What are your thoughts on Ben Shapiro?

I've seen a lot of negativity toward Ben Shapiro on Jow Forums other than the typical and expected anti-Semitism.

The man is an articulate conservative voice and doesn't take himself so seriously that he can't make jokes about how nerdy he is. He absolutely destroys leftist arguments, so what's not to like?

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He's a paid shill and a jew.
Also the never trump thing was pretty bad.

Fuck you kike

He seems like a decent dude, clearly very intelligent. Only thing I disagree with is the whole abortion thing because liberty

He's generally good on most things. One notable exception was he was a never trumper. (he voted for someone else on election day).

He is too emotionally invested in finding common ground with the left, which causes him to take 'principled' positions, the only problem being he forgets those principles when it happens on the right, because he again wants to find common ground with the left. The latest example of this was his agreeing with the firing of Roseanne, but not the firing of Jimmy Gun-Gun.

When he goes off on his pro-life religious tangents he loses me completely, but at least I can respect that he has good reasons for his convictions. I just disagree on that issue.

thank you user, very cool

I kind of think that stance is because a lot of his debating has been with the "Intellectual Dark Web" like Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, so the dialogue in that area is more about liberal ideas than intersectional politics or other hard left Marxist ideas. Because there hasn't been anyone on the far left that can hang in a debate with him.

Yeah I get the sense he is more idealistic and theory oriented, rather than practical results oriented. I was more and more that way when I was younger. For example up until recently was definitely in the "All Tarriffs are stupid camp." And while I still don't want to see peristent tariffs, Trump has been able to use Tariffs and other measures as part of an effective negotiating tool. See what he is doing with the EU and China.

he's intellectually dishonest (M. Fields) and very biased on many of his opinions (group identity is bad, except for jews).

Intelligent, but too arrogant and of low character.

Ben is a jew and thats his ultimate loyalty

Michelle Fields.

He got his start as a young fit male advocating for other people to fight the Iraq War. He's a coward and a faggot.

It's only gotten worse from there. The way he defended James Gunn when his pedophilia came out was absolutely horrendous and should be the end of his career as a "conservative" intellectual. It won't be though, because he has very powerful (((backers))) and he spouts what he is told to spout.

Low character anti-white shill with zero integrity

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I know this is covered in Mein Kampf, but do you Jews honestly come to Jow Forums every day and expect a different result when you post kikes like Shapiro on here?

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I like his show a lot. And Klavan and Knowles show too.

Hes way too traditionalist (and way too pro-israel). Hes the epitome of why people hate right wingers. Not to mention he comes off reeeeeally faggoty.

I dont give this guy the time of day

He's a pied piper who's role is to bring conservatives to whatever bad ideas he can find.

The guys a total basic bitch conservative and all the arguments he makes are boilerplate republican talking points. You're really outing yourself as a lame person by liking him.

Uses his many years of analyzing texts going back to Hebrew school no doubt to read the news and talk about it really fast. Also, thinks our society has a "Judeo-Christian" foundation.

frienemy for now. Once things shift he will side with his corporate masters no matter what moral standing.

When I ask people for what else they have besides "he's a Jew"? You bet your ass I expect something different. Most people think of voices like Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh when they think of conservatives, so I'd like to see Jow Forums actually formulate an opinion on something for once that doesn't seek to compartmentalize people in to (((them))) and dismiss their ideas. That is a Marxist tactic.

Also, "logarithms" at 0:50: youtube.com/watch?v=Olda9ijubuQ

Fuck off back to JewTube Ben.

Well guess what? I don't exist for your fucking approval.

he's a hypocrite then, mostly because of his judaism which means israel gets to be an ethnostate but white nations doing the same is literally anuddah shoah.

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Alright, post the sister.

All he does is take broad issues and narrow them down to excruciating minutiae.

He debated Chunk Yogurt (the biggest retard the left has to offer), and whenever Chunk said that American healthcare was bad, Shapiro went off on "Actually, that's misleading, because we rank in the top 5% of survival rates for these specific cancers over a ten-year period when compared to the rest of the western world..."

Literally no one cares. He does not debate the issue at hand; he just overwhelms his opponent with borderline irrelevant facts and figures. They do support his argument, but they're obviously cherrypicked. Thus, only retards find his arguments convincing.

There are much better arguments against universal health care (socialism) than the crap that Little Shapiro spews.

What do I think about Shapiro? I think his sister has juicy huge tits that I'd love to shoot my load over. Also he has some good points.

>Born and raised in Hollywood
>Never gets the gaslighting and censorship that other right leaning independent commentators and pundits get
>Against Barr, yet pro Gunn

Nothing to be suspicious about here guys, Shapiro is BASED.

What are you thoughts on reading the rules, OP?
The GOP Appropriation's committee helped democrats add riders to the DHS spending bill which force Obama's immigration policies onto us by law. This was done very rapidly over the course of a single day.. proposed.. voice voted.. and forwarded from committee as quickly and quietly as possible.

- Open Borders: "Asylum" criteria: Now anyone can claim "domestic violence" or "gangs" and get a free green card. (What was once merely "radical interpretation" now CODIFIED IN LAW)
- DACA Amnesty: Amendments explicitly deny funds to any deportations of DACA recipients.

I have yet to see ANYONE aside from Coulter raising hay about this.
Not a single person. They're all crowing about "muh social media"

This was RELEASED FROM COMMITTEE TO THE HOUSE FLOOR by voice vote with the only dissent being Rep. John R. Carter of Texas.



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Fucking kike, every single time.

What is he conserving?

Smart, very good at debating liberals and defending some conservative values. His analysis are shit though. He almost destroyed his career during elections. There are much worse people though. Paul Watson for example..

He's not a conservative, he's just a leftist driving under the speed limit.

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Nice trips. I only started listening to the guy about two months back, what was he doing during the election that almost ruined him?

Now the guy is a leftist because he isn't both A) conservative and B) a racist? Wow.

he started out as a nevertrumper and when corey lewandowski "assaulted" michelle fields, ben went full sjw feminsit and took her side despite video evidence showing lewandoski barely touched her. he threw a tantrum and quit breitbart after this.

he's a piece of shit kike.

In what fucking clown world is permanently and irreversibly changing the demographics and culture of the nation "conservative"?

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the cuckservative world, of which ben shapiro is a proud and evangelizing resident

I don't even remember that incident from the elections. Sincerely, thanks for giving me some food for thought. I'm going to have to look in to that.

He's an idiot. But he was a never trumper so a broken clock is right twice a day I guess

>unirionically talking about genociding white people.

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>no evidence the fbi/doj tried to fuck Trump in his ass
>Mueller should just investigate until he finds a crime
>Trump shouldn’t tweet because he’s not helping himself, but this one is halarious.
Ben = a hip William Kristol for normies

keep your big ole army n shit jews n arabs n shit
You don't know the first thing about warfare except what the White Man Let you Know.
Make no Mistake you are my Bitch.

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I would throw a hundred million commies and SJWs in to a fucking wood chipper because your ideology isn't something you're born with. Hating people because of their skin color, on the other hand, demonstrates a weakness of character on your part. If they're violent thugs, sure, wood chipper. Or pass legislation to send people back to their fucking continents of origin. Jesus fuck, you people spend so much time in this toxic echo chamber that you think your bullshit is somehow a normal way of thinking. Go outside and take a walk, it's good to get away from Jow Forums for a while.

Yeah says the nigger loving faggot

You sure told him!

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He has shown his true colours at the primaries for being cuckd by that bitch who touched Trump's arm and claimed that she as battered.
He picked her side even with video evidence.

I never said I hated non-whites. I DO hate the leftist/SJWs that weaponize mass 3rd world immigration against white nations, if you can't see that then you are either naive or willingly ignoring it.

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Guess what, I hate that shit too!

So far we have:
>he's a Jew
>nevertrump 2016
>M.Fields -> leaving Breitbart

That's pretty thin stuff for all the hate about the guy.

Judas Goat trying to get Republicans to embrace the tactics that made them lose in 2008 and 2012 to a homosexual muslim communist. This whole civility movement is anti-Trumpian at its core.

he's an israel-firster and Jow Forums is sick and fucking tired of wasting blood and treasure on israel. retarded immigrants from the_donald don't count.

>neocon warmonger
>defending leftist pedophiles like Gunn while applauding the firing of Roseanne over a joke
>hypocrite regarding Israel vs American policies

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The Fields is deeper than you think. He was a manlet trying to score her, as shown by her social media. He went nuts and stayed anti-trump even with video evidence.
The result was that he was cucked by other guy and we know his true color since then.

Fuck off Ben the only way we'll like you is if you let us run a train on your sister.

Look at how uncivil and intolerant the left is and how people are literally just walking away from it now. I really think they're in for a huge reality check in 2020 after liberals reject the growing far leftists.

Y'all keep mentioning his sister, I'm going to need to look this up... for scientific reasons, of course.

He can't help being a kike.

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tiny zionist goblin

Holy shit, she got all the looks in that family.

he still belives that human slavery is legitimate

Sam Harris is another cancerous fake intellectual and the "Dark Web" is controlled op.

Peterson IS an exception, Peterson was intended as controlled op but hes served too many hard redpills on the woman question to be controlled op.

Ben is awesome. There's nothing not to like. Guy makes so much sense.

I'm not sure I understand your meaning. Slavery and human trafficking is still very much happening in the world.

Stop making this thread, Ben. It’s embarrassing.

Ben Shapiro lives in The Oaks in Calabasas which is a community for rich libtards and jews. He's my neighbor... most of the people in the oaks hate him cos he's the only person LARPing as conservative

Do we need to give him the Rick Wilson treatment?

A dumb man's smart man.

Look around. Conservatives are the new counter culture.

So you're a rich libtard jew?

I'd argue that Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Glenn Beck are much better suited to that statement. The man can debate.

Who cares where he lives?

Does he mow his own lawn?

Horrible post

no... I'm the only live free or die teabagger in there.

no, the mexican gardeners do.

Well, mate. I'm sorry you have to live in California.

Can you explain this? People say this about Jordan Peterson too. I believe it means nothing. It's the "dumb person's 'smart' comment."

*one of two

wanna go shoot guns in the desert? gotta get out of hollywood

its like they're constantly checking the temperature of the water.

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pretty much this---even when I disagree, it's respectfully so.

i think ben's forsure a force for good in the world, even if he's too much of a moralist at times (i can forgive that, it's hard for nerdy-goody-goods with big brains NOT to understand some problems)

he's great in analyzing politics, law, and has encyclopedic knowledge about american history. but he's a bit faggy sounding on some social issues. again---of course someone who never really went to school with his actual peers would fail to understand some things, though

Sellout also

Jews did 9/11

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Peterson is actually (verbally) intelligent and is trying to replace the progressive religion with something less awful and explicitly antifeminist.

It's almost like I expect people can have a discussion like adults. Weird, right?

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>What are your thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
Fuck off, kikes.

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.







>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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Someone I often disagree with but at least he explains himself so well I can understand why he feels the way he does unlike incoherent sjws

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sure thing shlomo. sounds legit.

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lol yeah i get real annoyed by motherfuckers who reduce them to right-wing blowhards.

people don't like ben because he's become a meme face of the alt-right, and that gives them the excuse to right him off

same could be said of JP---where people reduce him just to some new-age pseud, but honestly----he's given the best modern argument for being religious that ive heard, with evidence from a range of disciplines.

people unfortunately play culture like a team sport, so they have to hate on someboddy they might otherwise learn a shit-ton from.

>however i unironically believe both are bipolar, JP maybe a bit schizoid
>definitely see themselves as agents of providence
>but they kind of are...or at least they have had some success in mythologizing themselves, so who's to say what insanity really is....(tips fedora)

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He has a JD from Harvard Law. Dumb people don't have JDs from Harvard Law.