Why is everyone hating America lately?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because we are being raided by kikes.

Focus on the big 3. We're winning.


>The ZOG


>Blasphemy Against Jesus Christ
-Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."
-Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.
-Shabbos 104b. He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible.
>Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews
-Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
-Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
>Jews May Lie to Non-Jews
-Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
>Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human
-Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
-Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
-Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
-Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
-Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
-Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.
-Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
>Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust
-Gittin 57b. 4,000,000,000 Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar.
-Gittin 58a 16,000,000 Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

Here's whats happening:
With the recent Gunn takedown, (((Hollywood))) pedos aka millionaires are raiding our shit. They know the power of Jow Forums and are shitting their pants to do damage control. JIDF/Hasbara has a vested interest in preserving their role in the (((media))). Stay frosty Jow Forums.

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The shills are receiving their orders.
We're getting "themed invasions" now.

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Many american posters insist on being smug and rude to european posters.

> slave of kikes
> cut dicks off to appease kikes
> attack middle-eastern countries to create refugee crisis
> hollywood
> porn
> exports open borders propaganda to eastern europe
> allies with saudis

Americans deserve nothing but a genocide. People hate you because you are a slave race to Jews - and people look down on slaves.

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No? It is quite the opposite, really.


>genocide fellow whites

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fuck off with your slide thread. saged

>>genocide fellow whites

> Americans
> whites

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Europeons have been smug and rude to Americans ever since they discovered the internet.
>Import boatloads of African savages that have no connection to any ongoing war.
>Blame America.
>Your dog shits all over the couch.
>Blame America.
The hallmark of third-world demagoguery right there.

Cucked globalists

>You're not white
high talk coming from an Italian. I am 100% white and I have a dna test to prove it.

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Ifs you're circumcised you're not white

>whiteness is an alterable thing

>Why is everyone hating America lately?
Probably because changing demographics.
Only niggers, retards, feminists and mudslimes hate America.
leftists = politically retarded

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thx norweigebro

Don't take it personal, ameri-bro.
We are hating not you as an american individual, but your government and the ruling Jews.

Let's put things straight, everything degenerate comes from America. Be it technology like internet, that turns us into monkeys, makes us addicted, provides a breeding ground for retards all over the world like transpeople (social media, pornography, LGBTxx movement etc.).
Technology SEEMS nice and dendy, but we were never made to accelerate in that sense, because we cant use it in a responsible manner. Since Amreica is spreading all this crap, humans turn more and more into apes, becoming white niggers.

>t. Honorary jew

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Hate US cause they ain’t US.


they've always hated us because this is the best damn country in the solar system.

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Thanks. As far as degeneracy goes, I'd say only about 50% comes from us, still more than what it should be and higher than all other nations, but shit like prison and sentencing reform certainly hasn't stemmed from here. As far as social degeneracy, yeah, most of it comes from us.

>The Jews will kill their honorary Jews
We're dying faster than anyone else bud.

hating america unpeoples you, ergo no one is hating america because america haters are not people


Prime Europosting hours. I'm a NEET so I spend all my time on this board and I recognize when Euros become more active in threads. Euros are starting to get off work now so they're gonna do their recreational pastime of whining about Americans. Wait ~8 more hours, it goes back to normal.

we dindu nuffin

Yeah I noticed it always acts up around this time. I work the night shift so lol.

>Why is everyone hating America lately?
Everybody always loves America. The entire planet hates Shithole Russia.


you a gud country



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I don't hate you just the people inside you.

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KEK KEK - Probably cause the USA is politically incorrect in the world. But ironically the USA has some major issues or persecuting the politically incorrect.

Maybe because the US is a 50% white county and he biggest military arm of the Jewish global empire

how will he ever recover


Probably because we allow urbanites to run and represent us in all affairs. I would hate every nation on earth if they were judged by the filth in their capitol cities and major urban centers.
Most Euros here talk about how their cities are filled with blacks, browns, commies and queers.
Do we think about them as such? I sually imagine a normal fair skinned or tanned person, not some ooga booga.
So when some outsider sees LA, NYC, Baltimore, san fran, or detroit pushed and authentic USA, of course we are all seen as beans and blacks.

Look in the white house and the monkey sitting there.

and he'll lose his liqour licence


your freedoms

>Most Euros here talk about how their cities are filled with blacks, browns, commies and queers.
No they don't
>that's the all right and they're spreading of fake news
>muh germany, londonstan and sweden


in that case Europe should be nuked first, along with your 120 days of Sodom, facist.

So long as they keep us divided over something, literally anything, then we stop hunting pedo kikes. You all really need to learn to recognize their tactics and ignore them.

you reap what you sow

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>Chad sticking his big swinging dick in everything that moves
That is strange, OP.

Because we’re winning again

No, Jews are winning. Trump has done far more for Jews (embassy move, threaten Iran etc) than he has for Americans.

It shows how deeply Americans are enslaved to Jews. They think their masters victory is their victory.

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I will tell you the truth user

Trump is being coerced by levers to do Netanyahu's bidding. He knows this & quietly hates him for it (just look at how Trump leaves Netanyahu holding his dick at public events, etc) but cannot do anything about it. Like how he refuses to spill the names of the evil senators in our congress, it's breaking a rule & is just sloppy, bad strategy.

Believe me when I say Trump is setting I*rael up for one Hell of a disappearing act. You think Jews are the best at Jewish tricks? Have faith, for God created their hands to make these tricks to begin with, you feel? T is going to fucking shake the hornet's nest & throw it in their business in a way that far outmatches anything they have ever done to us.

I have faith, it has to be this way. I simply know Trump hates them, he knows we are hated because they force us along like a puppydog, but this is a form of control our Pres cannot defeat, we must bide our time & play clever geopolitics until we get a chance to snap out of it.

> but user why is it this stupid & complicated?
> just research the Yom Kippur war user, as well as all the craziness around it
> we initially chose our position regarding I*rael to spare a nuclear war from happening that I*rael we found out deceived us about, not to mention the decision was backed by all our bought-out pedo lawmakers


This. Kikes that run this country need to go. Same in Europe.

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Delayed reaction to the Hillary supporting traitors in your family.

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He handed his daughter off to a kike, user. There's no going back.
It's time to face the truth, I know it's hard.

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Imagine being this insecure about your race lol

I didn't hate America but this who is America really hit the final nail in proving their stupidity.

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Because we originated from the UK, the original country everyone in the world hated, and before that, everyone hated Vikings, and before that, Spaniards, the point is this:




Literally, it's leaf tier smugness too.

Because half of it is the source of the problem, populated by leftist faggots and kikes, the other half by hypocritical "right-wingers" who advocate for an "ethnostate" and "blood and soil" when the whole country is the outcome of a literal genocide and indigenous population replacement.
Either go back to Europe or become a leftist.

Because they destroyed Europe and now they bow to the Jews.

This, they are just like the Chinese were for centuries, ruled by foreigners.
Truly a country of slaves. Notice how they desperately feel the need to cry "muh freedom“ all the time.



Hey man I'd like a Daily Talmud General.

I wish that was true but i think you are being delusional, America is under jewish boot even more than weak Poland.

>any party to the EU thinking they're not under the same god damned boot

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Good idea, will try but am tired of getting off-topic banss

If it wasn't for US interventions in the Middle East, a lot of rapefugees wouldn't come.

That said, I agree with you that Europe also has a responsibility in taking in the muds. Western Europe can't blame the US for Everything, but the US is hardly innocent either.

The main problem is that your country is not an elective democracy; it's a Jewish oligarchy. So you will keep invading/harassing Israel's enemies and then push for these 3rd worlders to come to Europe.

Because your Jew cucked.

You constantly critize Europe, whole sucking up to the Jews, giving Israel billions of dollars every year and calling them your greatest ally, all the while forcing the rest of the West to participate in your insane Middle Eastern wars.

You let (((Wall Street))) speculate and destroy the economy.

You constantly bomb the Arabs sending masses of these people into Europe.

You virtue signal about being a super power and multicultural even though your going bankrupt spending trillions of dollars fighting wars for the Jews all the while you critize your true friends. And yeah, multiculturalism doesn't work


How old are you?

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I love America and liberty so much, I wish badly I was an American.

I want a truly free and moral society.

>first post memeflaggot Christcuck
>uses NS
>shills for (((Judeo-Christianity)))
>calls other people Jews

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Based and red pilled

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Then stop using the internet you fucking idiot.

They hate us cuz they anus

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You have to go back

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*orange Jew

The monkey was last round, user

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110 BILLION arms deal to saudi terroristia

>When President Donald Trump closed a nearly $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia on Saturday, his deputies’ spirits soared. Policy advisor Jared Kushner high-fived National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster as he entered the room where they held talks with Saudi officials. Aide Gary Cohn told pool reporters the deals represented “a lot of money. Big dollars. Big dollars.”

>The weapons sale was one of the largest in history, totaling close to $110 billion worth of tanks, artillery, radar systems, armored personnel carriers, and Blackhawk helicopters. The package also included ships, patrol boats, Patriot missiles, and THAAD missile defense systems.

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Actually not as much, but a lot more thanks to you certainly.

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It's just banter. We like you, but you should kill your jews and nuke Israel.

They're just going to use all that tech to blow up Iranians, though.

Oh yeah, haha, based Israel. I love Jews. Only ten million more rapefugees for Europe! We can get more terrorists trained by Saudi Arabia who will use the weapons you sold them, too. BASED! USA! USA! USA!

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>user brings up african refugees
>b-but us interventions in the middle east...
Europe's superior education at work.

110 billion dollars is a lot of money. We like money.

Unironically because you elected Donald Trump
Even your wokest politician is an idiot. Compare Hitler, Mussolini, etc. How they talk, how they write, their ideas, compare them to Trump. Its depressing, the best American president ever is still a dumbass mutt in comparison to Europe's finest

The Amerimutt is immunized against all danger. One may call him a warmonger, war profiteer, subverter, pusher of diversity, ally of Saudi Arabia and Israel, supporter of terrorism and nation destroyer. It all runs off of him like water. But call him a "mutt" and see how he recoils. How he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out!"

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>arab, jew, Cherokee, Irish, Greek, mutts
All white Americans died in the civil war and were replaced by swarthy germans

I only hate about 44% of America

I want to join the Military to push my self to the limit and make some bros but shit like this is why I never will.

based italian bro

>trump is the best american president
holy fuck no

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dont respond to the meme flag

>black general in the fucking Air Force says other people should die
Thanks affirmative action.