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time to kill these traitors

I love how they use the most corny pretentious pictures of that Mueller faggot. He's not important, ny times, hes a biased hack.

Kys. Sage.

If it were Hillary, she would be allowed to delete her tweets. Then blame anyone posting saved screenshots as Russian traitors.

I though his probe was about Russian collusion.

Jesus Christ this fucker needs to fucking die

This is just like my tv show of criminal minds!!!!!

Not impressed

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I hope the God Emperor has managed to find some loyal soldiers in the deep state by now and solves this problem the way clinton would have; suicide by double tap to the back of the head

Why would they need to do that if there's all that evidence of him colluding with putin?

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It never was. It's all been an effort to depose Trump by any means necessary.

>A Russian spy President would use Twitter to pass secret messages

When you have to examine tweets to try and build an obstruction of justice case, you've lost. Wrap it up.

Corpse left in water, alien pulled out of spaceship crash or both? Seriously wtf?

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when will they investigate his butthole?

>Let's investigate
>Public Record

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The whole FISA request(s) on Carter Page consisted of circle jerk Buzzfeed articles.

This. It's whatever they can throw at the wall and get to stick

most leftest faggots dont understand how the special council works. they think its some trial and theres going to be prison sentence handed down. Mullers report is already written its going to cite all manner of circumstantial partisan nonsense. Dems will scream proof of collusion and rep will say theres nothing there. the only thing up in the air is when it comes out. If dems win in the midterms the report will come out immediately. if they lose muller will drag the investigation out until hes fired.

Go look up some of his congressional testimony from when he was FBI boss. His voice is a total let down relative to his square jawed face. Add on to that his bumbling and mumbling style of speaking, the guy is a clown
He missed his calling in life, he should be performing at childrens birthday parties in full makeup

is it time yet to give divine power to the Trump curse?

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This is an absolute farce. When do we ride on the hill and string Mueller up a tree? Speaking strictly figuratively, of course.

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Nah, he just have mp's openly arrest them all.
I want public executions. I WILL be taking my 8 year old to watch if it happens. I shall not deny my son the 3rd most happy day is his father's life.

Rod Rosenstein's original order says otherwise. It specifically says Mueller's job was to continue the counterintelligence investigation that Strzok/McCabe/Comey started against Trump. Which is to say, the dirt digging operation and wiretaps.
Investigating Russian collusion is a secondary responsibility

This is an embarrassment of American government. So when a demo or neocon repub gets in office and there is a call for this type of harassment throughout the entirety of their term? I don't think so.

Wow, it's actually true.. holy shit his "investigation" is a complete fucking mess.
Just imagine spending millions upon millions on nothing, just to end up looking through the president's Twitter for something that can be used against him. Kek'd.

>Surely this will be the end of drumpf and we can get the taxes back up, employment down, return to trade deficits, and finally get boots on the ground in syria.

Trump should reply with "HERE'S ONE MORE FOR YOU, ROB"

If hes looking into tweets which everyone has access to he doesnt have shit.

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Seriously it's hilarious how the hero of the Democratic Party is now a 73 year old white male Republican lawyer.

Goddamn the Democrats have fallen so far.

tweets will prove it !

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Mueller is commissioning his Jew lawyers to comb through every Trump tweet and spin an obstruction narrative. Hail Mary pass basically.

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

>Investigating shitposting on Twitter
Holy fuck this faggot is desperate.

imagine getting 125 an hour to read tweets.

kike status: gassed.

when the plan is executed

and the dems are all weeping and knashing their teeth

let them look at Trump and say "well, what about him and his crimes and corruption? "

at that point they will have no choice but to point to mueller and his waste of time and money investigation for the last two years and have

it's going to be the icing on the cake

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what a desperate piece of garbage trying to delay this investigation till the elections in november

so a nothingburger


and we're paying for it

>125 an hour
That's what Mueller pays his college interns. His Jew lawyers charge thousands per hour

ready to kill jews when you are chief

Someone please take one for the team and approach mueller and yell


I would surmise that’s why they’re the ones doing it.
yes and we are not pleased

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Oh god, can you imagine the media screeching if someone gave Mueller the same kind of public treatment that administration officials like Kellyanne, Miller, Sarah Sanders and others have received? There would be a deafening roar of outrage.

naw..let it roll
gives them something to talk about and do while real investigations are taking place elsewhere

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>obstruction of justice
There has to be a crime first.

Someone please do it.
Is it illegal? NO. Do on tv.
Please guys. This is out of control.

>personal tweets

I knew the left was retarded but not full retarded

this is my new favorite pasta

that one is either squarely Judaified, or the flaggotry is to mask the lies he tells

Let it roll another 6 years? Are you insane?

>this from the same country that is apathetic about JFK, 911, gulf of Tonkin etc

it's not going to be 6 yrs

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>trump says twitter shadowbanning conservatives
>will investigate it
>next morning mueller says trump tweets may be obstruction

Yeah it Will Herman.

I absolutely do not condone it, but he does dine publicly. I saw some DC swamp journalist on twitter all excited because Mueller walked into the restaurant where he was eating his swamp turds for lunch one day

Dude, we're going to have to invent a new level of retarded for the left. They've left full retard in the dust years ago.

read this

>can't find shit in secret documents
>public tweets are now getting investigated

unlike this its a nothingburger

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Fucking hell learn to write

How the fuck do you guys always know? Is there a list of Jewish surnames somewhere I can save? I want to memorize enough to get it to the point of a superpower, call it Ultra Instinct.

so let me get this right, tweets that are and have been public....are going to be the proof of something? so it took 2 years for them to say he's going to read some public messages? and then what, act like a crazy girlfriend and read into them the 'code'? are you actually fucking retarded? you should find your handler to make sure you didnt shit your pants.

activate it, Mueller remained on the fence for too long, not trust worthy, time to Trump him

goblowagoat fuckstick
if you don't like it, stick it up your ass instead of into your

I also do not condone people finding where he eats and shout at him.

Thats it huh.
Playmates of the year and tweets.

Not sure if I feel more sorry for NYT or Mueller at this point.

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this is the face of a man who has seen and knows too much. A desiccated husk of dissapointments and cynicism held together by faith and duty.
Virtue taxes us all.

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Nigger if you aren’t well versed in jewish surnames you have to lurk moar (at least a year) and you’ll see.
Just do this exercise, next time you read a suspiciously anti white headline, look at the last name of the writer and throw it into the google machine and see the location of origin. You’ll be surprised at how many, Cohencidences you find.

oh, he's still got some bite left

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Jesus Mueller is fucked. he knows he has to keep trying or that video of him fisting a nine year old drag queen that Podesta has goes public. So he becomes a joke just desperate to carry on trying to avoid the inevitable time he puts the cold steel of a pistol in his own mouth and ends it.

Gosh, how did he get them?

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Young democrats are eating the old. Same thing is happening on the right. It's not your party or your world anymore. Oldfags, boomers--whatever you want to call them--had their chance. They fucked up. The time of the anime Nazi has begun.

This is actually just more evidence that he has nothing

>wide ranging

You can fucking say that again

Nice new copypasta shill

>be repub in heavy blue state
>go to pub
>overhear giant convo about fuck obama fuck illegals
>look over
>normal look people
>one table over gets offended starts shouting muh racism
>"get fucked sweetie the americans are talking"
>cucks walk out room

mfw all of them were cops, nice try shareblue faggot go get ligma.

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it seems he really obstructed justice as the investigation continues to this day.

Yah senpai, we noticed long ago that inquiry can be stretch in time and space more than the snatch of a roastie

>not even an American

Meme flag faggot

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raid private files of his personal attorney, wiretap him, only information you can find is in tweets.. they're going to drag this out for years until he is out of office most likely, because as soon as this ends sessions is gone, rosenstein is gone, then investigations into the FBI begin.

army boi



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>He missed his calling in life, he should be performing at childrens birthday parties in full makeup
I'm sure he still spends a lot of time playing with kids in makeup.

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>Special Council Robert Muller publicly admits, "Yeah, we got nothing. We're gonna see if we can charge him for making comments in public or something."

Trump is the traitor but you're Okay with that

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Sixth time I've seen this pasta.

>shills post on Jow Forums
>seed of truth is subconsciously planted
>start seeing cohencidences everywhere

don't forget you're here forever

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Now you know how bad things really are.

>They fucked up. The time of the anime Nazi has begun.
god i wish i could tweet this


You think you can "fix" your family finances with credit card debt too?

If Trump gets impeached, millions of Americans will die.

You sure you want to cheer for that? Because a vast majority of the casualties will be people who agree with an impeachment.

It will be a liberal slaughterfest.