Jewish doctor goes full Jow Forums gets caught

Is he /our kike/?

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why would it matter if he does well as a doctor?

>It was a troll account
>I wanted to go undercover and learn about the people that hate me
I'm sure he wont' have any trouble find a lawyer to sort this out.

I mean why would his private life matter.


this leaf thinks we live in a meritocracy

how cute

hi jew

hospital doesn't want the press to think they employ people that will give nonwhites a lower quality of care. They'll find some other jewish doc and fill the void quickly if true

This happened to a Jewish friend of mine a few weeks ago as well
>Reminder that 90% of this board are self-hating nonwhites

From the looks of it he used to comment on counter currents articles and was in some facebook groups. Apparently he went by "Dov".

Jews run white supremacist groups
Everyone is surprised

>one letter away from doc

It's even worse than you think, Dov is his first name.

> self hating

I don't hate myself. I just recognize wypipo's right to self determination (like everyone else has) and if they want to have ethnostates they should be entitled to them.

Where have you been for the past few decades?

Wow just look at this Jew doctor with his huge hook nose and black nigger hair
What a kike

>man does something privately because of his own private beliefs
>better fire him for it!

Why is it okay to practice any ridiculous new diet or religion, yet if it's something that goes against the liberal agenda, it's suddenly hateful and your life must be ruined? Dude wasn't even being rude or unprofessional at his job, he just held private beliefs, like we all do...

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holy shit was it his first day on these sites?

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It never ends

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dont the jews do this all the time on Jow Forums?

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LMAO Jow Forums in a nutshell

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seig vey.

Nah just saying that people like him and me aren't Jews no matter how hard you guys wanna believe that we are
I mean, look at him. He has 100% right to be a white nat

Ashkenazis have a serious identity crisis kek

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Lel what a cuck
thankfully these decisions arent democratic and have already been made

Maybe it isnt enough, maybe we will make of México a nativeamerican ethnostate and get rid of your kind

I blame it on race mixing. You can't take your hands off the bratwurst and shiksas

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He’s possibly a self-hating non-white.

He possibly considers himself white.

I think he’s probably a Jewish doctor with highly controversial right-wing views and is friends with some alt-right edgelords online. He’s probably not a white nationalist.

“Alt-lite civic cucks” like Milo get called white supremacists even though he’s half Jewish and married to a negro. “Liberalists” like Sargon get called alt-right when he debates them.

A strong national identity then going forth and forming powerful allies also with strong national identities is the way to go.

Mexico is Mestizo land, you fucking jungle Indian. You will be pushed into the reservations you belong, back in the sierra.

That's more than fair, but you would be surprised how many minorities hate their own culture. Black women who get out of the hood are more often redpilled as fuck about niggers than people would think.

>Whites hating themselves on Jow Forums
I think you're on the wrong board there buddy.

I think you meant /leftypol/

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of course and i agree

>He’s possibly a self-hating non-white.

>He possibly considers himself white.

Some Iranian shitskin was just like that. Admired Breivik and Hitler and literally removed kebab here. Lefty media of course tried to brand him as a Nazi and did a Zimmerman on him. But didn't really stick. Vid from kebab removal here:

Bleaching did nothing but good for Jews, as can be seen from the fact that Euro blooded Jews are the most capable. The fact that it instilled euro nationalism in a portion of Euros Jews is just a bonus - it means that white nats have de facto double agents within jew society.

Antisemitism is a Zionist scam used by Zionist Jews, such as the good doctor there, and Mike Enoch.

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its all so tiresome...

WTF, I love Rothschilds now

I’m an ethnic Jew that does the same thing. In real life I tell people discreetly about how the holocaust is hyped now more than it was with the notation that our society doesn’t put enough emphasis on other mass murders such as nanking Sudan or yazidis (all perpetrated by nonwhites) opposed to emphasis on ones whites have caused through colonialism. Many people are open to these ideas as long as you play it in a way that is sympathetic to others and doesn’t make you sound like a white supremacist defending the actions of “evil” whites. Being a Cohen with a big fucking nose helps this because I can easily portray myself as distant to whites but I’m blonde with blue eyes so they also can’t help but connect me to them when thinking about what I’m saying.

>respecting a peoples' right to pursue existence = cuck
>not acting out every impulse that comes to us = cuck

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?

That's bullshit, but I believe it!

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When I get drunk I really slam the Jews Andrew then the next day I worry about if anyone thinks I took it to far and worry about repercussions.

Not sure why I wrote Andrew.

>no evidence
>still loses job
Great to see the Witch Hunts never end

>hating themselves
The best of nonwhites want to live around whites. If they wanted to live around nonwhites they'd stay home. Stop fucking up the only good place to aspire to.


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But they'll employee colored doctors who are likely to give lower standard of care, that wouldn't even be there if not for affirmative action as they likely scored lower on exams, etc. than qualified whites? Selective caring about care standards?

>Jewish person concerned about ethnic genocides of nonwhite/poor people
user, thats called being left wing

I’m not concerned about those things. But by using them as normies are so hopped up about the holocaust you can take power away from that and spread it to other things. Taking away the holocaust from the Jews is very important to taking their power in society especially when concerning normies. I couldn’t care at all about those genocides except maybe yazidis

>whacha doin rabbi?

Fuck off britjew

Self-hating jew

>Is he /our kike/?
All about dat DnC

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>be on /pol
>see pictures of blonde, blue eyed women in wheat fields or whatever
>'man, that is sweet as heck'
>remember I'm (secular) jewish
Life is suffering

> shitskin manlet subhuman low-iq Amerindians have a revolution and kill all of the high-tier Castizos and Criollos
>Mexico goes into utter fucking 4th world shit
fucking kek
The only reason why Mexico has not fallen into a total mad max- tier post apocalyptic state is because the Castizos and Criollos are the people keeping that shithole piece of shit country from not crumbling into the fucking ground you filthy fucking indio.

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