Reminder that Texas, the Southwest, California are rightful spanish clay. Give it back

Reminder that Texas, the Southwest, California are rightful spanish clay. Give it back.

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im pretty sure your already winning that battle

Apparently you don't understand the concept of war.

fuck off
all this land was acquired legally by laws and treaties of the time
the fact that there IS a Mexico is a gift from us Americans


>New Philippines
Does this make Texans the most powerful race?

But Mexico acceded that land in the Mexican-American war. And then collapsed and reformed.

The current Mexican government doesn't have a rightful claim to the land. Especially not Texas, which broke off independently before that war even started.

My ancestor was a captain in the Mexican army in the war for California.
He surrendered the first chance he got, signed a peace treaty, and then became a citizen

>Apparently you don't understand the concept of war.

Says the country whining about being invaded by spics.

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OK, we’ll let Spain have it

The American Southwest is a Latin American society at this point.

Fuck off we paid for it

Spain is rightful Moorish clay.

Why tf would Mexico want all this land? Is it because you know America would never annex your shitheap country? How about fixing your own house before you go fucking up someone elses?

Only the labor class

Going down this road, the whole world will be Mongol or Roman clay. Fuck off.




No mention of Florida?

I'm ready to kick Spanish ass again

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You lost your rights to any land north of Mexico City after the Mexican-American war. By rule of conquest, we should have MORE land.

spain cant even keep a small county of farmers from leaving, they dont have a chance.

Named part of the land New Philippines
Gross, you deserved to lose it

you can have texas and california

you fuckin' tortilla niggers already took thatshit

dad cannot even protect its own borders and you expect the senile old Spain to administer a colony

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Texas is the future Rhodesia. I don't know if I should ask for white peoples help to save it or go elsewhere because it is too far gone. I am not far off from whites that live in South Africa, South America, Mexico, etc.

Hey stupid ass Mexico surrendered and sold that land to us! It's ours, now! Deal with it!

From my cold dead hands.
Come and take em faggots

You didnt you stupid faggot you kicked mexi-niggers out... Spanish American War was for sugar and land for the creation and funding of ZOG

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The Spaniards were savage mudslime beasts.
So glad French pirates went on a murdering spree and gave them some of their own medicine.






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Not really. All of the Hispanics I know don't want this part of the country to fall under the control of anyone other than the United States. They understand that the illegals are the shit tier people of their respective homelands and that they have far more freedom under whitey's government than they could ever hope for under anyone else. They also only like legal immigrants that integrate and have a strong sense of community and family.

Legal spics out here are pretty fucking cool.

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At least use the good one.

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That's cute, but Texas is Texan clay. Don't ever imagine otherwise, less you want to get Alamo'd.

>fucks up his current apartment
>fucks up his neighbors apartment
>moves in with you, starts fucking up your apartment
>claims its his because his great-grant parents rented it and were paid to leave
Why don't you just give not fucking up your country a try first, beaner?

This. If you think Texas will become aZtLaN without a fight, you've got another thing coming.

We, The People of America, allow your existence. Don't push your luck

>Largely unincorporated areas
>Lose to your rape babby spawn
>Rape babbies lose to babby America

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I would love to see Texascucks get shot in the back by their "brown brothers"
So many Texan faggots come here with the gall to complain about how Texas is better...than stay in your little shithole.