Odd People

SS speaks

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>it's not rape if a woman does it

I hope this pedo kike hangs.

>to people fake clutching their pearls
Says Silverman, who built her career on offensive comedy but later claimed anyone who said anything offensive is an evil nazi.

It's a -joke- if it's about baby rape, but if it's a racist joke, then you're really a racist.

If Gunn and SS can make baby rape jokes...

Then Kramer can say 'nigger' as much as he likes.

That was pretty weak.
The best part of this is the pedo 'jokes' will stop now because they are scared. We are in their heads.

Is Sarah the least funny person on Earth? I've never laughed a single time at anything she's done. Why does she have so big a name? I don't understand.

>talk shit about bernie supporters and Republicans at Democrat convention

>make yourself a target for 75% of Americans



filthy yenta is feeling the heat, so delicious

>pearl clutching
I see this phrase pop up a lot here lately in the pedo threads

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>she was babysitting

>I-it was just a joke, you guys
>God, why do you have to take everything so seriously?
>I mean, come on, it's not like I'd actually rape a child
>It's just a joke
>I'm not pedophile, I'm just telling a joke
>Stop being so sensitive

would be fun to tilt her head toward the sky and shove a 9ft pike into her cuntloaf just hard enough giving appearance she's vombombing a freshly sharpened penciltip

Coming from a bitch that says racist jokes are racist whilst wearing blackface... this means alot

why dont people joke about her being burnt in ovens? maybe she will aknowledge it

Honestly, who the fuck finds this shit funny? I'm not even talking about the pedo content. The "joke" itself is void of any humor whatsoever. Anyway, I hope this disgusting fridge kike dies in a fire very, very soon.

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Comedians have such an unearned sense of self-worth. A sane society would be wary of comedians and actors.

>hoping to see words of wisdom by an elderly SS veteran
>instead it's some jewess with big tits

>stones in glass houses

She and her communist friends made the bed, now sleep in it.

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>hard absurd

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A result of extreme free speech

>mfw this is part of the plan to get the general public to accept kiddie diddlers like they did trannies and fudgepackers

They're trying to equate general pederesty to free speech, notice how they'll defend this shit at all costs. They must've figured that they already got the goyim to accept children getting mutilated and turned into mutant freaks, what's pedophilia compared to that?


joking about rape is bad imo..
not gonna force anyone to stop doing it, but i don't wanna be upsetting friends who may have had bad experiences with blurred lines and sexual misconduct..

that said i had a gf who was raped but also made rape jokes to process it sometimes.. i didnt feel bad engaging with those jokes with her..

well i don't; know where i stand.

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I don't think she's a pedo because of her tweets. I think she's a pedo cuz she's a Jew.

pedo enabler =\= pedo
but they are both as disgusting


they probably hang out on discord or something similar to Journolist, a private far left message board so they can all coordinate and get their response sheets.

it's only joking when they do it, anyone not far let isn't allowed to use satire or make edgy jokes

>*calls for President to be impeached over pussy joke*
>"lop, I'm not a peso, I was just joking all those times I said those unfunny things, Lol"