The most redpilled hero

He will be a symbol of reconstruction

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Wait till you see the new stuff OP

actually i think he was bluepill at the end

Kek. They never should be brought them into the new continuity.

is he now a 20 year old black/latinx female?

I didn't see it that way. He wasn't going to compromise his view on right vs wrong... and he was willing to die for it ... even against an enemy he knew he couldn't beat.

wrong. Captain Marvel was redpilled as fuck

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>He preferred to die rather than do the wrong thing.

He's the ultimate redpilled character.

More of a Comedian guy myself

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Loved the comedian, but I viewed him as more of anarchy symbol through most of it. Until he developed a comsciousnandnrealized there were things even he wouldn't do.

i wonder if steamboat the house nigger will make a cameo in the new shazam flick

>seeing evil and purposely getting into a confrontation he knows he wont get out of rather than keep fighting
Thats not red or blue friends, thats the Black pill

A minority definitely

By far the most redpilled. That fucker Manhattan and his faggot cunt friend ass-modius killed him!

>tfw we live in a society

His politics were characterized perfectly by his mask, black and white, always shifting but never gray. While he was based as fuck in dealing with homos, pedophiles, and degenerates, he wasn't redpilled on race or the JQ. Like the other user said, his suicide mission puts him in the blackpill.

Single mothers are cancer and Watchmen proves it


He left the proof at the end of what the Ozymandias did. Rorschach didn't lose. He died, but won.

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I use to work at the studio that made the film user... and he might be red pilled but the studio that made the film sure as hell wasn't. Left wing to shit. Plz no bully.

steamboat pls

>always shifting

Ozymandias the ultimate redpill? Realize that dumb sheeple people cannot see beyond their emotional divisions so the best way to make them react is to create an ultimate treat for them to react?

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Based as fuck.

when i found Jow Forums my first thought was "if Rorschach had a blog it would look like this", so yes

They'll make him a shemale to further confirm the mental illness stereotype.


When he gets arrested and interrogated by the spook psychologist those are his exact words he used for it. It was material for a dress he made for a woman who hated it.

Interesting subtext there, if the mask represents his philosophy and a woman immediately hated it, what does that say about women vs this black and white philosophy?

I have some thoughts on the Comedian I'll share in a moment.

I dunno bout that. More like took redpills too fast without figuring out the previous connective patterns and only understands simple to medium in difficulty problems regarding the use of his mind to solve issues. He's like a blackpill with a redpill coating. If he was really the most redpilled hero, he'd be like a combination of himself, Dr. Manhatten and Ozymandias.

The GOP Appropriation's committee helped democrats add riders to the DHS spending bill which force Obama's immigration policies onto us by law. This was done very rapidly over the course of a single day.. proposed.. voice voted.. and forwarded from committee as quickly and quietly as possible.

- Open Borders: "Asylum" criteria: Now anyone can claim "domestic violence" or "gangs" and get a free green card. (What was once merely "radical interpretation" now CODIFIED IN LAW)
- DACA Amnesty: Amendments explicitly deny funds to any deportations of DACA recipients.

I have yet to see ANYONE aside from Coulter raising hay about this.
Not a single person. They're all crowing about "muh social media"

This was RELEASED FROM COMMITTEE TO THE HOUSE FLOOR by voice vote with the only dissent being Rep. John R. Carter of Texas.

On the surface The Comedian appears to be the most redpilled. He understands that everyone is different, he has no particular love for women, and despite his crassness he can read people very well (He figured out the hooded guy was a fag, and used this knowledge to shame him to get out of a beating himself).

However he has some flaws that are apparent to Jow Forums standards. He does not value life, he's a degenerate sexually (unprotected race mixing), and he is ultimately a tool and propaganda piece of bigger forces.

After all his conquest on behalf of the army, we see him living in a dingy apartment, drunk, with his glory days hidden in a secret compartment. Perfect prey for (((Ozymandius))) to take out, who has been sitting back and studying for so long.

Ozymandius is the closest thing to a jew even though its never confirmed. Using subterfuge, imitation, and a higher than average IQ he's turned himself into a figure beloved by people at large. He has propaganda literally littering the streets bearing his image and promising them he's their escape from a meaningless life. The irony being he considers every one of them expendable in his greater schemes. He is a master of media manipulation, has his fingers in every facet of society from top to bottom, and his end goal is hidden under them to the point even the people directly working on his plans don't realize it until its far too late.

The characters we've established are both somewhat redpilled, rorsharch and comedian, both had an immediate and long lasting distrust of ozymandius too.

But what does this make Manhatten? The one factor ozymandius couldn't plan for completely?

try again

I'm tempted to say Dr. Manhattan represents Jesus Christ. To the western world, he represents salvation from the hell of nuclear warfare. And just as the Jews spread hatred of Jesus, Ozymandius spread a mistrust of Dr. Manhattan by engineering a scheme to get him to abandon Earth. And just as the Jews killed Jesus with something symbolic of their times, the cross, Ozymandius killed Dr. Manhattan with a symbol of their times, a particle reactor. But in both cases, the savior returns only to leave a short time later, leaving a prophetic message.

But what's biting my ass is that Dr. Manhattan kills Rorschach for threatening to go back to tell the world about what happened. We see here that Dr. Manhattans philosophy is that it simply isn't time for that yet perhaps, but here's a real question:

Did Dr. Manhattan know about Rorschach dropping off his journal to the newspaper equivalent of the Drudge Report?

thats just being a Jew

The Night owl and Silk Spectre are decidedly the most blue pilled characters. They're self obsessed, sexually frustrated, wealthy without working for it boomers the both of them. Not only does the schemes around them not make sense to them, they barely care to look into them. What matters to them is some kind of peaceful good life, not chasing a philosophy down to its core.

If Rorsharch is Jow Forums, Night Owl is r/The Donald. Night owls heart might be in the right place but he doesn't want to see the real horror of the situation. This is why even though they're on the same side, there's a lot of tension between the two.


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They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President [Trump]. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.

>Smooth talkers

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Archie obviously.

The Question is basically the same character as Rorschach, but DC told Alan Moore to change his face and name because they didn't want to take a risk with a character they'd just bought the rights to by putting him in a controversial story. All the characters in Watchmen are based on characters DC bought from Charlton Comics.

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Nobody posted our guy yet. MFW?

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I absolutely dont believe they could do such a thing.

He is also a pedo in the movie version at least. This is the contents of a floppy disk in his office in the scene where Nite Owl and Rorschach break in to his office.

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By far the second most redpilled motherfucker ever, after MundaneMatt.

So the Jews want us to unite so we can beat them? Manhattan is the jews: No feelings, superiority complex, powers to save mankind but instead decides to see the world burn.

Nice touch from Zach Snyder, but for all we know it's a screenshot of HIS computer.

>Mike roll

Neck yourself faggot.

Maybe not.

Dan Dreiberg (Night Owl) is literally a Jew.

The "human unity" that Ozy seeks is to unite us as a team of animals under one whip.

The comedian cared deep down inside but it was too painful to care in the clown world for him so he blackpilled himself. Roarschach was the true chad that chugged through until the end and was constantly initiating day of the rope on all those who deserved it

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well shit, good point.

>Jews want us to unite
>After they kill half of us.

I don't know, I still think that Ozy did nothing wrong. Jews like to keep power in the shadows while subverting the goyim trough D&C tactics. Ozymandias managed to unite commies and the free world against "the aliens". Remember that redpills are not easy to swallow.

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user, pol and trash are the only place where fun is allowed, fag mods on other boards deletes and bans """racism"""
Besides, were discussing political analogies of popular characters, there's gotta be some relevance here, and there are shittier and obvious threads out there to call out, and the americans (people which will find this happening extremely relevant) are sleeping by now, perhaps this one happening will find more attention after 8 hours of healthy sleep, but in respect of your effort for a cleaner board, i will make this post a sage

The redpill is seeing people for what they are and understanding that the most noble way to make them react is to show them a model of what sort of world it is possible to create. See: the transformation of Germany through the ideals of National Socialism.

Comedian is based. The blackpill is the way to go. Ride the tiger

he created an elaborate lie, killed innocents, to manipulate the world into what he thought it should be.
he is the Jew

based and redpilled.

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How different is Hitler from Ozy then? You have to almost literally get dirty on innocent blood if you want to bring to world together as one.
Still, jews wants us to keep subjugated through divide and conquer, even Hitler said that truths were lies that got repeated very often. Well anyways IMHO Ozymandias did nothing wrong, we must consider how much of an asshole Dr.Manhattan was.

>Did Dr. Manhattan know about Rorschach dropping off his journal to the newspaper equivalent of the Drudge Report?
I thought that was meant to symbolize how even with his godlike powers, he was thwarted (in a sense) by a normal human (assuming you can Rorschach him normal).

Sorry, the most redpilled hero is Namor

> arch-monarchist
> only takes action when surface dwellers violate the unspoken NAP
> action usually takes the form of flooding (((NYC)))
> Is the one who cucks
> once was granted the godlike powers of the Phoenix Force
> immediately uses it to destroy Wakanda
> Thanos shows up
> his immediate action is to direct him towards Wakanda and kill all the survivors

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Comics aren't cool anymore. They're for stupid plebs now

he was redpilled but not a hero. There were zero heroes in that universe because it was a cynically written shitbag of a story that wants to say All Superhero Stuff Is Garbage. This is objectively false because the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies are top tier cinema.

I remember being young and naive too.

>that jpg
Best hero, hated that he got killed.

Maybe, but The Comedian is by far the most black pilled character ever depicted in comics

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wasn't the archeis the first animated band with a real hit single? japs btfo


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I dunno but Archie/Riverdale are definitely redpilled regarding the JQ

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The comic version was better and less psychotic than the movie version.

He's literally a mutt and a dirty mutie

He and Comedian did nothing wrong.

Not as redpilled, and lives a degenerate life. But I still like him.

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>redpill hero
he was created to make fun of batman, as a real life batman would just come off as crazy rather than heroic.

comedian is the only redpilled character in watchmen, and ebin batman knockoff would never have come to know what ozy was up to if the comedian was never killed.

>comedian figures out everything ozy was up to
>this threatens his plans
>kills him
>ebin anonymoose maskfag picks up his work and adds paranoia
comedian set the events in motion, and if he'd won the fight against ozy he would have singlehandedly done what the rest of them couldn't do - stop his whole plan.

>Alan Moore created Rorschach to take piss on Steve Ditko for his "fascist views"
>Rorschach becomes everyone's favorite Watchmen character
>Moore loses his shit
That snake worshiping cunt deserved it. Ditko was based.

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Wait, so Moore planned for the last panel of Watchmen, instead of letting the reader know that there was a possible future where humanity would be able to break free of the network of lies and manipulation (happy ending), was instead a dark and foreboding ending in Moores eyes that all of the good work of heroes would be undone?

Fuck that guy.

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Ozy is like Griffith.

I also accociate Blondie from LotGH with these two. Knowing the real political division is between authority and anarchy, believing in their own divine right to rule.

The first page of that is even better.

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>Ozy is like Griffith.
user, I....

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>Ozy is like Griffith.
Ozy doesn't suck cock though.

THIS IS THE KEY TO "PSYCHOPATHY": "Psychopaths" often do not lack emotion, they simply interact differently with it and do not alter their behaviors/beliefs because of their emotions. Psychopaths know you hurt, and that your pain will help them control you. Their "empathy" or ability to know your emotions, helps them hurt you and control you. They simply don't care.

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That's what's so great about art, though.
It doesn't matter if the person who did it was a retard, only that it can be interpreted in an interesting way.
Take the saying:
>Fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster. And if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss stares also into you.
Nietzsche objectively didn't mean it in the way we interpret it today.
However I've never seen such a poetic way to put such a simple concept.
It's essentially the basis of our justice system, as if they weren't there, we would be "forced" to be "vigilantes" assure that justice is done.

This. Do you guys think Julian Assange is our timelines Rorschach?

> Blade
My nigga

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Yes. Moore was an edgy nihilist saw no point of return in his eyes. The book not only foreshadowed the failure of Ozy's plan (crimson corsair) but he also expressed the failures of Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, and others to save the world. Rorschach got a personal beating because Moore is a filthy commie.

Mr A is Rorshach except better

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Except the newfound peace was now for nothing which is part of why he got into that confrontation with Manhattan in the first place. he'd realized what he'd done