Is Jow Forums controlling the entertainment industry?

is Jow Forums controlling the entertainment industry?

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>Gamergate failed manbabies, get over it!
>Gamergate is still controlling everything!
Pick one, libshits.

This whole thing is Reddit beyond belief
So yes

>still defending a pedo simply because he was anti-Trump
Yep, cringe compilation

yes user we control everything with meme magic

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Based Jow Forums and based r/the_donald

how did you get the network activity on the bar? I used to have it with that one root app but the version I'm on now doesn't support it.


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Based Jow Forums and based r/the_donald thread!

the data? it's in the settings somewhere

The only mistake gamergate made, was that they didn't realise that the rot at the bottom of the barrel runs all the way though.

how long are they going to keep using this boogey man for

>Gamergate era

In what era could senior employees of a very public image conscious children's entertainment corporation get away with loudly and proudly making public statements about his desire to rape children?

I'm serious. The 90's? The 60's?


The smart ones did. They became Jow Forumsacks.

Is there anything we didn't do at this point?

The election is our fault. Pedophiles getting fired from a kids comapny is our fault. Blacks being unable to integrate into civilization is our fault. Borders are our fault. What's NOT our fault?

We all know no one would give a shit about it if he was a DC director.

>gunn makes these tweets ages ago
>people dig them up
>liberals cry and bitch about them saying hes a pedophile
>he gets fired instantly

what is happening lol fucking bizzaro world

forever up until very recently

Hollywood pedo's basically operated out in the open

why not go after the real people who fired him (Disney execs) instead of chasing ghosts?

yep all the incel gamergaters magically disappeared because 4 years passed

I have Zoe Quinn to thank for Glorious Emperor Trump's (double) presidency - were it not for a series of events started by a whore banging 5 journalists at once, we would not be living in this magnificent timeline.

I'm not even kidding when I tell you that life is good.

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Reminder that nearly every single prominent anti-gamergator is either a registered sex offender, is currently indergoing trial for sex assault or is already sitting behind the bars for sex related crimes.


THE ERA OF GAMERGATE lmao what planet are these people on?
Besides I thought gamergate was about some roastie and sexists I don’t see how someone getting fired because their employer didn’t like their tweet history is relevant

Better a rapist than a race traitor.

Its not bizarre. Its the liberals realizing the end result of outrage culture. Which is that the sword cuts both ways. They wanted this, and now they're mad its claiming their own.

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>this is what Jow Forums actually believes

Jews panicking, white brainwashed commies panicking that the minorities are getting woke and fighting them instead of their right wing enemies. All according to the plan from reddit. Remember reddit created this mess, they are the real gamergators.

gamergate was about rampant corruption in the gaming journalism industry. it was started accidentally by the salacious zoe quinn shit

Trump wouldn't be president without Jow Forums

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>roastie talentless developer fucks 5 journos who all give her good reviews for a medicore game
>people find this out and point out how garbage the ethics in the game journalism industry
>low numbers of shitheads troll them and send shitty sexist messages
>most people are just concerned about the ethics and corruptions
>libs and journos just claim this is entirely about people hating women in gaming to deflect real criticism about them and their practices
>create a massive culture of out-rage and virtue signaling where all forms of criticism or disapproval is labeled with racist, sexist, hateful, what ever they want.
>this spreads into every facet of cultural life and eventually real news media, college campuses and politics.

It was going on long before that, The zoe quinn is what made it blow up though, i'll give you that.

The left will eat itself, its been happening for a while and now its hit people in their own circles at major places like Gunn or Harmon

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>Jow Forums
Jow Forums is the ultimate plebbit board you dumb nigger

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>It was going on long before that


/v/ was always skeptical whenever an obviously shit game got glowing reviews. It was clear money was changing hands just to try and pump up sales. Then it comes out developers are literally fucking editors for good reviews. The Quinn shit was hilarious in how sjws tried to spin the entire thing as misogyny. All anyone wanted was for reviewers to be objective when analyzing a product so we could make informed decisions about our purchases.

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Jow Forums is smarter than /tv/ and every consumerist board by a long shot, so you are wrong.

you are not the great influencer of society you think you are. pic related

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>Cernovich dug all this up and got him fired
Stop acting like niggers


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>Jow Forums is smarter than /tv/
sure fucko

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>anyboard having an IQ over 95

James Gunn would have wanted James Gunn fired

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What made it so funny is that she wasn't a game developer, and what she made was barely even classifiable as a game. It was a cringe inducing pile of shit that was like something a particularly slow 12 year old made. Hence the glowing reviews from the journalists she just coincidentally happened to fuck being so blatantly Fuck For Scores.

Was gamergate behind Roseanne being fired ?

You mean

>We are not the great influencer of society liberals and leftists won't stop claiming we are


>Jow Forums - 108
>/lit/ - 106
>/sci/ - 111
>/tv/ - 117
yeah nah


Womp womp, don't be political pedo and just do your fucking movie's and everything will be sweet. It's these creeps that have gone too far imposing their fucked up lifestyle and degenerate behaviour that has caused blowback.

>nazis from Gamergate and Jow Forums are conspiring to persecute innocent people on Twitter for nothing but a few thousand innocent jokes about anally fucking toddlers

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I tried the link there. It didn't work.

/tv/ would be 117 if you removed post election twitter liberals, /co/ck heads, /a/utists and /v/edditors.

That's vanity fucking with you, user.

/tv/ would be completely uninhabited if you removed post election twitter liberals, /co/ck heads, /a/utists and /v/edditors.

when you put it that way

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No. It's just liberal cognitive dissonance owing their overwhelming arrogance running up against reality.

>/tv/ would be 117
In what fucking world do you live in?


>uses lgbt colors in a graph like a bunch of homo pedos this board is
It is like reflex with you 'people' isn't it?

Wrong. The pedo's, undercover retired tripfags and the rare genuine long term user would still be here.

Jow Forums did not fire Gunn, his employer did. Everything else is ideological bullshit.

Yeah, like that.

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i meant what i meant, nobody outside of your bubble cares about this anime website

>Unironically outing yourself as a Jow Forumsnigger

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he's talking about hate speech, Jow Forumstard.
not rape jokes

>this is who liberals think secretly control the world

>Jow Forums did not fire Gunn, his employer did

when you've wasted (and will continue to waste) so many years of your life in degrading and repetitive pursuits it's important to believe in the idea of a payoff

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>nobody cares
And yet here we are with mainstream liberal media outlets blaming us for imaginary problems.

It's almost like your displaying another great example of that cognitive dissonance we've discussed.

I'm pretty sure you know what a false dilemma that is, user.

>roastie talentless developer fucks 5 journos who all give her good reviews for a medicore game
this isn’t true

What about this screencap am I supposed to be outraged over?

Vox writers get paid to write these headlines. There is a literal payoff.

>everybody falling for the bait

Does that article even *mention* Jow Forums?

I don't think you know what the term "false dilemma" means, user.

This. It wasn't even a game. It was a just text on a screen that she fucked 5 guys for a good review over.

Did Disney's announcement of Gunn's firing mention Gamergate?

travis sees what you did there

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This. She's not a developer and the "game" wasn't mediocre - it was hilariously retarded, inept trash.

>What about this screencap am I supposed to be outraged over?
reddit tier roleplaying

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I wish I got paid to shill online, fuck it just seems so easy.

>left wing 'meme'
>enormous wall of text
every damn time.


Didn't think so. You sure are some *needy* sons of bitches.

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>incel gamergaters
why are you even here?

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>words words words
When will the left ever learn.

Is trump not president?

>censoring "nigger"

Now THAT'S some top tier r*ddit.

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>being mad at the fact

Hillary did a speech on how bad pepe was. Come on user.


precisely. Nowhere did Disney mention the Alt-Right, Jow Forums, Gamergate or Russian Hackers in their announcement of Gunn's sacking.

And yet here were are, with liberals crying that everyone but the pedophile in question is to blame for his behavior and lack of employment.



thats an old one. we've improved

This entire board is Jow Forums.
Why are you so mad?

Doing it for free doesn't make you less of a faggot user-kun