Why were Nazi aesthetics so fucking cool?

I picked up a 1936 German dictionary in a free bin and the artwork is incredible

Attached: IMG_20150810_180540.jpg (1944x2592, 1.99M)

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Most of Europe and America had beautiful art back then, until the you-know-whos took over.

First inb4 Faggots!!!!

Uhhh....white men? You stupid nigger.

Attached: 1527814015845.gif (240x287, 277K)

should i post more?

Attached: IMG_20150810_181223.jpg (2592x1944, 1.25M)

it's on a completely different level from modern dictionaries.

Attached: IMG_20150810_181519.jpg (2592x1944, 978K)

I'm gonna post more

Attached: IMG_20150810_181853.jpg (1944x2592, 1.75M)

Yeah, more of logos and symbols though

What is it called and can you digitize it?

I believe that. Most books were. I collect old books, and they are much more intelligent and useful than modern books. I think we have declined as a civilization, in many ways.

Beyond comfy

Attached: Embrace Your Race.jpg (576x1024, 138K)