Trump is going down

"For years, President Donald Trump has used Twitter as his go-to public relations weapon, mounting a barrage of attacks on celebrities and then political rivals even after advisers warned he could be creating legal problems for himself.
Those concerns now turn out to be well founded. The special counsel, Robert Mueller, is scrutinizing tweets and negative statements from the president about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former FBI director James Comey, according to three people briefed on the matter."

Trump will be taken down with his own publicly available words and there is nothing you idiots can do about it.
His reign of lunacy will be over soon, thank god. We will be coming for all his racist supporters next, your days are numbered.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is the end. Trump is going DOWN.

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You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag let alone kill anyone KYS it's your only option in life.

You won't talk so tough when the police come knocking on your door. If the police wont' do it then the military will. This country will not be controlled by a dictator and his agents.

>trump said mean things

cry some more faggot.

The military hates you onions boy faggots. Nice try, JIDF.

>tweeting is illegal
The absolute state of the Democrats, kek.

It is illegal when you do it from a position of power as a means of obstruction.
There is nothing funny about presidential abuse of power.

Lmao. Even the niggers in the military hate your guts

If they take Trump down, they will all be rounded up and burned at the stake.

Keep believing your fake news, it won't save you from jail.

Trump's real crime to these people is that he beat them at their own game. Absolutely unacceptable.


nbc,please tell me you didn't just try to claim nbc is a reliable source. Faggot,sort yourself out.

Obvious troll - it is not possible for anyone on Jow Forums to think something so stupid

What has he obstructed with his tweets?

stop sucking cock

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their feelings anons !

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When can Twitter lose its safe harbor status so the DoJ can prosecute it for hosting endless amounts of cp?

He has created a chilling effect for the investigators. You can't do that when you are in a position of power over people.

Wait, but for him to be obstructing justice, something illegal has to already be going on. Is this going to be like when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton for lying under oath even though the thing he lied about wasn't illegal to begin with?

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I can't believe the future Trump Presidential library will have tens of thousands of Trump tweets as part of the exhibition. What a time to be alive.

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elucidate on by what you mean by this 'chilling' effect user

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>There is nothing funny about presidential abuse of power.
Then why am I laughing?

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A. Bill Clinton WAS impeached
B. Lying under oath is perjury, regardless of the subject matter.
C. You're welcome.

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> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

>we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration
I feel your pain. I want that wall to be finished already. I only ask you to hang in there a little while longer user.

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>Former head of the FBI is investigating shitposting

What a fucking world we live in.

>cant find any dirt so resorting to looking at public tweets in desperation

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I know, I am just like you. For all the terrible things about the Democrats and the impending extinction of whites in the United States, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes!

>think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
this is why you get called a shill exactly and this is exactly why all other shills get called shills. Why because this opinion of yours is not only subjectively wrong it is objectively wrong as well. We have far more threats that are literally staring us right in the face and you keep drinking it. We have far more threats in any grocery store compared to any harm that any trump supporter can do. The biggest threat about trump supporters is that they make half of the other political population. The underlining threat is that we are divided over something this country was not ever supposed to be divided on. And now I will call you a shill because how can you think anyone with half a brain could believe that half baked back story.

>creating a chilling effect

So, as the previous man said, his tweets violated their emotions?

Every time I think about Trump's tweets a shiver runs down my spine. Pic not related.

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

And after that we'll all go to Oz and roll around in the poppy fields.

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>Mueller examin-
How obsessed is this fucking autist like get a life lmao

We already read all his tweets, there's no Russian collusion. Imagine being the diversity hire fbi that has to go through all of trumps shitposts

>Mueller is investigating trump shitposting about current events
I thought he was investigating russia collusion? Or does he just have a carte blanche to investigate anything that Trump does?

TIL telling Sessions to do some work is worse than emailing about wetworks

Dude just delete your old tweets lmao

So... are people just going to sit back as Miller preforms a soft coup?
I hate this country

you are one retarded faggot

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Trump lies in both his tweets and speeches. This should be an impeachable offense.

Tweeting lies from a sitting president should be an impeachable offense.

>killing fellow Americans
Real patriotic, faggot.
>nigger tier post

>Presidents can act like total asshole dictators and say and do whatever they want
The absolute state of the Republicans. JUST

>i'm a red blooded war veteran gun ownin' cop from a long line of cops and i hate sjws and hillary too. Now listen up goy.
Yeah, nah. those shill tactics only work on boomers you fucking kike.

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Wow, Mueller is digging deep, really deep. What a fucking waste of time. Fire him Mr President.

That's why Trump was elected, bird brain.

What is a credible news outlet?
Get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic ape.

>act like total dictators
>by tweeting

Yep. History will show (((trump))) was biggest lying president in history.

>the President doesn't have first amendment rights
>the President can obstruct justice while executing his constitutional authority to hire and fire subordinates
>Mueller, whose position derives authority from the executive power invested in the President, can charge his boss

Top kek the left is really done

SEETHING libpedo

I love this pasta!

Honestly. Come on now. Reality beckons


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It’s not a lie if you believe it to be true.

Nailed it.

You Sean mad bro.

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>We will be coming for all his racist supporters next
why wait? come now I can't wait to meet you

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So (((trump))) is either misinformed or literally dumb. He gets his briefings from (((Fox News))).

>devolved into blubbering nonsense and typos

Or calculated white lies to push a narrative

Why is Mueller looking at Twitter, he’s got the lies Hilldawg bought from Russia and every utterance of the US “intelligence” community for the last 2 years. How many more baseless assertions does one guy need to write a simple report?

>military communities

Down, as to get more pee on him?

> be me
> have only ever voted libertarian
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Bernie
> think that Trump is a racist and a womanizer
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

^^^ love this pasta ^^^
>I didn’t get enough of the MIC lies personally fighting for their made up bullshit, so now I want to convince others to mindlessly believe their lies so we can fight more wars.
>t. Robotic Freedom Fighter