David Hogg gets BTFO so hard that he runs away and has his jew overlords attack the reporter

David Hogg gets BTFO so hard that he runs away and has his jew overlords attack the reporter


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The ol’ Hogg Jogg

The nose knows

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the guys face is going to be forever synonymous with cuckoldry
I almost feel bad for what hes gonna go through in the future.

thanks for making me watch nothing


Hogg is irrelevant now.

There are unstable people actively hunting this kid. Best hit the gym, Dave.

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I'm in favor of replacing the term "cuckoldry" with "hogging" in honor of this brave young "man."

fucking kek my sides

Id personally advise him to purchase a firearm if things are that bad.

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That faggot should be shot.

You think he's CIA or CNN?

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O i v e i

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Don't worry bro, David Zogg is over 30, and he's FBI, he's got more and better guns than all of us.

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Zogg's Dad is a top FBI man (so naturally he retired as multi millionaire)

Zogg will never have to worry about not having the best bodyguards corrupt money can buy. (while he advocates for us to lose our guns)

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That's already reserved for fucking fatties though.

I rebuke the whole cuck shit, just go back to calling them faggots like a decade ago

Lying little cunt, and he's not very good at it either

Don’t forget the turtle lips

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Hogging it is.
i.e. "Geoff enjoyed watching his wife get railed by his neighbor. But if he were to come out and admit that, he would be labeled a hoggold. But he sure did enjoy himself a bit of hoggoldry now and again."


1600 feet PER SECOND

Thanks for the enlightenment !

So his handler got triggered by the final question? I wonder why.

It’s interesting since reading the republic, how every government agency man fits perfectly the description of the unjust man that it is agreed will steal and ruin if allowed to do so, but maintains the appearance of being just. The true just are shit all over in every society without fail

>Ok so I don't have any facts or evidence to back up anything I'm saying but I was about to FUCKING DIE even though I wasn't there when the shooting happened so maybe it's time to burn the constitution?

Is he 18 yet? Can I make fun of him yet?

For people who love to make fun of us "leafs" you burgers sure can come up with some hateable people.

The Demoncrats turn them out at an amazing rate.

>guys face
He's going tranny in 2 years
An hero by 25

>1600 ft

Hogg is a CIA/CNN project. He is used to only fawning/coordinated questions from confederates in the media and government, to promote their mutual agenda of attacking the right, and promoting gun control.

>Where did you find the courage to stand up the NRA?
>What was it that made you and your classmates to say "enough is enough?" and take on the challenge of making our country safe?

So when his CIA/CNN handler (how many 17 year old students, have media handlers and bodyguards, and perimiters for their appearances?) so when his handler heard a troll question, that is not supposed to ever happen, he sprung into action, to protect Zogg. I would bet the handler is a federal or some function of police officer too, and the questioner is now on a list, for retribution.

You just never want to troll the CIA IRL. Never do it.

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Stop misusing the word confederate for the word comrade

Confederate means 'self-rule'


American kids are just so dumb.

>what outlet are you with?
when he gets the suspicion he isn't talking to a controlled ally

Do you think he was raped by Brock?

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>West 55th for a meeting
What a fucking pleb

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>>We are here to save your life.
>>Handler starts bossing him around
>>Taking down the guys name
>>We're done!
>>Kicks him out

of a public space I guess?

whats the difference?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think CIA does lot of killing and lying, CNN just focus on the lying.

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If there were no guns, there would be no gun violence. Prove me wrong.

I really like her hair, it looks poofy.

Jesus Christ, it’s so apparent we’re being lied to. There’s no telling what all is being hidden from us about Parkland.

>people didn't kill each other before guns

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>over 20 videos of people

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I didn't say that.

this guy was the best

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What are you saying? That countries that ban guns end violence?

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He took over-acting to the next level. Best Crisis actor ever.

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People would just invent guns again. Black iron pipe, end cap, and a nail/screw gets you a slam fire 12 gauge. Match heads for powder charge and primer.

the recent duckboat event had a really good interview with mom/daughter complete with some duper delights


so.. i dont do drugs but wtf is the hogg on? obviously on some kind of stimulant. he talks so fast I started laughing like 5 times while watching that video. what the fuck drugs they got this kid on??


prob adderall or something.

He's on that iq85 trying to crisis act his way out of the lies he fucked up.

He said he rode his bike home to get his camera to live stream... from the closet.... back in the school.... while it was on lockdown....

Quads checked.

timestamp? i'm not going to watch 9 mins of that faggy shit

I wouldn't put it past them, but what is the purpose of this one? I can see reasons for SHE, but are they trying to effect duckboat legislation?
My personal theory is for any event, real or not, the media in a rush to provide a story first gets actors to be their witnesses.

If i was that interviewer at the time, i would have asked if that nose dude was actually working for the CIA. Whats he going to do? Most likely recoil and know hes exposed.

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one thing I noticed, everyone involved seems to be connected to some kind of religious institution. Like the driver of the beat was an ex-pastor, the father of that mom I posted was a pastor. the black family is part of Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Church. every article has some kind of pastor lamenting the fact the X died, like
>Pastor Timothy Paul Hinds rarely missed an opportunity to post about the Bright’s on the church’s Facebook page.
there is a very christian church angle to the whole thing.

and then some goblina T-poses him out of the perimeter and take his name down like a fucking hall monitor

>she will never be your wife

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>Hogg literally states on live TV that his enemies are "the oligarchs"

>hasn't squared the fact that gun legislation might save a few teenagers lives but it only gives the oligarchy more power

I wouldn't put using actors past the Lying Press, but I think most of the time it is just the fact that so many people have been brainwashed to jump at the chance to be on TV as much as possible, for any reason. Even if their kid just died, they still feel the pull of the television spotlight more than their grief. Many people experience their entire lives as a distorted reflection broadcast back to them by the media.

That was a pathetic 'journalist' and this is a shit 'BTFO' video. That faggot just let Hogg get away with garbage arguments and didn't know a fucking thing about what he was even interviewing this retard about.
Is this a shariablue post trying to get people to watch this propaganda?

A friend of mine who is also a recreational conspiracy theorist believes on (((certain holidays))) there is an effort to cause psychic pain to people, and the more shock and awe that can be created, the more power those causing it get. I start to think he might have some valid points when stuff like this happens. I don't necessarily agree with him on reptilian extra-dimensional Saturn Storm traveling evil psychic vampire beings stuff, but we both agree there is fuckery afoot. His ideas make more sense when there doesn't seem to be a political motive, yet it's beaten to death by the media.

5:05 - Hogg is asked about the theory that he wasn't at the school when the shootings happened. Hogg lies about it as his handler signals him to end the interview. Interviewer is then made to leave the event

The FBI knew it was going to happen and allowed it to happen and then appointed the son of a FBI stooge to do push anti-gun propaganda. It's plain as day what happened.

this. and everyone knows it

I would have said fuck you, im not leaving and if you place your hands on me, i am calling the police for assault.
This is an open meeting. Anyone is allowed here. And anyone includes me.

So fuck off.


Look like it, there wasnt even an attack done on him. And he even says he believes Hog about being at the school. Probably the youtuber himself linking his shit on here.

guy looks like an absolute spook

It's the same MO as the Boston bombings and every other mass shooting/terrorist attack. The FBI has them "under investigation" but does nothing.

Boston bombing was one of the laziest fake attacks.craft international was all over that circus show.

well I just notice things I read in the news


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God I missed him so much. His face&voice is punch material, I honestly started going into withdrawal. Thanks for the new material


Still the same twig stick faggot I see

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>fucking niggress brings in race for no reason

This kid is going to come down from his fame high worse than Demi Lovato and much quicker

>those dead eyes
This is an npc...take notice of it.

Only dicklets put bulky shit in their front pockets...phone and wallet go in the back.

That jawline is unsettling

>twig arms

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so this is where david learns all his bad habits

hold on a sec, when did Hogg cycle off and get his camera?
He's a fucking liar and that is the question they don't want asked

he looks like a female transitioning to male lesbian

im more interested in the fact he claims to have 20 tapes worth of shit. He literally only really interviewed one person on camera

>1600 feet
>/ 3 feet per yard
>533 yards.
>Max effective range on a point target on iron sights is 550 yards.
He's not wrong, but nobody is using an AR at that range for committing crimes or hunting people.

>fearing not knowing whether im going to live or die
yea interviewing 20 people would be my first response too. i like the emotion he threw into that fucking, this dude is totally believable. class act

I was speaking on the female, but Hogg has always been a confirmed chinlet

When his handlers said, "Hey, the false-flag is going to happen today, so if you didn't bring your camera go get it."