Random person paid his $20,000 bail

>random person paid his $20,000 bail
>getting support from liberal Hollywood
>facing $3,000 star replacement fee that will covered by someone else
I think he's getting off scot-free.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>felony vandalism

>I think he's getting off scot-free.

Charged with felony. Can no longer vote.

Yeah except his name and face are now known.
Have fun watching your own back for the rest of your life.

Why are attentionwhores so retarded

> Can no longer vote.
/thread. Plus he's also probably gonna need to do at least a year of probation. The fines are the easy part.

does he know he's not the first one to do it, it will be rebuilt on the labor of some mexican dude in a couple weeks at most (which he's going to pay for,) and he's going to lose his right to vote over it

Now Trump can get a new star, that has his new title in it.

President Donald Trump.

>Charged with felony. Can no longer vote.
It's practically a requirement.

He looks very Jewish.

Trump’s star will always be newer than anyone else’s, this is too funny fags

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We need more libtards doing this shit.

>No link
kys and sage

We should encourage more leftist to vandalize.

I think its all staged.

>liberals pay for something that Trump and nobody else cares about

drain their funds.

Le Soiface

Proofs what he was charged with? Citing what you think the law is means nothing. What did the police of Hollywood California actually charge him with.

>breaking a star on the hollywood walk of fame
Who cares? Destroying something not even owned by the person you're trying to get at, anyone is supposed to give a shit?

Someone still had to pay for his stupidity. Instead of vandalism how about you god damn idiots learn how to actually take some damn actual political power. If most of voters are so idiotic it should be easy.

he's in california. they'll make doubly sure he can vote.

Lmao who’s the creaturita behind him?

who cares, he'll have a criminal record no matter what, not worth it for him

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childish person

for some reason she reminds me of pic related.

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I’d want my name removed from that pedo walk for free too. Trump should thank him for the free labor. When the word breaks on queero De Niro I hope this kids neighbors hang him by his nuts.

"I think he's getting off scot-free"

Not if we take a pickax to his face. Who's with me?


who cares? not important. if youre that butthurt just add the name to the list for the Day of the Rope and be done with it

oops this was meant for you

So this was a stunt?

Nope: we know what zelda and his new face girliefriend look like now, user.

It's far from 'over'.

Not worth it unless you don’t get caught. Would be righteously funny though. Kid looks like every fuckstick from college that I couldn’t stand who had no business being there.

The guys unstable enough to risk it all to pick axe cement for attention. His own existence is the punishment. Pity him like you'd pitty a insect stuck to a sucker. I'm not even sure things like him can experience happiness or suffering.

>I accomplished literally nothing but everyone thinks i'm a hero

Is there a better poster boy for liberalis?

well i dont' like what this guy stands for. So is it okay to ruin his driveway?

I mean, i have no regrets.

they need to integrate a pepper spray land mine into the star, then the vandal will at least have 1 regret. checked.

Trump should tweet "I'm glad I don't have a star in Pedowood anymore"

>i have no regrets

I hope the prosecutor plays the video when the sentencing comes.

ha, i had probation for a year along time ago. ( 2 D.U.I ) going down town Columbus Ohio Court building was the worst part . always stuck waiting in some lobby full of stupid niggers. watching probation officer come out & tell who ever baby momma they are keeping him for some other charge. non stop Chimp out. Hope this white boy learns some diversity dealing with the system .

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i bet if you pick axed deniro's star, James Woods would pay your bail.

was this your first red pill, or just confirmation you were on the right path

i know people got Secret Service'd several times during the campaign, but have they learned their lesson? any way we can encourage them to physically challenge the president?

Why isn't this a hate crime?

>Guy destroys Trump's star
>Likely stepped over Spacey's star without a thought
>Hollywood (not Trump) will pay for a new star, this vandal may get billed
>Trump's star will be all shiny and new
>Not even the first one to do it, so his fame will be even briefer
These people are driven by pure rage and anger. They can't think and they can't meme. What good are they?

>Having your name attached to a possible felon, forever harming your employability, just to smash something that will just be replaced

What an idiot. No one is going to give a damn about you in a few weeks.

Your a fool if you think that this whole OP was not set-up over a Hollywood lunch

....aaaand Trump gets another million votes, thanks faggot!!!

Think of it this way. He got a Hollywood liberal douchebag to pay for Trump to have a star on the walk of fame.

>I think he's getting off scot-free.
>didn't wait until he tripped while j-walking and got run over by an ice-cream truck
Trump Curse

That's just going to rustle a lot of boomer jimmies
Even low-info normies will look at that shit and wonder why the left is celebrating vandalism

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distracting us

>Still no link
Sage this slide thread retards

>The star will gorge itself on clay

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>felony vandalism
Mr. Goldstien: Why do you have a felony on record
Vandal: Oh I broke public property
Mr. Goldstien: I guess that'll end this interview

Have we doxxed this faggot yet?

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I hated blacks as a kid. was the only white boy on the bus going to school as a kid in Seattle.
I went to a little hippie private school in a black neighborhood

>I think he's getting off scot-free.
You don't understand, hes not free, the californians are locked in with him

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>lived in Dallas
>jumped by niggers with gun in sixth grade
>dad has enough moves to all white community 30miles north
>great life from there on out

That’s a felony baby.

Like Drumpfs grandchildren?

Voting is pointless in California so no loss there

Its okay the trump curse will get him when he gets testicular cancer

Social Darwinism at its finest

We need to start encouraging more liberals to commit felonies

He won't be convicted of a felony. First, it's Commiefornia where hating Trump is a state wide religion. Second, the first guy who completely destroyed Trumps star was let off with a misdemeanor.

So expect Trumps star to be destroyed every time it gets rebuilt.

>felony vandalism

Yes, if it's over $600 it's felony vandalism.

Are u retarded?

You poor bastard. I'm not a racist, but there's nothing worse than niggers. That's just a fact. No bias involved. Just a simple truth.

They'd make good fertilizer.

Attached: the leaf can never die.png (597x595, 1.03M)

Not allowed on 4can.

>a fucking leaf
Felons don’t have the right to vote in the US

>oh no my fucking life is OVER now that i cannot VOTE
>it must be a fucking TRAVESTY that i cannot VOTE
>at least ((( i ))) can keep on breaking Trump's star but OH DEAR FUCKING HEAVENS i cannot VOTE


You would be sentenced to death in L.A. if you fucked up De Niros shit. He's a god to all these cuckifornia Trump-hating lib shit stains.

Big man's got yo back!

Attached: got_yo_back.jpg (1200x2039, 537K)

>caring about a pedowood star

>don't worry goyim we can always bus more voters in to make up for that minor setback

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De Niro's Got his back..
Shame about the De Niro thing.

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I weep every day that Trump's fascist right-wing dictatorship the left kept scare-mongering about was way too good to be true. The judenpress is pure evil

>The old one was 10 plus years old so a value was difficult to determine
>new star is fresh with a fresh invoice

It's actually a good thing for us.

Horrible PR for libtards.

Makes libs look like insane unbalanced violence-prone loose canons. Just puts more "undecided" voters in the GOP column for Nov 6.

IS that even a sentence?

they overcharge to reach a quick plea without going to trial. although this guy looks a little bit like a noseberg so i wouldnt be surprised if hes pushing for a long public trial complete with appearances on jimmy kimmel

This guy is a fucking dumbass. He threw away his right to vote and to own a firearm so he could vandalize a fucking hollywood star, that'll be replaced on the taxpayers dime in 2-3 weeks tops. He's a fucking manchild

t. Leibowitz

You're a cocksucking faggot.

>I think he's getting off scot-free.
He'll probably get doxxed.... nobody walk free from being a piece of shit these days.

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he cute

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Need to make one out of metal with a metal pole going down at least 4 feet and covered with ANTI-Graffiti coating.

Same here, had a monthly visit two weeks after the election. Actual conversation.
>you hear Donald Trump won the election?
>he finna start a race war
I was sitting right next to them and surrounded completely by niggers

I hope someone bashes his skull inside out, may digits confirm his death.

Q predicted this

lol, so he can't even vote anymore?

Except nothing upstairs.

it's california, they'll look the other way

We should start a campaign.
I believe we can get these morons to destroy more things.

>can't own a gun
>can't vote
>harder to get credit card or loans
>people might not rent to you

you're probably right, they're retarded about this sort of thing

user, it's far from over.
His life is about to get strange.

It's only felons on probation/parole that can't vote. A small charge like this is not likely to be given probation unless they had priors. At most they would be given some jail time on top of the restitution. that is if the charge does not get dropped to a misdemeanor on a plea, which is likely since everything is already paid for.

Really wish an Asian market in Seattle Chinatown had used this stuff. They had beautiful murals on their buildings that got destroyed by graffiti recently. Wish I'd taken photos of them while I had the chance...;_;