To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand pedophilia jokes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pedosexuality most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Dan’s opportunistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation – his personal philosophy draws heavily from the Talmud, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike pedophilia jokes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dan’s existencial catchphrase “Sleep like a baby? Time to get rapey!” which itself is a cryptic reference to the Talmud ritual concerning goy children I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those Trumpsters and alt-types scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a crying baby tramp stamp. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the Jewish handler’s eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Is it a law that every even moderately attractive IDF girl take pictures of themselves being slutty so it can be used as internet propaganda or something?
No, everyone in Israel joins the Army at age 18, which is prime slut age. Everyone has an instagram and posts slutty pictures, only over there they have uniforms as well.
The best taco place in the Dallas area had a 100% white workforce, but they got so big that RACE QUOTAS demanded that the next employee hired could not be white.
That was all it took.
One non-white employee. They must have been so obnoxious (and can't be fired due to race quota laws) that a white employee quits, then another one, then another one, only non-whites are getting hired to replace them.
It turned into a total non-white takeover, which is what the "diversity is out strength" federal government wants.
mexican staff can't make a taco.
The place went from the best taco place in the area to just a crummy fast food place where you are likely to get sick if you eat there.
A taco is not a mexican food.
All the "mexican" foods that America loves were invented by white folks in Texas, which is why it is called Tex Mex food (the Mex only come from Texas once being a territory of mexico, but Texas was never a mexican state, so it was never really a part of mexico).
Every mexican in America needs to go to Hell, which is also know as mexico.
Actually, mexico would be a decent place if it just wasn't infested with mexicans.
So far as I can recall from my (rather extensive) study of scripture Satan is only given one princely title. Paul, writing to the Christians at Ephesus, called Satan the Prince of the Power of the Air. However Satan is referred to as both the King of the Bottomless Pit in Revelation and King of Babylon in Isaiah.
>Jewish anything >attractive Nigga don't do think like that. On the outside they might look pretty but in the inside it's all twisted and sick. Plus they're genetic trash.
If you think about it, Real Awoo Hours functionally starts with Tucker Time. There aren't much Awoo posting during the day, but they pick up around 7pm through 2am 2am-4am, there really isn't much
But for the sake of Tradition, I'm not going to support changing the time.
Has anyone realized that the shills are back, but in very low energy? They don`t even make an argument anymore; just post a rehashed Twitter meme and try to hide the fact that they are incredibly butthurt. This is neither Shareblue or JIDF. These shills are very unexperienced and angry. Who do you think is shilling us now?
>I will help fake the dogs death so we can collect the money and no animals will be harmed. >Deal? >>leaf you just know what he's gonna do to that doggo
Jaxon Clark
Send them all to Syria to fight isis.
Lincoln Myers
Matthew Jones
Tucker just BTFO the dems for their open border policy and non citizen voting. Now Newt is on
Isaac Davis
Jayden Sanders
I mean, what is there even left to shill at this point. Russia fell apart. Nobody cares about him banging some whores. Mueller is a mess
Asher Parker
G-guys I died in the Syrian invasion. Don't let my wife's son die in Iran
Daily reminder the "I haet Tucc time" force meme is a CIA psyop. They actually do hate him because he's the only one on television who is genuinely redpilling the nation. Meaning he's not a part of Operation Mockingbird. The user who posts this crap every night is the same one who asks anons for personal info or things that would reveal details about themselves and where they live. Which is what a data mining CIA intern would do.
That T logo looks great. Trump should use it for his campaign.
Jace Diaz
ATTENTION TrumpOP! ____________________ *I know we're short on space but maybe there is room for some or simply archive >Pres Trump tours Granite City IL Works Hot Strip Mill 7/26/18 ----- *BOLO for video: >VP Pence @America 1st Rally in Wheeling WV 7/26/18 (WH stream - audio only) ----- >NECDir Kudlow on Fox Business 7/26/18 ----- >EnergySec Perry on Mornings w/Maria 7/26/18 ----- >CommSec Wilburine on Mornings w/Maria 7/26/18 ----- >Special Operations Teams Square Off in Fuerzas Comando 2018 7/26/18 ----- *for archiving: >CommSec Wilburine on Lou Dobbs 7/25/18
dogs are good pets, cats are good pets, fish are good pets, guinea pigs are good pets, ferrets are good pets, birds are good pets.
Leo Rivera
Well they've got a 50,000 year record being used for everything from war to cooking, I'm curious as to what your idea of a good pet is if dogs, as a whole, cannot fill the niche you're looking for.