Why can't men man up anymore?

We saw it first in the black community now it's becoming a reality for whites. What's going on?

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Feminism and leftism destroying the West in an orgy of insanity and rage.

Modern society has been designed to destroy families, it has nothing to do with "men" and everything to do with the societal manipulators that created this mess.

The sexual revolution and feminism have been an utter cancer.

Best argument against single motherhood I have seen

id love to see MSM do a quick rundown on what all the shooters have in common.

Modern women are married to the welfare state

>What's going on?

Women don't need to hold on to a man anymore when caring for children.
Even if not the govt directly giving them cash, they have their own jobs.

Women just make shit role models.

So it's women's fault?

Is that even true? Cho and Mateen had fathers didnt they?

I never understood why people blame single mothers. At least the mom stuck around. What about the worthless sperm donor father? Why do you let him off the hook?

The family unit has broken down since the 50s/60s due to the destruction of traditional gender roles, the rise of anti-religious sentiment, legalization of abortion, the normalization/glorification of promiscuity and the stigma of divorce going away.


feminism, single mothers ruin the family unit

It's the fault of everyone who votes for and defends the welfare state, which is mostly women by their very nature

muh "just do whatever you feel like it" mindset replaced the "do that's right" mindset. applies to family among other things.

I read it's not true, it's pretty much fake news. Some website quoting CNN who is quoting some other website, with no real sources or facts.

my ex wife filed for divorce without my consent, then she proceeded to wipe me out financially, and systematically used the legal system to cut me off from my children.

Women are to blame for this shit. not men. I wanted to raise my kids and be a force in their lives.

you still don't get it, do you?

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they are both at fault, but it's the women's responsibility to vet the man

because the single mothers use the legal system to throw out the father you moron.

As an unmarried person, why even bother getting married then? What's the point? If you want sex then just get an escort.

You're to blame for marrying this kind of woman in the first place, dipshit. My wife is so afraid of me that even when I'm objectively wrong about something she defers to me and bends reality to suit my will, 7 years getting stronger and stronger.

Should have taken the chubby pill, brother.

How do you dominate a woman like that user?

you're an idiot if you don't think she will find a lawyer one day, take away your house, remove you from your children, and take 80% of your income. Oh and you'll have to pay her lawyer for doing this.

also what you describe is the definition of domestic abuse. It will get you jailtime as well.

Have fun while it lasts.

Fatherlessness is far more in the woman's court, on average, than the man's.

>she chose the man
>she almost certainly consented to unprotected sex
>she went to term (leftist logic indicates this is a casual choice)
>4/5 likely that she ended the relationship
>she is likely not allowing the father contact
>she is likely not seeking an actual father in future partners

if you are a confident, strong and decisive leader, she will naturally want to follow your lead. if you are passive and indecisive, she will resent you and try to tear you apart on an animalistic level. It's in their nature and i've seen both.

because the state gives single mothers more welfare than their baby daddy could give them, that simple

All responses past this one is not needed and/or attempts at sliding a topic.

if that guy uses violence and threats to stay in control, he's in for a bad time and women can tell that's weak too.


The most important thing by far is to recognize that women WILL resent and hate you if you're weak, if you're a beta, if you're nice to them. You should always be polite, but never act for even a split second like you need her in your life. Base your relationship on darwinian science. You're supposed to dominate her, and she knows it. Make her know you will savagely kill anyone who messes with her, that will make her pussy instantly wet for days. They are hardwired to be infatuated with psychopathic murderers, so emulate them.

Choose was sent to border school at age 4.
He rarely saw his father.
Mateen was a gay muslim.
Guaranteed hell unless he was going to pull some jihad, which equals instant access to heaven.

It's all about the money then? The Bible was right. It is the root of all evil.

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you are smoking crack. Look at all these "strong and decisive leaders" that got divorce raped
Alec Wildenstein's divorce in 1999 from Jocelyn Wildenstein; estimated at $3.8 billion ($5.6 billion inflation adjusted).[1][2][3]
Rupert Murdoch's divorce in 1999 after 31 years of marriage from Anna; estimated at $1.7 billion ($2.5 billion inflation adjusted).[4]
Bernie Ecclestone's divorce in 2009 after 23 years of marriage from Slavica; estimated at $1.2 billion ($1.4 billion inflation adjusted).[5][4]
Steve Wynn's divorce in 2010 from Elaine; estimated at $1 billion ($1.1 billion inflation adjusted).[4]
Harold Hamm's divorce in 2012 after 24 years from Sue Ann Arnall; estimated at $974.8 million ($1.0 billion inflation adjusted).[6][4]
Adnan Khashoggi's divorce in 1980 after 20 years from Soraya Khashoggi; estimated at $874 million ($2.2 billion inflation adjusted).[7][4]
Dmitry Rybolovlev's divorce in 2014 from Elena; estimated at $604 million ($624 million inflation adjusted).[4]
Craig McCaw's divorce in 1997 after 21 years from Wendy McCaw; estimated to exceed $460 million.[8]
Mel Gibson's divorce in 2006 after 26 years from Robyn Moore Gibson; estimated at $425 million.[9]
Robert L. Johnson's divorce from Sheila Johnson: estimated at $400 million.
Roman Abramovich's divorce from Irina Abramovich; estimated at $300 million.[10]
Charles Edgar Fipke's divorce from Marlene Fipke; estimated at $200 million.[11]
Invenergy's Michael Polsky's divorce from Maya Polsky, $184 million.[12]
Michael Jordan's divorce from Juanita Jordan, $168 million [13][better source needed]
Donald Trump's divorce from Ivana Trump; estimated at $25 million.[29]

>and women can tell that's weak too.
Then why do they always seem to stay in those relationships yet move on from a guy who isn't domineering?

No it's called domestic abuse. A husband shouldn't be there to be a fucking leader like a military or political symbol he should be there to support his woman and his kin.

Hybristophilia is the norm then. I never would have guessed.

how old are you. how old was she when you married her?
i've only heard about shit like that once in my life from a polish coworker.
his wife divorced him after she knew he was going the germoney for a year.

the only non-incel itt besides me, kek

Too many men are pussies who blame all their problems on women rather than being accountable for their own life choices.

they don't. go to family court and see all the "domineering" men getting ass fucked by the judge

It's normal in America.

Its mostly the incels, this is becoming a bigger issue than those towel headed bastards. I honestly think we need to start monitoring men in their 20s who have never had sex. Dunno how we could do it lads but something needs to be done.

worthwhile women don't stay long term with violent men, and if they do, they were damaged goods to begin with (daddy issues). Dominant men who aren't jealous and controlling attract quality women without violence, violent and terrorizing men attract broken goods who were abused as kids so they're used to it. Sure it 'works' for them, but they're shitty people with shitty women.

Look at the guys women fuck. I'm not some Jow Forums woe is me incel loser but I know tons of single mothers who got knocked up by drug dealers or other petty criminals who are now going to college and attending church looking for "the right guy to settle down with". There are also plenty of nerdy sort of guys in my college who women would never give the time of day that would probably be good fathers and not ditch their kids like the trashy people getting laid have.

>Why won't random men take responsibility for the kids I had with Chad/Tyrone?

Because they aren't our kids sweetie, that is your responsibility as a parent.

The majority of divorces are initiated by women nowadays. I don't think there are reliable stats for simple relationships, even with kids, but I would reckon it's the same or worse - it's the women who don't want a family but being a "strong, independent woman who need no man" and still be a "mother".
Webm sadly related. This is the left's brainwashing in full effect, and especially women are receptive to what is presented to them as "societal consensus" by media and entertainment.

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i clarified my point. and i meant leader in a non-controlling way. leading by example.

forced meme user. It is bullshit

I have never hit my wife or even threatened to hit her, that's not what I meant by 'she fears me'. Women are completely irrational beings, ruled by emotion. She's not afraid of me physically harming her, she's afraid of upsetting me at all and possibly leaving her.

Yes, it is, 100%. This is just evolutionary biology, plain and simple. Once you start dating a girl and it's semi serious, drop a few hints. My wife knows that I'd never allow her to get into a physical altercation in my presence, because I've told her that. Tell her that you will mercilessly end any threat to her or her babies, she has to know this or she will never respect you.

That webm is far from the norm user. Stop giving into exaggeration.

It's a LARP.

Women are at fault. They have been brainwashed by jews to believe a stay at home mother and housewife is toxic. The jews did that, full stop. The jews also manipulated the court and welfare system to actively encourage negative behavior in women and breed weak and easily controlled goyim.

The jews started this, but it is commonly known what they should be doing to counter this, but the selfish nature of women refuse to correct the course so the fault is theirs.

I could forgive ignorance, but women are no longer ignorant, they are stupid and selfish.

And at least 20 of them were jews.

Children of signle moms do not get raised with discipline. They have higher dropout rates, higher incarceration rates, higher rate of drug abuse.
These issues however, dont occur with a single father.

>Tell her that you will mercilessly end any threat to her or her babies
How exactly do you broach this subject user?
"Hey honey. You see that guy over there minding his own business? If he ever touches you I'll kill him"

Feminism ruined women and men, by telling men they shouldn't be masculine, and instead be emotionally expressive and not doing so is "repressing" yourself, and women by telling them that being feminine is bad and that they should only focus on getting a career
Everyone fucked up
Everyone fucked up, really

have a look at this nigger : should he be tortured for being a nigger ? yes

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Kill her.

"at least she stuck around"

better look into how your courts handle seperations b

Feminism, the deadliest biological weapon mankind has ever known.

Because Women have too much rights. Its the beginning of the dead of every society.

Read The rise and fall of empires.

the courts define abuse as controlling and using any kind of emotional coercion.

You don't have to hit your wife to be thrown in jail for domestic abuse.

how is slaughtering heretics not "manning up"?

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Lmao any gang says otherwise

>got knocked up
>looking for a "good guy" when you have baggage
Have fun being alone or marrying a betacuck.

>he abused my fee fees
I believe you, it's just retarded.

You don't have to have a reason to tell your wife that you will kill anyone who fucks with her. If your relationship is proper and she's a proper woman, you can just come out and say that at any time.

>be laying in bed with a woman
>just say outloud "I'll kill anyone who fucks with you"

She'll probably beg you to fuck her right then and there. If you want hyper-specific examples of how to tell a woman you're secretly a ruthless sociopathic killer, I only have vague tips.

>any time you see a husband/wife interacting in a way you don't like, tell your woman how you'd act in that situation
>whenever the gun control debate comes up, morph that into a "when is it okay to use violence" debate, and then express that you're ready and willing to use violence at the drop of a hat

You don't even have a wife you memefagging faggot larper. Try not to sound so 16 next time.

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>anyone who claims to have a wife on Jow Forums is LARPing

t. incel

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well if you want your marriage to feel like you're in a gang war every day, go ahead and see how that works for you.

you're not wrong in your views, but the way you try to bring it up as much as possible makes you sound like a creepy dude IRL

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>dude you're creepy for reassuring the mother of your children that you will GLADLY maim, dismember and then rape the corpse of anyone who looks at her sideways

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its da juice

Stop blaming the world for your own failures. I would bet money you have kids and you aren't there to be the dad because you're just a fucking loser.

Underage trash. Ever wonder why it's so easy to spot you little faggot children?

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Show your flag, kikenigger.

Mass shooters are based.

Single mom's are easy to blame.

How about we blame their fathers who failed to raise a decent human being in the first place.

Hah I don't think they give a fuck what the women think and there certainly isn't any "war" in the household.

Proof that the longer you journalists sit and try to gas light Pol the more you will learn, and your here forever.

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you fucking dumb roastie
single mother means
>cheated on the father with tyrone
>divorce raped him
>he can see the kids two hours a week if he's lucky, any more and she can call the cops on him

Both are at fault. The type of woman who would have unprotected sex with an unreliable man, and the unreliable man himself.

>Women are to blame for this shit. not men
This part is wrong. Men enforce this shit. Weak men. We can stop this madness and time we choose and demand that women serve us faithfully again. Women are so lost without this. What will it take for men to "man up" and put women in their place?

you can demand all you want, but the legal system will just throw you in jail for it.

Get educated on how the system works.


80% of divorces are initiated by women.
Women reck families.

The fact you're even worried about sounding creepy is a weakness that will be conveyed to her and she will be less interested. If she isn't afraid of you it means she does not have any faith in your ability to protect her or any children you have.

this. there's a lack of responsibility of both sides. Plus, a lot of boomer mothers who intentionally raised feminized sons out of resentment toward their beta fathers. Current technology and the state has allowed men to live in a world where decisive action and masculinity isn't needed at all for them to be "successful". Leading to more disenfranchised fatherless women dealing with spineless white knights. The problem will keep getting worse.

I'm not worried about sounding creepy telling my women i'd kill to protect them, that's something i do. But bringing it up every two days, and going into details about necrophilia, that's creepy and desperate. I think we are talking about different kinds of fear.

>80% of divorces are caused by women
>it's the man's fault

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Stfu I feel zero 0 sympathy for single moms if the guy bailed because you could have gotten an abortion, or put it up for adoption at any time, and yet you still choose to cling to it

Dont talk shit about Shrek or Hitler you fucking leaf

>abloobloo I don't like hearing the icky details about dismembering and raping the corpses of my enemies

holy newfag

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Are you listening to linkin park as you write this garbage?


>got shot
>you're at fault for allowing yourself to be shot

>Why can’t men man up anymore
Majority of divorces initiated by women. Irreconcilable differences in family courts destroy more families each year than any tragedy.

You’re blaming the wrong people

holy fuck this place has changed so much since 2016, so full of faggots

>if you kill and maim your enemies, they win

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