RED ALERT: GOPe sneak Open Borders into DHS Appropriation bill

Why is NOBODY talking abut this?

The GOP Appropriation's committee helped democrats add riders to the DHS spending bill which force Obama's immigration policies onto us by law. This was done very rapidly over the course of a single day.. proposed.. voice voted.. and forwarded from committee as quickly and quietly as possible.

- Open Borders: "Asylum" criteria: Now anyone can claim "domestic violence" or "gangs" and get a free green card. (What was once merely "radical interpretation" now CODIFIED IN LAW)
- DACA Amnesty: Amendments explicitly deny funds to any deportations of DACA recipients.

I have yet to see ANYONE aside from Coulter raising hay about this.
Not a single person. They're all crowing about "muh social media"

This was RELEASED FROM COMMITTEE TO THE HOUSE FLOOR by voice vote with the only dissent being Rep. John R. Carter of Texas.

This means everyone on the following list is a traitor:

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey, Chairman
Harold Rogers, Kentucky
Robert B. Aderholt, Alabama
Kay Granger, Texas
Michael K. Simpson, Idaho
John Abney Culberson, Texas
Ken Calvert, California
Tom Cole, Oklahoma
Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
Tom Graves, Georgia
Kevin Yoder, Kansas
Steve Womack, Arkansas
Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska
Thomas J. Rooney, Florida
Charles J. Fleischmann, Tennessee
Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
David P. Joyce, Ohio
David G. Valadao, California
Andy Harris, MD, Maryland
Martha Roby, Alabama
Mark E. Amodei, Nevada
Chris Stewart, Utah
David Young, Iowa
Evan H. Jenkins, West Virginia
Steven Palazzo, Mississippi
Dan Newhouse, Washington
John R. Moolenaar, Michigan
Scott Taylor, Virginia
John Rutherford, Florida

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this why Jeff Sessions is now acting like a complete fucking stooge in regards to the Rosen Stein impeachment? Do these faggots realize what they're doing?


OP no one is going to say shit about this, but thank you for posting it
CFR shills won't touch this because it was their fucking plan from the get go

fucking bump

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Don't they realise the assylum sneakers won't be able to vote in time to save them?

This does need to see the light of day

Jim Jordan is pretty much the speaker you need.

McCarthy will make sure this kind of stuff gets to White House.

entire anti-immigration twitter is discussing it ever since the bill came out of House Appropriations Committee dude.

Bump fuck illegals

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I agree with you about Jordan, but this shit needs to be discussed, the establishment is fucking scared shitless and trying to attack from all angles


No it's not. This is still utter BS, but you are wrong.

I can't into twatter, any linkage?

Everyone from Breitbart & Conservative Review readers, to Ann Coulter followers, to Center of Immigration Studies folk are discussing it.
There's lots of discussion about it in Twitter right now. Jow Forums is just too shitpost-y

But of course, Fox News remains silent




yeah that's bad.


dont worry though, everything will end up fine. however it is impossible to fight too much, you can only fight too little and end up losing

I'm not watching them at all after they went ALL IN on the Russia is our enemy rhetoric and they agreed with the MSM about how he wasn't tough enough on Putin

Get it to trump, he can veto it.

Trump has four times given up the threat of veto wrt. spending bills quite contrary to MAGA agenda.

And there will be lot more of those if McCarthy is speaker instead of Jordan.

When are you going to realize there is only one party and singular agenda?

Get your rifles BOYZ!!!!!
time for WAAAGH
seriously tho we might have to remove these fucking fake motherfucking infiltrators

Any twatter links?

fuck, Culberson's my rep. Primaries are already over so not much to be done.

>Tom Cole
we need to get rid of him ASAP, I swear his name finds its way onto half of the truly awful legislation coming out of the House. Idk what's wrong with this dingo

It's not about that. Even if they get voted out right away they have done their job and the cheap labor lobby will reward them.

We need Trump to call it out on Twitter
Who is a good person to amp this up?

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traitors get gassed first

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Need at least one user to hit each of these (((republicans))) on twitter with comments.

Trump follows Ann Coulter and Ann will make a lot of noise about it

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B u m p

>We need Trump to call it out on Twitter
>Who is a good person to amp this up?

It'd be nice if the big names like PJW, Trump Jr., and Diamond & Silk would stop crowing about the already-addressed "Shadow-bans" and call this sh*t out.

The only one to do so thus far is Sen. Tom Cotton

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I am not signing up to twatter to follow this


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LOL, this. Jeff Sessions will be jobless by the end of the year.

When Trump gets re-ekected, he can reform his cabinet, correct?

it's all so tiresome

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Why in the fuck would the GOP even do this? There's literally no upside (other than the slave labor for large corporations, lol).

The spics wouldn't even believe them if they said they did it, the Dems would just take credit.

>Why in the fuck would the GOP even do this?

Chamber of commerce dollars. Why else?

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(((Chamber of Commerce)))

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Better hope that semi-auto straw dispenser isn't also in California.

cool story bong, we know you will go to jail for wrongthink
You can just watch us.

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At this point the only voice that can stop this is the God Emperor.

Anyone who can should be melting the WH SwitchBoard morning to evening tomorrow:

WH comment line: 20 2 456 1 11 1

This needs a public VETO threat.

Trump should name them publicly so his followers go harass them and their family. He if far too lenient with republican cucks.


What the actual fuck?

>Kay Granger, Texas
>John Abney Culberson, Texas
Man, these folks represent some (relatively) white areas (for Texas metro areas anyway). What a fucking shame. These traitors need to get primary'd.

God Bless John R. Carter for speaking up.

Listen to this guy. It's a lie. All a lie. All you guys do is lie. Lie lie lie. Just let this die so you don't embarrass yourself. Nazis. Bigots.

Yes, the GOPe is worse than the dems because at least they are openly against him.

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kek'd hard at that pic. Expectations subverted.

Will Tucc call this shit out tonight?

Who are all these republican faggots being controlled by?

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They just opened 200,000 visas for agriculure so expect your small farm towns to become mexico. This country is fucking done.
22% of the US pop of 325 million is 71 million.not even counting illegals. And its mostly spanish and non euro languages. White flight to western europe is the best option at this point

But white people can farm and pick crops too user!!

Whats Tuccman receptive too? Twatter? Email?

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What is the cotton gin?
What is innovation vs cheap labor?

>it's another episode of the GOP being democrats ten years behind
This is why I only get angry whenever I see some boomer going
>"X immigrants are based, they vote Republican!"

If voting could really change something, do you think they'd let us do it? The parties are EXACTLY the same, they both suck the same cock and bend over to the same master. Fuck Democrats, fuck commies, and fuck the GOP.

"An ethnostate for me; but not for thee"

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Both the Dems and GOP want open borders. Corporations want cheaper imported labor and politicians want votes.

Pro-tip: Bulk purchase ammo.

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Because the faggots don't want to have to take care of their workers obviously. They can starve the Mexicans and pawn it off as the democrips fault. Everybody wins. Dems get bites and repubs get slave labor.

Pro tip: get the fuck out of this country while you still can

>Both the Dems and GOP want open borders. Corporations want cheaper imported labor and politicians want votes.

Just wait for tens of millions of migrants to flood our border when there civil wars in central and south america

What the fuck.

Nah. I would rather stay and defend. Typically, after a few skulls get evacuated the yuppies run and hide. Those who flee rather than stand and fight deserve to die.

>The parties are EXACTLY the same
the good news is that the Dems are on a trajectory of atrophy. When one wing of the "controlling bird" is incapacitated, the entire bird becomes vulnerable. The vacuum created by when voters don't see voting Democrat or Republican as viable options; there exists the viability of a 3rd party. Just such a 3rd party could potentially attract both types of voters
>there is also a rift within the Republican party between the traditionalist/conservative and the Zionist/neocon-faction

What a fag

We could see a NatSoc vs LibRight system in the US within 10 years

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bump for importance

Carlson a t foxnews com

Bombard his twatter too

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Fuck this. I live in a northern state and am strongly considering using my vacation to fly down and throw landmines into the Rio Grande. At what point do citizens start to do the job the government won't? We need an armed citizen border patrol.

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Yeah, like maybe a party that was both nationalist (republicans like nationalism right?) and socialist too (democrats definitely like socialism).

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like a nationalist socialist party vs a lolertarian party?

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Traitor republicans get the rope first


There could be checks in-place that reverse the damages done like (Here comes the cringe-factor; winces as he types) 'Mandatory National Service' just like Israel. this said, MNS ≠ Military service; just service to the soil. The larger objective being to create a Nationalistic mindset which is more keen to see obvious subversive acts
- the next move is to eliminate gibz and dem programz from being automatic; and require that no one gets gibz or dem programs until satisfactory completion of MNS. this would move the ethos mindset towards meritocracy as opposed to the liberal policies we see
- and eventually, merit will become a factor when places like the US move away from being a bureaucratic conglomerate creating jobs just to give the sub-100 IQ crew something to do, though that something ultimately adds nothing of value to the whole. Businesses with no marketable product become non-viable when those within their employ can't create anything of value
- factor-in robotics and things get very interesting very quickly

Why not? National socialism is more of a philosophy. You could be a national socialist libertarian.

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I'd go along with that. Fuck, I'm old and I'd quit my job right now to do MNS just to have a change of pace from jewish wageslavery.

Bump. I guess everyone to distracted with the 8 'so is Jow Forums sjw now' or 'Jow Forums cant handle a joke' threads shitting up the board

Bump, spread.

I think it's overflow from /tv/. Borat's new show is being spammed over there by viral marketers trying to drive a wedge between /tv/ and Jow Forums or force a meme that Jow Forums is somehow mad about neocons making fools of themselves presenting their asses for Israel. I'm not sure I understand completely but it stinks of judaism.

This thread will die. Threads talking about real issues always die fast on this board while the rest of the pro pedo joke threads get 200 plus replies

What number are we on now that they've tried to sneak it in again? Are we still in the teens, or have they done it more than twenty times?

Have you noticed the repeat threads going on? There are always multiple threads about the same topic each day. One day it was that baby that the black woman burned, yesterday there was always at least 10 threads on that Swedish chick. Weirds me out.


I didn't know user. Solid reporting.
Today OP wasn't a faggot.

I saw a thread on Jow Forums the other day ( I know Jow Forums sucks but whatever) whose OP was a laughing pepe with the text ">he uses X instead of Y". I just can't believe it's only bots replying to this kind of dumbass low hanging fruit.

This is NOT a coincidence.

They DONT want mobilization against these "Open Borders" pushes.

They want their free labor and unquestioning, communist underclass.

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Distractions. Plus all the twitter posting of some random retard, well Jow Forums?, Jow Forums btfo, white boy, porn. I thought copypasta threads were against board rules lol

Trump doesn't sign it.
DHS gets defunded.

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There was a thread earliar that said the government opened 200,000 h2b or h1b visa postitions that died fast

Oh fantastic. More Pajeets taking US tech jobs no doubt. I thought Trump was supposed to end that stupid shit.

Trump really needs to veto if it passes with this filth still in it.