Saving Finland

I don't even know how to save my country anymore. On one hand we need EU mass support so Russia won't start knocking on our door, but that means we need to allow niggers in and dwell deeper into becoming another Sweden. The only reason the UK was able to leave because they know Russia would need to go trough Finland/Sweden/Norway to get to them. Every year the country seems to go more nigger friendly with protests and "examples about Swedish policies". Now i need to pay for all the kike countries like Greece and Spain just to get their support and keep Russia from making us another Baltic country sucking Russia's cock. How do I make my country truly independent from immigrants and Russians ego of wanting to rule the world?

>And no i don't want mutts to come over.

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First inb4 Faggots!!!!

Kill half your women.

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So what if there are protests? During last year all the Nordic council countries agreed to lower their immigration. EU agreed just last month to bring down immigration numbers via harder border controls(with exception of Sweden).

Just join Russia. The West is dying. Russia is growing.

Why do niggers want to go there it's too cold and watermelon is expensive?

Not in terms of population,HDI or economy. Russia is a shithole.

For some reason the fuckers won't stay in Africa.

Its only temporary, plan your revolt later. Happened before

We get a lot of them here too lately. Not sure what they all going to do when their refugee benefits are finished.

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I would prefer keeping the independence and laughing as Russia slowly turns to caliphate.

if people posting this shit were actually shills i would be less concerned

russia is a country full of chechen muslims, HIV, corruption, alcoholism and drugs

>Not sure what they all going to do when their refugee benefits are finished.
they'll chimp out

Tbqh we need our own nuclear arms progamme, its the only viable way of upholding our independence.

wouldn't really help when you're pozzing yourselves

Why would russia attack finland?

For same reason why attacked Georgia and Ukraine. There are nearly 40,000 ethnic Russians in Finland.

first they would take the baltics then they move on to eastern finland

This is true
But the immigration is actually the worse issue

Odotellaan uuden Lapuan Liikkeen nousua ja puhdistetaan sitten Suomi. Älä huoli, veli, kaikki järjestyy aikanaan.

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For more Baltic sea ports, for power projection against the rest of Scandinavia, for imperialism...

You spend too much time on Jow Forums, we're doing just fine right now.

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The very second a Baltic country goes against their wishes they could attack to "defend their own" as over 40% of the population is Russian after WWII. The only neighboring country to to Russia who managed to defend themselves is Finland. Prove me they wouldn't want to get us under their thumb also.

> "right now"
How about the future then, which you will be sharing with me?

i believe in you finbros

Worst of all, it all probably was written unironically.
That's what propaganda does to people.

The cultural trend is clearly going towards tighter border control, people aren't nearly as bluepilled as some would have you believe. As for Russia, as long as we're in EU they can't do shit. You're blowing things way out of proportion. I'm not saying we should lie down and do nothing about our problems, but there's no reason to lose any sleep over our situation.

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Sleep is not being lost and i just can't trust the Russian government. The people on their own are fine. But you want to pay for the kikes in the south?

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Nuking Helsinki would make Finland 500% better, no question about it.

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Leave the EU and start a strong alliance with the US, problem not only solved but improved.