There is a protest against the media companies by all the "youths of African Appearance" upset that they're being called out for their terror on the streets of Melbourne and the Dinduism is real.
Saturday at 2 PM 2 days from now · 10–17°C Partly Cloudy Seven News Melbourne 160 Harbour Esplanade, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3008
Just letting all Greater Melbournians know that this is going down so prepare for shit to get hairy despite their "peaceful protest" bullshit and stay safe.
americans are the only country with a guaranteed liberty of free speech so they are certainly white western civilization
eg france banned paternity testing and most of the UK bans free speech
Isaac Reed
Are Anglos uncivilised in terms of the attitude towards to family unit? It looks like the members in an Anglo family are highly independent, e.g. parents usually don't give money to their adult child, some barbarians even kicked them out. From economic point of view this kind of behaviours weakened the strength of Anglos as a race in a competitive market. Asians act with family unit, Europeans doing the same - Greeks, Italians and French, the barbarian habit seems only exists among Germanic tribes.
>Kid kicked out at 16 >Renter to BASED Chang for life Thanks Anglos
Lincoln Brown
Airsoft is illegal, mandatory voting, mandatory health "insurance" scam, mandatory superannuation scam.... Etc
Andrew Jones
If there is reincarnation I'm going to get god to make me a euro poof. Even a wog.
Henry Morris
We won WW2 and became prosperous and the rest of the world was under our thumb, so our children could afford their own homes. Sadly our dumb people thought this prosperity would last forever, it doesnt, it didnt, and now we still follow the cultural norm of moving out, despite the economic condiitons changing in such a way that it no longer should occur.
Not really a punishment, its more a legacy of a bygone spoils for the winners. It'll take some time for culture to catch up with reality, if it ever does.
yes most anglo families are pretty shitty to each other. lots of put downs and coldness imo. it worked well in simpler times and when the west was underpopulated.
Isaiah Turner
Reminder to all Australians to read this book. Spread it as far and wide as you can, to everyone you know.
I cant believe Muellers boss is the one to get impeached
I can't believe Trump is going to fix the shadow-banning on twitter
Luke Robinson
Sod off, adults are talking here.
Bentley Diaz
I bet there's a lot less sibling rivalry and spiteful put downs veiled as jokes and so on. Also no boomers.
Brandon Sanders
This >read book >tell everyone >get vacant stare >huurr whatta bout tha footy me vote liberal or laba, coz laba cares abat workin class aye
Mason Bennett
we've been brainwashed into it
the fact that so many of us succeed in spite of it should put shitskins on notice - if we took generational wealth as seriously as chinks do we'd already own the fucking planet
Brody Smith
>(((We))) won WWII
Thomas Moore
BASED and redpilled
Josiah Green
>non white families aren't dysfunctional have you ever visited liveleak?
no he is saying if you sit on your arse all day blaming other people for why you don't have what you want. then you will never get it
Thomas Sanchez
No, seeIt should probably be illegal, and in fact, it was illegal in my case... but it still happened to me. And then the authorities put me in a halfway house with people who had just got out of prison for murder and I was just a 14 year old going "what the fuck is going on?", so there's that.
The state doesn't give a fuck, parents who do this shit should be given jail time. Most people end up on drugs and lifelong fuck ups if it happens to them.
Christopher King
That would be true under the assumption that free-will exists.
'I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skilful: but time and chance in all.' - Ecclesiastes 9:11