Why not use Instagram to incite more racial tension?

Instagram is pretty much the most used form of social media, aside from Twitter. There are race conversations taking place on that app EVERYDAY. If even just 100 of us created fake profiles and left hateful comments on specific pictures and pages that millions of normies use; we could speed the whole 'race war' up. It's as if you guys don't realize just how powerful social media is in society.

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Having an Instagram. Pathetic. Do a Dylan Roof, then an hero yourself.

But don't you guy's WANT to see a civil war FASTER!? It makes no sense if you want a race war sooner, why you aren't shilling on social media en masse.

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>you guys

Found the Jew.
Go spread your divide and conquer on Instagram.

This is the type of bait a third rate journalist in danger of using his job would push hoping to create his own story - Exclusive! My journey into the heart of darkness: Instagram and the upcoming race war


I'm being totally serious though. If you want higher amount of racial tension even faster, just larp as either white or black nationalist on Instagram and try to radicalize each side. You'd be surprised how much social media affects the avergae persons view on the world.

No because I need my daily does of IG thots

russians and other shills figured that out a long time ago

Then larp as a white nationalist and say "we will share your life on the day of the rope, the rest of your raceust hang." See? You can still incite racial tension while admiring negresses.

But what have they done to counter it?

I used to believe that too but it's just not true. Example: the ice bucket challenge, Kony 2012. What colour is the dress.
Everyone is locked into a pattern of attention - right up to the media. Once the public gets sick of something, they simply move on. Pre-Internet and TV society was easier to manipulate and mobilise, thus world war was achievable. Now in the Information Age, there are so many voices clamouring for attention nobody knows who to follow. All the energy it takes to faithfully follow a single cause to it's endgame has dissipated. Even the polarity has shifted in media - once they dictated the agenda, now they're entirely reactive bodies, fearful of losing their jobs in an ever changing market. It's all about attention, it's the new currency. We're at the mercy of our own whims. Boredom is the enemy. Race war is never going to happen. Lives of ease and short attention spans of the public at large has left us lazy and apathetic.
It's for the best, really.

Race war lol? it will only incite random violence against whites and theres nothing you will be able to do about, it will become normal. You fight back and the state will hammer down on you just as they do in the UK

You're right about most of the things you talked about, but I think racial tension has remained a constant since 2012 when Trayvon Martin got shot. I also see that 'intersectional feminism' has take a stronger grip on society since 2014 and the average white girl is spouting "black lives matter". If anything, racial issues will always remain a constant. And with the black chick murder that just happened the black community is riled up on social media and are ripe for shilling.

Do something productive with your own life. People aren't going to read internet posts and take to the streets en masse to rise up. Mostly you'll just be outed as a sad crank and people will laugh at you. Get a hobby.

Another glow in the dark trying to get Jow Forums to participate in or incite violence.
Fuck off.

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You should use social media to make white men look more attractive instead since that's what every other race is doing

for themselves*

I won't deny it - Anerica has terrible race relations - but your godawful media has been poking and stoking it relentlessly since the day I started watching it. Don't give in to it. Get rid of your TV. They just want everyone to react like dumb animals and smash the next article for page clicks. All those 'protestors' on either side are fucking retards. Those stupid BLM twats and the WN queers with their shields and torches are incapable of thinking two steps ahead. Both sides are reacting exactly as the powers above hope. Don't do the work for them.

This nigger is being serious, I can tell. He's no Jew, just a summerfag.

KJYS nigger.

Holy god. That's shocking. What happened to hobbies - martial arts and outdoor pursuits? Reading philosophy? Now it's all 'let's make thots pay for rejecting me and sucking Jamal off - I want everyone in my city to kill each other. Now - to Twitter!'

Okay you got me. It's Avery boring summer so far.

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>But don't you guy's WANT to see a civil war FASTER!?