Are Jews neaderthals?

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Yeah. They are the nephilim. Want me to drop my info?

No, they are just gross looking inbred sand nigger slavs

Jeez that means I'm like 4 percent jew. Must be why with all my my hate for da jooz that the khazar milkers still are my dirty shameful lust

Yes, so are Romans and Greeks. Then the Germanic Israelites came and acted like a bunch of niggers until Jesus made a church to recivilize them.

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Only the ones with more Eurasian DNA. Probably the ones cross with Khazar and Russian Turkmen.

One of the funniest things about the whole Jew situation is that Jews have a "look". Jews do not blend in but rather obviously stick out. Generations of inbreeding has drawn out their "Jewish features" such as the classic Jew nose.

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So those are the ones who rule Ameriga

Jews have different DNA. That's the reason they need us to survive. They are parasites because they cannot create anything themselves.

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