/pol I’ve been thinking. A lot of you guys were great at Art...

/pol I’ve been thinking. A lot of you guys were great at Art, and Pepe was drawn but I feel like a shark is a better depiction then a frog is on /pol
> different kinds
> some solitary some in large packs
> can smell “happenings” from miles away
> feed frenzy is the trolling
> not all hyper aggressive but can be
> apex
Why are we still using a from for politics when the shark is more dominant
> pic related
Anyways I’ll try to come up with a good shark meme tomorrow in MS paint. Just floating the idea before I start

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stuck your thumb in your butthole to push in an ice cube.

Idk what that means but ok I’ll give it a try.

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Because (((Sharks)))

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shitpost the shark
take a bit out of shills
>dont know who pepe is, thats pete the toad

no our mascot shall be benis.

Pepe is now ours, it’s the symbol of what we feel and what we want. It’s too late to go back and change it. It was memed so hard here that it’d take years for a new mascot to pop up.

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memes arent designed moron

they just happen


i like sharks and all but forced memes are the worst memes

Positively glowing.

There's different races of sharks trying to subvert the better ones.

That stare really activates the almondinos. I think this might be the meme when Pol truly becomes the new Jews. Screen cap this.

We the (((sharks))) now.

Idk guys I was doubting this idea at first but I'm starting to wonder if OP might be onto something here... Pic related was red pilled as fuck if I remember right.

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This thread will probably lead nowhere, but sharks are cool

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Can't bait the (((sharks))) Chum.

King of the deep blue sea.

Great white (((sharks)))


The absolute (((deep))) state of this board.

Mega user = Megalodon


Give him a star of David gold necklace bling and make him say "hey goys is it happening yet?"

Itt phone poster

Obligatory re-roll