Hi Jow Forums, I'm a trans girl. I work a full-time job, I'm in a monogamous relationship with a boy, I don't do drugs or anything dumb like that. Care to explain why you hate me?
Hi Jow Forums, I'm a trans girl. I work a full-time job, I'm in a monogamous relationship with a boy...
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Don't hate you, just the rich liberal faggots trying to make you use normal people bathrooms.
Fuck off with this tranny bullshit kike.
Gender and biological sex are the same thing. The only thing that's on a spectrum is gender identity, which is a useless concept we should do away with. If I tell you I identify as a Japanese person, that's not a valid identity, that's just a lie. If you tell me you are a girl, that's not a valid identity, that's just a lie.
But this is almost certainly a slide thread made by shills anyways.
Because you're glorifying mental illness and hate God.
We don‘t hate you.
Now post female benis.
You have a mental disorder, called body dysmorphia. You can't cure a heroin addiction by doing more heroin, you can't cure body dysmorphia by feeding into your psychosis.
Jow Forums hates you because they're SJW elitists who can't stand other people's totally wholesome trans lifestyles.
Can you imagine these gay Nazis refusing to fuck a translesbian because xe has been too much in poverty to get her confirmation? Those damn Puritan moralist SJWs again!
If you say you're a girl, but look like a man or sound like a man, or wave your dick around, you generate external gender dysphoria in the people who see you.
You're mentally ill. I don't hate you any more than I hate any other retard.
I don't have time to check the archives for your trip, are you the real Princess Sevenleaf or just an impersonator? I've seen you on /vr/ many times
Because you're fucking gay. sage
More power to you. Just please don’t push your lifestyle onto children. Let them grow up and decide for themselves.
I couldn't hate you any more than I could hate a rainbow, since neither will last very long.
absolutely GAY
>literal fag
>uses trip
You are a mentally ill defective, unfortunately your mind has been poisoned by the Jews, so you believe that you were "born like this" or perhaps you believe that you are a "brave freedom fighter" for "sexual liberation" and the "right to be myself." Read these articles in full and tell me if you still believe you are actually a woman despite what God made you.
I don't hate you, you should have the freedom to do whatever you desire, however your treatments should not be covered/funded by the government.
You’re not a “transgender” your just a confused faggot. Homosexuality is of the most degenerate action that one can make. You’re an outcast to society, and your obsession with male genetalia is repulsive.
Because I have to go along with the charade that you're real women due to social pressure.
If you didn't expect those things from me it'd be all fine.
Besides, it's not like trans are a new issue. They were dealt with and transitioned in the 80ies, 90 and such. Nobody made such a huge fuss. If people could see you were a woman, you were more or less treated as such.
i honestly hope you kill yourself you disgusting fucking abomination
I don't hate you. Gender dysphoria is a serious condition and I take medical science seriously. Most trans people regret transitioning, and post-op trans people have the same abnormally high suicide rates as pre-op people with gender dysphoria. Although trans people treat gender transition as a cure, it simply doesn't solve the problems of gender dysphoria. It is out of compassion for you that I suggest not transitioning, and instead doing what you can by working with doctors to better understand your condition. Only then can a solution for gender dysphoria be found, and you will be free from this affliction.
>rich liberal faggots
You know you can just call them Jews right?
When the time comes and the fad ends, we will hunt you and hang you at the town square
What does that mean?
Are you a girl who thinks she's a boy?
If you were really a girl you’d call yourself a girl.
Is there a problem with that, cisboi? You don't want my strong, wise inflatable cock inside you?
because you want to be treated as something that your not which is a girl!!
Post girl cock tranny slut
k. so just be and don’t push your fetish fantasy. ffs
Where do you expect me to pee then? Outside in the bushes? :T
>Hi Jow Forums, ... Care to explain why you hate me?
Jow Forums doesn’t hate you...the fact of the matter is you hate yourself and relish in hearing other people mock and deride you. Prove me wrong faggot!
>Care to explain why you hate me?
you're a victim of the preogressive regime that wants to change men into women to prevent population growth and to sell cosmetic surgeries. You're a weakling that caved and you should be made an example of. Of course, you could always quit being a dipshit and start acting like a man, but until then you are an enemy and will rightfully be subjected to ridicule and abuse until you off yourself so that the kids can see that's not a path to take in life.
>Hi Jow Forums, I'm a trans
Stopped reading right there
so, youre a guy?
tits or gtfo
>totally wholesome trans lifestyles.
that ends in suicide 50% of the time
We want you to use the Bathroom of you biological gender.
Care to explain why you hate yourself?
>If I tell you I identify as a Japanese person, that's not a valid identity, that's just a lie.
No because you’re actually Chinese...
>Hi Jow Forums, I'm a trans girl.
Yes, everything in order
I don't as long as you are not a politically obsessed person who is used by leftists to destroy everything i love.
>body dysmorphia
>I'm a trans girl
as in you were a boy and chopped your dick off?
No, you're not a girl you're just a boy without a dick and your boyfriend is a faggot.
We dont hate you, we want you to get help. You have been failed by everyone close to you and society.
I don't believe in transgenderism and think it is wrong to put so much work into altering your body in a vain attempt to change gender.
Yet I also believe in your constituional right to do so and that your beliefs are protected in this great nation.
because you're a faggot
You misunderstand, we dont hate you, we hate the people who allow and encourage your derangement while trying to normalize it. You are a poor casualty of a serious failing in mental health care.
Are Christians who believe they consume tbe body and blood of a 2000 year old Jewish handyman also mentally ill?
The idea of your physical form not matching your spirit dates back even before my belief in that.
Go be a nigger somewhere else
There's a pretty big difference between taking civilization-founding metaphors literally and chopping your dick off for some sexual fetish.
[Comment witheld in compliance with hate speech legislation]
Do some hate you? Maybe. I would say most though realize there's an agenda being pushed to normalize abnormal behaviors and ultimately these are destructive to society. It doesn't necessarily have to do with trans people themselves but more so the idea of it being pushed.
you said you dont take drugs. however, your hormone supplement proves that is a lie. what else do you lie about aside from your drug use and biological sex?
you are with a boy. You should at least get with a girl and have kids.
she probably can't, depending on how long she has been on the hormones.
I think most people on Jow Forums dislike trans people because they are in fact sub-human, and are unfortunately deformed by the society they grew up in and nobody on this site wants that to spread
i dont
i give people the benefit of the doubt if i dont know them, even though most of the time they turn out to be assholes upon further investigation
refrain from pushing gay/trans/whatever shit on kids and were good
you are knowingly or unknowingly the physical embodiment of everything i hate in society. pure degeneracy from a mental illness that we are forced to agree with and embrace.
i wouldn't give a shit if voicing my opinion didn't land me behind bars.
thats bullshit though most hormones can be stopped for a little bit so they can produce some semen.
yes she, if she wants to be addressed like that, it's her choice and I will consequently respect it.
produce semen probably, this doesn't say anything about the quality of the sperma though.
>You are a poor casualty of a serious failing in mental health care.
That drivel isn’t gonna work on this board leftshit. People are insane because they don’t see themselves as insane, slaves are medicated because they don’t want to anger their bread and butter.
im sure it would be good enough to get a girl pregnant
You know what that does to actual women that are in the area? It takes away, it's an open lie that instantly devalues actual female values.
very doubtful, most European men already have trouble getting their wives pregnant as is.
thats bullshit.
you say it takes away from "actual women", please explain how this devaluates female values.
If you...
Don't normalize your condition.
Don't push it into children.
Support close borders.
No reason to hate.
Bitch you tell people to kill themselves all day. Fuck your str8fag lack of morality! How is that right yet you won't let little boys choose which cocks they want to suck? Why won't you let little girls become blood sacrifices at the synagogue?! They chose it!
Puritan Nazis... what a hypocritical contradiction!
Why dont you do as your pic suggests
God knows you don't 'pass'
Maybe cuz you're fucked in the head and expect us yo applaud you for it.
Are you ticklish
>...Anonymous (ID: H3QmqSzS) GN
07/26/18(Thu)12:15:31 No.180172608
yes she, if she wants to be addressed like that, it's her choice and I will consequently respect it.
Show your geographic location on the flag...do it bitch!
>yes she, if she wants to be addressed like that, it's her choice and I will consequently respect it.
This is why I hate libertarians
>muh moral judgements are based on some random man-made principle a bunch of jews thought up
This people really really hate you, want you die for begin evil murder,rapist,women hate sick pervert man.
Jow Forums fap with traps....
Pick one, faggot.
probably because you are so unwilling to just be the gender you were born with
however i do believe in a free america so you are free to do whatever you want with your life but many of the leftists in the media are dishonest pieces of shit and spout illogical nonsense
Because post op trannies are delusional eunuchs. You'll never be a woman just admit it.
>I'm a trans girl.
That's the problem. No such thing exists. You're pretending to be something you're not. Id est - you're lying. And liars are universally hated. You're just a man with a malfunctioning brain.
I live by my own virtues and vices.
here you go.
If you have a Y chromosome,
it doesnt matter how much estrogen you take,
how much dick you cut off,
you are a MALE and will always be a MALE
thanks to a Y CHROMOSOME.
Come back and tell us when you've had your DNA re=sequenced, you mentally ill faggot.
What if in the future, the technology becomes available to make these young boys into young girls
>yes she, if she wants to be addressed like that, it's her choice and I will consequently respect it.
Show your geographic location bitch!
I personally don't hate you. However you have played into the lucifarian agenda. What is the agenda? It is a coordinated plan to undo Gods law to usher in the destruction of normal society. The bathomet is depicted as man and woman in one entity. This whole trans movement, especially targeting pur children, is of Lucifer. Repent the end is nigh
That might be true but it doesn't mean men cant get there wives pregnant give me a break.
I don't hate anyone, but I would not want my children to have gender identity issues just like you probably wouldn't wish having a retarded child.
>lies about their gender
>parades around like a faggot
>literally mentally ill
How does it feel knowing you'll never be a real woman? How does it feel knowing you'll never give birth to your own children? How does it feel knowing your inside-out penis will never be equal to a real vagina? How does it feel knowing you'll never have real developed breasts that lactate? How does it feel knowing that you have to pump yourself full of artificial hormones to feel "normal"? Do you feel any sort of shame that taxpayers have to fund your cosmetic alterations and are being forced to participate in your fetishism?
We hate you because you make a mockery of the beauty that is femininity.
Watch out, the professional psychiatrist has logged on.