming and they don't stop coming
sold to david brock and his shills for bumming
did it make sense to get raped by jews
democrat pedos get rich and the kids get screwed
some kids to rape some cash to pay
just a day's work for the CIA
you can't go to jail if you're a fed
kids can't rat you out if they're all dead
all those niggers are gold~
g-d only gave
chosen people souls~

I love it user, some of it fit poorly, but otherwise you got some quality work there.

Heh? Suicide hotline? Try being a GAMER. Try being friendzoned 10 times by veronica as she goes with chad. The bitch doesnt know the type of man I am. Tier 82 at fortnite. High score of 14 kills yet she still friendzones me. FUCK.YUO VERONICA

No friends to vent off to, so...

>be me
>24 y/o virgin, staunchly convinced i will lose it at marriage
>meet no worthwhile girls, all plain dumb left-leaning boring normies with different levels of insecurity
>keep talking to a girl who recently broke up
>we actually knew each other for 5 years
>obviously horny since her ex is a beta
>try to be nice and supportive (white-knighting, i know)
>eventually she starts having feels for me
>i give in to tentation and start fondling each other but no penetration involved
>one day she gets my pants off to get my dick sucked
>i was convinced i won't date this girl
>she wants me more
>discuss with her that she shouldn't make decisions in such state
>eventually i start to like her and i'm ok trying a demo version of a relation with her
>start having sex, she's mad about my dick (pretty big, tbqh)
>deeply regret it but fuck it, let's try it
>she doesn't want a relationship anymore
>feel like shit because of losing virginity like that. don't feel worthy of a virgin girl now.

I'm raging with the power of a thousand suns. What to do?

Dont be so hard on yourself. Its a rare thing to lose your virginity in a good way. You even said this yourself

To add onto this, user you had sex this really changes nothing. It doesn't make you a worse person for not waiting, and it doesn't devalue you in any way.

Thanks for the story user.

I got some more ones of that caliber, I also have some more really dark ones, take your pick of the two categories user.

You're a good guy.

Let's go for the dark one

I have failed both me and my future (if will happen) wife. I wanted her to have some sort of "seal of approval" and obtain the right to tell her to shut up whenever she suspected me of infidelity haha.

Would you even try to wife-up this girl?
Red flags to consider:
-sucking first dick after broken relation (said she wouldn't do that with someone she doesn't know)
-likes and wants to travel
-somewhat SJW but open to discussion and enjoys memes (the only reasons why I've spent time with her)
-doesn't like the idea of being a housewife and raise kids even though i will have a more than decent income for a romanian

Should I really try? I feel like I've been jewed. I think a pastor/priest wouldn't advise me to do so.

Anything that's worth sharing.

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Nah don't go for her. But again you have your own head to think

haha romanian!

cower before my 33 year old virgin status!

ahahahaha I love the look on whores' faces when I tell them I'm a virgin (because I'm so attractive)

aaahahahaha feel my power, weakling


Thos fucking feels. Idk if this is larp or not, I want to believe. Jow Forums is a board of peace

I envy you, 56% bro... At least for the virginity part.


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This can't be real

We get a lot of people that have psychotic episodes. A lot of times it's people with severe bipolar struggling to contain themselves, sometimes it's a bit more serious.

>Be me
>19 first year into this job
>Working on some college work between calls
>we have about a half hour downtime between calls usually
>Phone rings
>"Hey thanks for callin"
>Get cut off
>guy on the other end of the phone cuts in with "I HAVE BEEN FUCKING ROBBED AGAIN"
>this isn't my fucking job.jpg
>Ask him if he's called the police yet
>Guy snaps back
>I take a step back in the conversation and decide to at least try to calm the man down and get him to analyze and rationalize the situation
>said something along the lines of "How did you know you were robbed"
>About 3 minutes later he says
>It starts to make a lot more sense now.
>I was trained to go along with this
>Just reassure him, empathize with him and treat what he's seeing as real
>If they don't know what they are seeing isn't real, screaming that it's fake and what they are seeing isn't real can make the situation a lot worse

I'll cont this when I get back, answer some questions too, I really need a shit and a beer

I don't feel comfortable giving straight advice on this. I can tell you from my perspective that I wouldn't touch a woman like that, however I am also a traditionalist.

If you want to make the relationship work and see if it's something worth pursuing, maybe you should consider open communication. Not confronting her on, but talking about these red flags that you have mentioned

Godspeed user

Thank user. This thread is cool. Ok, I'll tell one from when I was a social worker:

>Worked at a forensic disability house (Pedos and murderers with mild disabilities)
>There's this one guy with a literal iq 50-60, microcephaly and foetal alcohol syndrome who was thrown in for grabbing a girls breast (provoked). One of those disabled people who thinks he's a teenager despite being 40+. Gets picked on by teenagers who pretend to befriend him.
>Everybody hates this guy because the microcephaly causes him to mis-hear crap and the foetal alcohol syndrome causes him to get angry at the drop of a hat.
>So he gets thrown into this house with pedos and murderers and staff often hate him more than the pedos and murderers because he's easily angered and by far the most aggressive of everyone.
>I got on with him pretty well, meaning I was doing a good job despite being a younger, less experienced employee.
>An old bitch who also works there hates me. She constantly tries to tell me to do something one way, then will contradict herself later. She also hates this client and communicates by screeching.
>One night, I convince the client when he was in a particularly bad mood to go and have a shower (Something he hates doing) using my words. She naturally didn't want me to succeed with this and approached the client with something else she wanted to add to the conversation, sabotaging it.
>The client became upset, yelling at her, decidedly now refusing to take a shower
>The woman responded by screeching at him that he was stupid
>She proceeded to follow him whilst calling him stupid and other nasty words
>She began mocking him by literally mocking him, attempting to take of his "accent" with her own disgusting voice.
>I wrote an incident report that night, due to previous legal training, I decided to write it in statement form (I said, she said etc).
>The report ended up never getting past the manager, who turned out to be best friends with the woman. (Continued)

>The manager told me that her boss found there was not enough evidence found regarding the statement. When I asked if I could speak with him, she panicked and said 'absolutely not'.
>They then tried to find any reason they could to tarninsh m name and I got out of there when I learnt about 'mobbing'. I jumped into better work anyway.
>She got away with it, I was pretty down and depressed. Felt like a failure but kept moving forward, at least back then.
>About 8 months later though, I learnt that stupid screeching bitch was fired for stealing money from a client. Sadly, the manager is still there I think. But what can you do.
>I'm tired of being an employee. Thinking I want to start a business now. Not sure.

Sorry about that, it's been a long fucking night.

>I start to get the guy calmed down
>He no longer angry or yelling
>We are just talking
>"Hey user I need to fix some things"
>I tell him that sounds like a good idea
>I start to hear a pounding over the phone
>After a couple minutes it stops
>Then I hear a female screaming in the background
>I make out what sounds like a frantic
>"Who are you"
>More screaming
>"Oh god"
>At this point I hang up and alert the police
>Get a call back wanting a statement from me
>Mfw that wasn't his house
>Mfw that pounding noise was him beating the cat to death

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Green text is a helluva drug.

Dark ending user. Wow.

I hate people like this, but that's life I guess
The best thing to do is just walking away imo


Should've told him to prevent the door from melting before it's too late kek.

Last post about venting, I promise.
We were supposed o see each other on sunday, suddenly decides to let her think a couple of days even though I've suggested to have an open conversation about the whole thing and do some kind of SWOT analysis kek. It seemed pretty selfish, so I've asked her If it's ok to meet and discuss some important issues before having some separate time to decide. Agrees, complains about not wanting to be a child bearer (maximum 2) while I'm out, wants to visit the world, couldn't handle a LDR (I'm studying in a different city) even though she was willing to visit me in the weekend when she declared she fell in love with me (kek) and also because she wants to apply for Erasmus projects which can last even 2 semesters. So, she doesn't feel ready but admits the possibility to change her perspective in the future (which I suspect it means carousel riding).Twitching already, I stood up, left (dick move, yeah) and contacted her the next morning (yesterday) explaining how we both messed up and suggesting another meet-up. She inclines to "no", but I have clues she's getting attention from some dude, keeping me on stand-by. After all those love and intention declarations from her part, it's so illogical what happened. But then again, wymin logic...
Should I try to start a conversation, let some time to pass or forget it altogether?

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Either way user, you are doing god's work and I have nothing but respect for you. Just don't let your ground harness rust through.

I don't have any work place stories like that, we all get along well, we kind of have to. When you are having to hear the worst of things for 6-10 hours a night you either stick with your coworkers and partake in some fucking dark gallows humor, or you start to lose yourself.

One story that sticks with me a lot, is this little girl that called in. I really don't feel like green texting this one, so I'll just type it out. I hope that's okay with everyone. I am also sorry if my grammar is garbage, I am a bit drunk, again it's been a long fucking night

I was working the call center grave yard shift (10pm to 5am), This little girl calls in, she sounds like she couldn't have been more than 13. I'll call her sam for the sake of this. Sam tells me that she's felling trapped, I ask her what she means. She tells me that no in her life loves her, her mother tells her every day that she was a mistake, that she isn't good enough, that she is fat and worthless. Every day at school the other kids bully her because of her weight. She tried to ask her father for help when she was younger, and he was supportive of her for a while, but he ended up leaving the family a couple years back. She tells that me that she started cutting, it helps her feel normal and like she can control something. She tells me that she doesn't think she can keep living like this. She wants a way out. I didn't know what to tell her, I gave her the resources I could, I offered to call DHS for her, but she just said no thanks mister and hung up.

The thought of what could have happened to that girl, and the knowledge that I failed her still keeps me up at night. I can still hear her crying all this time later.

I will give this warning to you user, don't get into this job unless you have a good reason, and people there to support you. I had neither at the time

Thanks for that laugh with the first part man, I needed that. We do fuck around like that a lot. We had a guy call in and just start screaming about how we needed to give him something to live for and how bad his life was. The guy taking the phone call just passed me a note that said "Should I say wrong number?"

If you want my opinon on it, I'd say forget it all together man. If you are going into a relationship with the feeling that she is potentially seeing other men, and you both have different ideals and goals, it would take a lot of work to actually keep the relationship healthy, it would be even harder with only seeing them every weekend or so. I would say maybe you should try to seek out a girl that shares you ideals and shares a life goal that would allign with yours.

I'll post some more after I get a few more beers in me. I feel like it's one of those nights where being good and drunk can't hurt when it comes to trying ot sleep

I just watched a single drop of moisture roll slowly down my monitor, each pixel flaring and blinking like a cursor until it reached the next row. I’m reaching for a simile, but can’t find one.
You’re a tougher fucker than me user. I don’t envy you, but I do, somehow.

Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect

On the side note, suicidal faggots should off themselves - we don't want loses fucking up the gene pool.

Feel free to disable your meme flag before posting again Muhammad

To keep it a bit political, we did get an influx of calls leading up to and after the 2016 election of people thinking that trump is going to do the following
>Deport them or their families
>Ruin america
>Be a fascist dictator
>Kill the LGBT
>Remove their medical benefits so they can't get pills
>Revoke grants/scholarships because they were illegal

And we had to sit through them all, and reassure them that it's going to be fine.

Are a lot of people that call drunk?

Every once in a while when I get a little shitty I'll have thoughts of an heroing, luckily im too scared to do it.

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Gtfo newfag. I don’t even need to explain how I know.

God, I fucking hate meme flags

We do get a fair share of people calling in drunk, or on pills. It's not that weird if you think about it. When you are in a depressed mind state and you remove any inhibitions you have through drugs or alcohol then suicide may seem like a lot more reasonable conclusion.

If you are okay with it user, would you be willing to talk about what lead you to these points of feeling suicidal? Then I could try my damnedest to help you set up a plan to prevent any action in the future. You maybe afraid of it now, and it may pass, but if things get worse that fear may not stop you.

>luckily im too scared to do it
Fear doesn't last forever. Un-fuck yourself..

Are most people calling in for the attention or are they genuine in their suicidal desires?

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Christian actually.
Suicidefags should still die.

Do you not notice the irony of calling somebody a newfag on 2018 Jow Forums you IQ-1 kangaroo fucker?

one of the best threads i've ever seen. god bless you user


To give a story on this to shit shit rolling, we do get a lot of calls of people that are mid overdose and really don't want to die alone. I'll green text this one it's short enough.

>Be me
>Pudgy 21 year old bastard
>Around 4amish
>Close enough to end of shift
>Woman calls
>Older woman, call her martha
>Martha doesn't let me greet her
>Just says "I'm scared to go alone"
>Ask her what she means
>Says she took a bottle of xanax and drank some liquor and doesn't want to die alone
>Doesn't want to talk about why she did it
>Just wants to talk about random stuff
>Waved at my call room manager
>Instantly knew what was up
>Gave a thumbs up meaning he alerted authorities
>Fuck me I miss that guy
>I ask her what she likes to do
>She spends a lot of her time watching disney movies and other romantic shit
>Tells me about how much she loves the notebook
>We spend a while just talking about movies, and music
>She starts to sound less lucid
>Eventually goes silent
>After a while of no reply I hung up the line
>fucking sucks, but when we have an influx of calls, sometimes you have to do that.

I never found out what happened to her, manager didn't know either. I hope she went onto better things but I have doubt that they made it in time. responce time here is fucking garbage

It's normal. All of us do sometimes. And stop hiding behind meme flags

Depends... if you were here for /new/, then I’m the newfag.

I'm thinking of making this a somewhat regular thing. I can't really vent this shit to people I know because who the hell wants to sit through hearing about people killing themselves or wanting to

If any of you anons know a good site to keep the stories on, or if I should just repost the stories with every thread, let me know.

Another proof of Disney's ruining people lives

Keep it up

Thoughts of suicide and self doubt are normal in people, when it should start to concern you are when they leave the realm of occasionally, or when you start to take them seriously and want to act on them.

Even for healthy people however, it's a good idea to set up a support network of people that you can turn to if things ever start to get dark. One of the main reasons I hear on the line is that people cannot trust other, or they have no one to turn to, and at that point it's a bit late and the only thing that I can really help them do is set up a plan to keep them safe in that moment and set up regular calls to continue to check in on them.

if it were up to me, you can always post things like that.
to make it political, so mods don't discard the thread, maybe fellow user's can give opinions on how a country - the people and its government - can prevent such things

>are closed centra good ideas to keep murders/pedophiles/insane ones away?
>medication; pay back or nah?

I though that was a pejorative expression, not an actual thing. This world, I swear...

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Before this next story, I want to give out a bit of a request, please reach out to a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, or you feel maybe not in the best place in life. Human connection saves lives.

One type of call we get frequently are veterans. It's understandable, they went through hell but these guys have some of the most terrifying stories. I am going to try to drunkenly recollect one to you guys.

>Be me
>24ish, slightly fatter than before
>Not obese, but fucking love junkfood
>Normal shit, desk, video games
>Get a call in at about midnight
>Standard greeting
>Thanks for calling ____ my name is user
>An old raspy voice answers on the other line
>We will call him jasper
>Jasper says that he is having trouble sleeping
>I ask whats going on
>Jasper is a vietnam veteran
>He never got over what he saw there
>He asks me if he can just tell me what happened
>Says that getting it off his chest would help him
>I oblige

I am going to stop green texting it here, I am garbage at summarizing things like this. Sorry about the format change half way through

He tells me that he was with a mortar team that was going through some area near phuc vihn (fuck if I know how to spell it). He was keeping watch over the area as two men with him set up a mortar. Then as he described it he felt something akin to a thousand bee stings. He turned around and saw that the mortar tube itself had been blown to bits. The two men who were near it had been nearly obliterated

Cont, running out of space

Keep the thread alive anons, I take forever to type and have run out of my pre typed shit

Why are you prefacing each story with how fat you were at the time?

Ok. Here is mine.
>be me
>be in the military school
>one of the guys in my platoon is really girlish and we call him Christina
>one of the guys makes him his slave in the sense that he does almost anything the guy wants (no humiliation tho just bring this or do my bed)
>the slaveowner guy feels sick and is taken to hospital
>Christina feels relieved and cheers up a little
>one day me and 2 of my friends go out and we ask Christina to take the keys from the dorm to the officer so we don't have to go all the way back to his office
>while we are in the dorm changing the uniform for citizen clothes I receive a call
>it's the slaveowner calling from hospital
>asks me if Christina is around
>yeah, he is actually right here
>asks me to pass the phone to him
>continue changing the clothes
>Christina starts sobbing "b..But I can't do it"
>"ok Mr slaveowner. I got it"
>passes back the phone to me
>I'm talking to the slaveowner" wtf dude he's crying what did you tell him to do"
>"nothing special dude. Relax he's just a pussy"
>hear Christina mumbling something to himself
>come closer and hear " ok, I'll find the money, ok I'll find the hashish, and I'll even buy the pelmeni(rus raviolli) BUT where am I going to cook them?"
>laughing my ass off.jpeg
>Christina silently goes somewhere
>me and the boys are ready to leave and looking for Christina to pass him the key
>Christina is not around
>hear sobbing from the toilet
>door is locked
>All three of us are knocking and yelling to open the fucking door
>nothing but silence
>break the door and rush in
>Christina is hanging with a belt noose around his neck
>quickly take him out
>still breathing
>slap him a little
>one of my friends goes " you faggot don't take your life or I'll fucking kill you myself"
>was a little bit revitalizing for him

because it's funny

So loneliness and abstraction from society are the major reasons?

You create emotional bonds with the story teller. It's a literature thing.

what the fuck did slaveowner said to christina?

Well this one actually has a happy ending as Mr slaveowner turned to be a rat(stealing from his guys) and got severely BTFOed by the whole platoon. When his mom arrived she could barely recognize him

some user who wants to keep the thread alive?
i'm studying, but it's so fucking hot, i litterally can't study in this wheater

He asked him to bring him hashish and boiled pelmeni to hospital. When reread I understood that this part was not included

I don't have anything to contribute but I enjoyed reading your stories OP. I'm glad people like you exist and can only wish you more mental fortitude to deal with the shit being dumped on you.

Dude my brain is melting.
T. Black sea coaster

You severely need to read manosphere literature. The number of partners a man has makes no difference on marriage success. There's a reason men considered attractive are all studs who sleep around.

>when his mom arrived

Joking/talking about it helps me cope with the fact that I am a fat bastard. Don't really know what else to tell you.

He tells me that their bodies were ripped to shreds, the one closest to the mortar had the skin on the front half of him nearly eviscerated His face had been disfigured beyond recognition. His hands were both shredding to bits.

The second man was up against a tree. He was bloodied and unresponsive. He had a few cuts and shrapnel wounds.

Jasper told me that he thought he could help the man against a tree. He started dragging him across the ground to try to get him back to their camp. Jasper got him half way there before exhaustion took over and he ended up leaving the body.

I tried to reassure him that he was still a brave man, he served his country, and that was a hero. In a stone voice he told me there were no heros in vietnam.

Jasper did end up becoming a regular caller. I would hear from him from time to time and he seemed to be doing a lot better. He did tell me a couple stories about more shit that happened over there, but nothing really of note. Things like the nurses were hot, the jungle was hell, or how he hated the fucking Vietnamese.

>telling a veteran they're a hero
Seems like a bad idea unless it's some warbro faggot who did shit all in iraq.

Yeah. It's a military school meaning we were teenagers at that time

I've heard that kind of thing is a large problem in the Russian military.

What are you studying for user?

Thanks man. That actually does mean a lot. If you want to get something off your chest or just bitch about life feel free. There are anons here willing to support you. Hell that's what I am doing with these stories.

I didn't know at the time. I hold a lot of respect for any veteran. I consider them all heroes in their own right. They are doing what I could never dream of to support our country and keep us safe.

>bring me hashish and boiled pelmeni
>fuck it, i'm going to kill myself

So I guess Jasper did it out of depression

It was like the last drop for him because he was in debt for paying for slaveowner drugs

I'm reading Return of Kings whenever I feel like it. While I agree to some extent with what you've said, I still consider it degenerate behaviour that should be avoided at all cost. Even more, one should try to be more virtuous. The only realistic chance for someone like that is a christian but I would be a hypocrite. That's why I hate myself.

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That's all well and good but i guess im just expecting too much. What i see as common sense comes from critical thinking which is not, no offense to you, highly valued on this board

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Well it used to be. When I went to the actual army it was like a kindergarten compared to my military school where robbing, fighting and even a killing once took place

chemisty. pretty cool stuff desu

What are you planning to do after graduation?

14 y.o. to be exact

Well, the cat was judging him

>even a killing once took place
Jesus, is military school like a ghetto?

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I don't really know to be honest. I think he just wanted someone to listen. It's hard to find someone who is willing to sit through a story like that and not judge you, or think differently of you.

I also feel like it's time for a more lighthearted story. I don't want to bum people out more than I have.

We used to get a lot of prank calls before we instated the policy of just alerting the police when it happens.

>Guy calls in doing the worst black voice I have ever heard
>"Yo I got my dick stuck I need some help"
>"Ye, I was eyeing up this here pipe and thought goddamn I hadn't bust in a while"
>"Sir this isn't what the hotline is fo..."
>"So I slithered my dick on into it, and now it stuck"
>"Never call back again"
>Hang up phone
>Go back to vidya

I don't really have anything to bitch about. Sure my life isn't peachy, I do feel lonely and anxious about my future sometimes but I've learned to accept my situation and focus on fixing the things that I do have control over. There are people out there that have it way worse than me with no obvious way to fix or escape their situations.

Haha. Well yes. I remember the first time we saw our commander as newcomers he stood in front of us and yelled: yo are a bunch of stray dogs kicked out of the house. Your parents don't want you but I don't want you either. So while it's not too late take a piece of paper and write to your parents that you will be good boys and ask them to take you back because I'm not fucking around and next 3 years of your life will be harsh.
Turned out he want joking


Kek. So was he a nignog or just trolling? I mean I wouldn't be surprised

I'm dying and completely alone. Can you call the suicide hotline just to talk to someone?

Why did he allow himself to become a slave? A gay romance or some shit?

Actually that is a pretty sad story about that murder

work in a factory as some kind of boss. there's a lot of demand for chemistry and engineers in belgium