How do sales people do it...

How do sales people do it? Sales is a very tough job where you keep hearing many "no's" How do sales people stay optimistic for every single opportunity?

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greed is their fuel

^ Some people have it, some people don't. If you're stuck in a sales position and you're not a natural, try watching Brian Tracy videos until you get a better job.

Selling is like banging roasties. You approach trn women and maybe eight to nine of them will say no. Sales is the same but with money. Every time you approach you get better until after a while that ratio of no to yes goes down. Sales isn't hard you just have to be persistent

they enjoy talking to people and winning them over, and they are good enough to succeed more than they fail. It's easy to be optimistic if you usually win.


fuck capitalism that how

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Just fucking ask people you shy, autistic, fuck.

Know your product, ask your customer the right questions. Find the need and fill it. It's just like weight loss, success breeds the desire for more success - build your skills off of that. Develop a thick hide and don't take "no" for an answer, always circle back and try to close them again.

>Find the need and fill it.

Just like everything else in our meaningless lives.

Are you in sales?

the best salesman ive ever known is a total piece of shit junkie who is literally fucking his sister

Electrodes are placed on their genitalia wired up to a calibrated lie detector which detects for negative emotions. As soo as it detects that the subject is being less than completely earnest a painful shock is administered.

Sales is slimy and filled with slimy people, and they are the best because they have little to no empathy/conscience. I sold ADT security for a while in home and did pretty well. I was in the top 5 of my branch out of 15 dudes. Nearly brought home 100k. I could never get close to the top 3 though because they were chain smoking (weird that most in sales smoke) greasy alcoholics who had each been married at least twice. They also had no problem pressuring old scared ladies into emptying their bank accounts, which I did.

You need to be a sociopath with the ability to lie constantly without feeling regret. That is why kikes and sandniggers excel at it.

i did 1 day of sales and quit because i felt like shit after i sold some old people some magazines or some stupid shit they didnt want or need

Well you can only tolerate it for a certain amount of time.

They probably dead inside or something, would never work in shit like this

I used to sell flame-retardant Irish flags to people in Belfast prior to Bonfire night for a laugh, but it doesn't really count as sales I guess.

Sales is a mental war. That's why it pays OK. Not everyone can handle daily rejection and the feeling that your job is to bother people all day.

Unless you are selling something that you are genuinely interested and believe in sales work is absolute shit tier.
The more niche thing you're selling, the better customers and nicer time working you have. Being a call center or sole tv-store worker is the worst because you are replacable with anyone off the street.

If I visit a regular store or general home electronics store, retail etc I don't give a fuck about what the salespeople talk because I do my own research. I know they are just minimum wage people who didn't get the job because they are interested in the line of work but because they are extrovert normies and they are not required to have any knowledge or interest.
All they do is cheat old people buying useless crap they don't need, online shopping can't close down retail stores fast enough.

Retail store worker is the lowest of the low job, learn a real skill or knowledge in a niche to land a job you really care about.

Oh wow, I'm in sales and sitting at my sales job desk right now.

It does suck, user. I hate getting shit on everyday. I've been doing sales for about ten years now. I made decent money but it's not really for me. I think all the time about a job where I am just paid like a normal human being instead of constantly having to stress about a commission check.

But sometimes the commission checks are very high and I'm happy.

Sometimes they are very low and I am stressed and sad.

The ups and downs are brutal.

It helps if you make friends around the office and joke about the shitty calls and how much it sucks. Sometimes we make games out of making calls or sales.

But yeah, I don't plan on staying in this game much longer. I need a career change.

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