Why do so many British people have fucked up teeth?

Why do so many British people have fucked up teeth?
Is the Dental care expensive? Or is it that you are required to have a license for braces?

Attached: AverageBritishPerson.jpg (2158x1056, 421K)

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she's cute

It's mostly diet related


and you're going to jail

Too much fluoride.

we don't have much (((dental treatment propaganda))) and expect to have absolutely perfect teeth

my dentist never recommended that I wear braces
I guess its probably due to a high sugar diet and drinking lots of tea, and probably because there is no societal push to have good teeth like in the US

those eyes are too far apart.

shit maybe its the tea

Wrong. Fluoride prevents tooth decay. HOWEVER, it also has been linked to reduced IQ, but it certainly doesn't cause malocclusion.

You utter fucking mong.


It's because they think it represents youth. Retarded chinks. Oh wait the brits? They are just poor.

it's actually free

Mike Mew has all of the answers on this. Tldr version is
>poor oral posture (not keeping tongue fully on roof of mouth) in childhood leads to downward and inadequate growth of the face
>upper arch is too narrow, maxilla is too low, chin is recessed
>crooked teeth form
>also modern food is too soft while also being too caloric, so you end up not chewing hard enough, resulting in weak facial muscle tone and too much facial fat

interesting, but it's probably just poor dental hygiene and genetics more so than 'the water supply'

>If the water supply is fluoridated at the level of 1 ppm, one must consume one litre of water in order to take in 1 mg of fluoride. It is thus improbable a person will receive more than the tolerable upper limit from consuming optimally fluoridated water alone.

It's a hapa.

>it's actually free
shit man, costs about the same as a new car here

but even our toffs have terrible teeth

Well national Insurance Marxist Healthcare but hey


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>average brit
You serious? Having perfect teeth is not only about aesthetics, it's more comfortable and helps you chew, clean,
I know you don't really believe that, which makes it even more sad

Centuries of inbreeding and heavy opioid use will leave some consequences.

can't tell if hapa or jewess

OK, maybe there's some truth to that, even though that condition is relatively benign.
>Fluoride consumption can exceed the tolerable upper limit when someone drinks a lot of fluoride-containing water in combination with other fluoride sources, such as swallowing fluoridated toothpaste, consuming food with a high fluoride content, or consuming fluoride supplements. The use of fluoride supplements as a prevention for tooth decay is rare in areas with water fluoridation, but was recommended by many dentists in the UK until the early 1990s.

But it's still retarded to attempt to link malocclusion (what girl in OP has) with fluoride.

I only pay'd £60 for my braces because i fucked with mine, oh and white filling's are extra bout £40 each

but i do essentially pay tax twice

You're making the grand assumption that the water is "optimally fluoridated".

don't think so.

jesus christ
don't eurocucks realize that when your teeth are fucked up it reshapes your whole entire face and jaw?
straight teeth literally make your facial aesthetics better when you're not smiling

burden of proof is on you though, I honestly don't care since there are about 100 other things that fuck up teeth in modernity excluding fluoride alone

I just let mine rot out, I never really bothered, the pain wasn't too bad, and the dentist was like a tenner every bleeding time i had to have a checkup so fuck it.

Pretty simple, our dentists are part of the NHS, run by the government. In America dentists get paid more for doing more work, from the insurance company, so do everything possible. In the UK they get paid the same regardless of how much they do, fixing one tooth or all of them, so naturally do as little as possible. They used to get paid for what they actually did, but as happened to my Nan, the dentist was paid for every tooth extracted; he eventually took out every tooth in her mouth and she had to have dentures at like 30.
I have shit teeth because improving appearance isnt covered by the nhs, only medical issues.

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can you fix this in later life?


By any kind of statistical measure, we don't. You thinking we do is a combination of media tropes and the fact that we care much less for cosmetic dentistry compared to Americans, and by that I mean we're less prone to being jewed out of our money by cartels of shysters, see also: your unnecessarily circumcised penis.
>"Age standardised estimates showed that, among dentate adults, the mean number of missing teeth was significantly higher in the US (7.31 (standard error 0.15)) than in England (6.97 (0.09)) (table 1⇓). For subjective measures, oral impacts were more prevalent in England while the prevalence of less than good self rated oral health was not significantly different between the countries (table 1⇓). In both countries, women reported more oral impacts and had more missing teeth than men, while the opposite was true for self rated oral health. Estimates by age group revealed that missing teeth and edentulousness were higher in the US among those aged 25-64 years, whereas number of missing teeth was higher in England among older adults."

No its not only up to a certain age

They go hand in hand because they are part of a whole. It's facial muscle atrophy and misuse that affect the shape of one's face, jaw and also teeth. Watch this:

Inbreeding. That’s it.

It's clearly a hapa.

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free my arse. maybe if you're a dolite. YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR BLOODY CHECKUPS EVEN

if you're in you're still in your late 20's or early 30's yeah, but it takes a heck of a lot longer for anything to change the older your get

if you're in your early 20's and get it fixed odds are you'll look pretty different in your mid 30's than you would if you did nothing

yeah, if you have under/overbite or whatever getting them fixed will still help

Because they're inbreds.


they look completely different.

no way is that the same girl. hapas need to lie down more often if that's the case

who is this

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>if you're in you're still in your
wew, I need to pump the breaks on the coffee

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I'm in Scotland and granted i've never had a dental problem past 18

apart from that time I cracked a tooth on cocaine

You have to be rich to have braces, and most dental work. It's free to have teeth ripped out, but to look human you have to be relatively rich

It's not the same girl. It's just clearly a hapa.

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because I had braces for a few years and now my teeth in the middle starting splitting and there's a gap, it does my head in, rest of them are fine but I would like it fixed fucked costs to much.

Watch this fucking video and you will never have to buy expensive dental care for your kids:

You're teeth is far from being okay looking let alone perfect.

OP's girl looks kind of turk/white

are they still on?

Your teeth is far from being okay looking let alone perfect.

I don't have kids. That's always free

dental really is a cabal here

I'd honestly socialize it before anything else health related since it turns out that healthy teeth is important for healthy blood flow, immune system, and heart health

Hapas look kind of turk/white. But not really. They just look like hapas. It's just a hapa.

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Bad genetics.

>she's cute
Sure she is. 10/10 at least.

still cute

it's mostly the bottom jaw you should worry about when it comes to how your teeth effect the way your face is shaped, especially under or overbite

OP's girl is not a hapa.

she is not hapa

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>she is not hapa
Still 10/10.

no been off for a few years,

Bottom jaw is fine but got quite a bit of an overbite, But I think I smoke to much, not good for my gums

See. You look like an idiot.

Not even close to the same girl.

Dental health has vastly improved over the years, I think overall its better than most countries now but you still get the occasional mouth full of tombstones

Still 10/10?

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would take to the dentist/10

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lost the retainer? do you have a mould of your teeth?

Because it's not the hapa, is the original girl

looking for that war memorial set

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you'd have britbong teeth, if you always had to use your teeth instead of forbidden knoives

Attached: britbaresteeth.jpg (539x418, 92K)

It isn't about drinks, its about food and how much you chew it. Teeth are basically supposed to align themselves as you grow up and chew stuff. These days you can often cook foods that are easy to eat even if you haven't chewed properly, rice, pasta, potatoes, white bread, etc. but you're supposed to also eat stuff like that actually requires a lot of chewing like nuts, dark bread, tough meat, etc.

Hell even just chewing gum is actually good for teeth alignment.

and they obviously get what they pay for

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It's fucking expensive. 220£ for canal route treatment. In Germany only 50-80€

Guess I must be face blind then. Oh well. The hapas are hotter.

You jest but se la vis for bongs

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Niggers usually have good teeth.
Big tall horse teeth are signs of Jews.

White man focused on natural selection. Niggers focused on sexual selection

what makes you think I was joking?

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Looks kind of a lot like my gf, except she has better teeth, blue eyes and not quite as attractive features.

>i like her

Attached: Brahms-old.jpg (436x600, 42K)

>Still 10/10?

dayyyeeemmm.... maybe even 11. Or 12. Can she speak? Then 13. Or 14 if she speaks in sentences. Or 15 if those sentences makes sense.

So, we are at least 16 ot of 10. Or maybe 17. But guaranteed 18 if not 19. So, basicaly you get a group sex with this 20/10 hottie even if you only look at her 30/10 picture.

somewhere, but I don't think it would fit, I broke it and never got round to getting a new one, but I would need braces to fix the gap in the middle.

It’s genetic first of all.
Second, it’s genetic because having bad teeth didn’t mean life or death for most whites as it does blacks.

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Besides the super fucked up teeth, yeah.

The UK let at least one or two thousand cases of pedophilia go, what's the harm in one more?

Polish people have the worst teeth on the planet. Coincidentally, 90% of all the poor Polish people on the planet live in the UK.

his eyes are literally the color of shit

Dwr Cymru's water isn't flouridated to American levels, is that not the case for England?

Interbreeding/natural selection

White people were not like the Negroes, but quite on the contrary they mated and spawned offspring with respectable looking mates in the millions and millions until they all looked the same much like the Chinese.
Also drugs

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>his eyes
his??? i guess im gay now... and all because of this 40/10 hottie.

she is not a hapa.
mother might be jewish and father Irish.
i can feel it. my geigerberg counter is beeping hard.

i would love to make out with her

although i feel she might be jewish. she reminds me of another girl who looks like her

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My man. Orthotropics is a healthy redpill.

Pretty shit though
Would wife