Prince Kushner

I'm sorry, I just can't support Trump while this literal rat is making decisions in the white house

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As if Drumpf was better. Daily reminder that Ivanka Trump dated Nathaniel Rothschild before she married Jared.

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relax, Trump is saving Israel for year 7

>Ivanka Trump dated Nathaniel Rothschild before she married Jared.

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>dead eyes Kushner

I hear he's making a lot of money bulldozing settlements and building Yiddish condos in Judea.

He's actually pretty hot

>When President Donald Trump closed a nearly $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia on Saturday, his deputies’ spirits soared. Policy advisor Jared Kushner high-fived National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster as he entered the room where they held talks with Saudi officials. Aide Gary Cohn told pool reporters the deals represented “a lot of money. Big dollars. Big dollars.”

>The weapons sale was one of the largest in history, totaling close to $110 billion worth of tanks, artillery, radar systems, armored personnel carriers, and Blackhawk helicopters. The package also included ships, patrol boats, Patriot missiles, and THAAD missile defense systems.

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I think the same. Trump is a traitor to the white race by marrying his daughter Ivanka to a Jew.

Oh sweet prince of darkness, lead us to a path of despair ad oblivion. My soul is ready lord Kushner.

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Then so is Putin

Not a Rothschild though. Sorry.

I consider myself white and germans are my bros. Meds are white.

Then trump boomer rage tweets at Iran like a bitch after selling their enemy all those weapons.

Not really "boomer". Trump was always a militant Zionist.

Muslims are also our enemies.

Well, Murica and Israel are allied with the worst of them and they funded everything you hate about them.

He's connected to Soros who is an agent of the Rothschilds who are the main representatives of the European bourgeoisie.

Kushner is the channel to the Europe's ruling class.

luckily a lot of the younger white Americans are waking up to the Zog wars. It's mostly boomer cons still wetting their pants about wars. It's a shame in order to get some breadcrumbs from (((politicians))) we have to accept they'll be degenerates and jew whores 90% of the time. It's a choice between political whores who are owned either by greed or prostitutes who are paid by jews

Jews, niggers, arabs, muslims, south asians, abos, latinos, gypsies, southeast asians are all our enemies. We're surrounded.

>lefty poll circle jerk

Never had a single problem with Obama advisors. Muslim females and gay white guys were much better? Fuck off!

so you are a bit of an idiot?

Trump is about supporting a policy, 1 person is a manager of implementation, and that totally wrecks your day?

Yes we are brother but we shall rise again!

Personally I don't think Kushner is straight

And how? My city is cucked by all types of immigrants.

Boi you are the nigger. Africa starts Brenner pass or St. Gotthard. You are a terroni ritorna a diocane merda.

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I'm from Genoa. Google it.

through an act of Nature which will be the catalyst for war. When the system (political, economic, structural and most importantly, the food supply) is functioning at full capacity/efficiency (given the circumstances) ..all it takes is one Natural event to create a domino effect. Hang in there brother, change is coming

Also show your real flag.