Ruh-roh spaghettios

Ruh-roh spaghettios

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Knew what?

>Trump knew that sometime, somewhere in his building, a russian was meeting with someone
Wow, call the fucking police

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Keep deep throating that cheeto dick, fag


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In other words. No evidence.

so he did collude with russians

>xe said while suckling on his jewish handler's 2incher

>Trump is a lying self interested businessman and possible criminal
Wow this is such a hot take, who saw this coming. [spoiler]Call me a kike shill you jew defending Trumptards[/spoiler]

Man, this turned out to be great Ruskie bait. Stay mad Boris

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You're a kike shill and you get called out so often that you actually have to include a disclaimer because YOU KNOW THAT YOURE A KIKE SHILL.

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Worst case scenario (which it's not) there is still NO CRIME.

Bugger Off Bob!

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Scott Adams was talking about how Cuomo seemed more balanced in his coverage lately. Hmmm.

Sure thing bud.

At this point I'm certain that tangible evidence that could be independently verified would just trip them up as they blast pure hot air.

Clarify how this theory is the "reason for the CBTS larp" please.

>cohen, bernstein & cohen
>people actually consume cnn

Because at first the CBTS was designed to distract and consume peoples' time. Going down "rabbit holes" for irrelevant information. Making people focus on deciphering bullshit so that they would miss crucial stories as they went public.

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Yeah, why didn't Trump just pay a law firm who would pay a political consultancy who would pay a foreigner who was formerly in "intelligence" who would pay Russians for supposed dirt on his political opponents and then funnel it backwards to the FBI and State Department so an investigation could be opened into his political opponents like normal politicians?

Well at this point at least we still have Pence. I mean we're gonna lose the House and Senate, but Pence will still at least veto Democrat bills until 2020

The GOP Appropriation's committee helped democrats add riders to the DHS spending bill which force Obama's immigration policies onto us by law. This was done very rapidly over the course of a single day.. proposed.. voice voted.. and forwarded from committee as quickly and quietly as possible.

- Open Borders: "Asylum" criteria: Now anyone can claim "domestic violence" or "gangs" and get a free green card. (What was once merely "radical interpretation" now CODIFIED IN LAW)
- DACA Amnesty: Amendments explicitly deny funds to any deportations of DACA recipients.

I have yet to see ANYONE aside from Coulter raising hay about this.
Not a single person. They're all crowing about "muh social media"

This was RELEASED FROM COMMITTEE TO THE HOUSE FLOOR by voice vote with the only dissent being Rep. John R. Carter of Texas.

The sheer screechiness of the left is pushing people I to the arms of the conservatives, we have a better chance than you might think

Yeah, because this sneaky kike who was surreptitiously recording Trump is SO trustworthy, right?

What are mistakes idealistic politicans used to make, Alex?

Next I'll take "Countries the US isn't at war with yet" for $600

We arent going to win the Congress with all this going on. At this point, Trump just needs to resign, say the democrats had a witch hunt against him, and blame it on the left. Its like the only way to salvage this situation.


Because of the CIA's lies or the ones Hillary bought from Simpson and CrowdStrike?


GOP holds both. If you think people are voting for open borders and 2A repeal you better find a safe space now.

sage and hide this fake news

It doesnt even matter if its true or not, its just an ongoing disaster. This is his own fucking attorney. He paid this guy for years, and now he's turned on him. Im not going to throw away years of conservative accomplishments just to hold up Trump for another few months.

And Pence would be a great president. And hell, we'd even keep Trump voters, they;d be so pissed at the left for making Trump resign, they'd vote like hell in 2018


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Who should play Cohen in the inevitable television miniseries? I'm going to go with Matthew McConaughey

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You think you can overthrow the POTUS with bought hearsay & spooky lies and everything will be fine afterwards?

>Cohen claims Trump knew in advanced of 2016 Trump Tower meeting

What did he know in advance?

>one of writers is named Cohen

I would believe that the write would claim that.

Just another nothing burger. If anything we could be concerned that all these "people" are attacking Trump without any concrete evidence but only as a public media campaign to make it appear as if he's guilty.

I never said fine. But for conservatives, the alternative is much worse. I might have voted for Trump cause of Killary, but if this goes on, we could have another fucking Barack Obama situation. I know, i remember how this country reacted after Bush, they fucking sprinted toward the socialism. Luckily the Dems went too far left too fast, and we got back in 2010.

But i see it happening all over again. I swear, what if those fucktard BernieBots actually get that commie in 2020. DOnt tell me it cant happen. This country's retard swing voter elected Barack Niglet Obama twice. THey are retarded enough to do shit like that again. We need to get ahead of this.

I dislike Pence and he is open borders, so I would not vote for him. In fact, I'd go vote to accelerate the collapse.

>((Cohen claims))

If you aren't a conservative, then this argument isnt for you anyway. I always knew this was the problem with Trump, he attracted too many non-conservatives. But i feel confident Jow Forums isnt the larger group of Trump voters know they are better off with the GOP once its all said and done.

BREAKING NEWS: The Obongo Administration Knowingly Funded a Designated al-Qaeda Affiliate

I don't care if you call me conservative or not. I've voted straight R ticket for about 16 years. If you think you can win elections without people like me then go tell Mitt and Tumor. I already voted against a Republican for the first time last cycle.

>better off
>hey we'll go ahead and get rid of any benefits you have
>btw we're keeping all the foreign aid and corporate subsidies in the budget, you're the only ones who will get less
>think about the national debt goys, vote Republican

>implying it matters which Republican is President when it comes to who the Dems will run
Pence is a charisma-less who. He isn't winning an election ever again no matter what the establishment squishes might wish. The Democrats will be heavily favored to win in 2024, so we should focus on meme'ing better candidates in their primary instead of bowing and scraping to the FBI and those lying shitbags Clapper and Brennan.

Trump wise leader make good deals with Putin.

Shut the fuck up you moron.

And Obama and Hillary knew the Benghazi attack wasn't because of a video about Muhammad made by some guy in Ohio.

This means nothing, it's just more noise.

>b-b-but muh russianz

LOL! UH-OH! OOPS! “If an individual underwent a background investigation through OPM in 2000 or afterwards ... it is highly likely that the individual is impacted by this cyber breach," OPM's statement said today.

OOPS! There were SAP/SCIF-tier secrets so devastating on Hillary’s bathroom server that the IG had no one with appropriate clearance to even view it. THE CHINESE ACCESSED HER SERVERS AND HER PHONE. CHINESE HACKERS: 4,000,000 Americans’ clearance files and their family members bringing the total to over 21,000,000 HACKED. The catastrophe of Chinese breach of SF-86 (OPM) data is unprecedented, but already forgotten. China has all the failed lie detector tests, compromising info, sensitive info, SSN, DOB, etc. of feds with clearance. China can leverage Chinese-Americans with high clearances by threatening their family members still living in China.


Related links:

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Are you okay?

>shits pants after having a stroke
OOPS! UHHH-OHHHH! OBAMA/BRENNAN CIA China turncoat compromised U.S. spies in Russia too.

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Gotta love pol

Mueller & Holder Shut Down FBI Investigation of Stolen U.S. Stealth Defense Technology Implicating Lockheed Martin, While Comey Was Lockheed’s Top Lawyer.
“This was the original pay-to-play scheme and it involves Mueller, Holder, (James) Comey and (Hillary) Clinton,” said Steve Morton, inventor and owner of a rare robotic ship and submarine stealth painting technology that can help make the U.S. Navy’s fleet invisible on radar and sonar. “They allowed my technology to be stolen by European companies partnered with Lockheed Martin and Comey was the top lawyer for Lockheed.

Now my technology is being sold to the Chinese, Russians, and all over the world to enemies of the United States. I wonder how much Hillary Clinton made on this because she was Secretary of State when the probe was shut down.”

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I too like shoving foreign objects up my asshole

I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to hack Democratic Party computers; and I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to create fake news stories to assist the Trump campaign or to damage the Clinton campaign.
Given my own proximity to the President of the United States as a candidate, let me also say that I never saw anything - not a hint of anything - that demonstrated his involvement in Russian interference in our election or any form of Russian collusion.
I emphatically state that I had nothing to do with any Russian involvement in our electoral process.
In fact, I find the activities attributed to the Russian Federation, if found to be true, to be an offense to our democracy.

Even if he did, it’s not illegal you fucking faggot

>throw away years of conservative accomplishments
This is how i know you are a lying kike shill

Are the retards talking about the meeting de niros business partner setup with don jr where Obama had to get the russian lawyer who didnt have a valid visa into the country?

Then a new person at the meeting would leak daily and it became obvious they had tapes because they setup the whole frame job hoping to get Don jr in a perjury trap?

Surly Obamas goons arent stupid enough to bring up they colluded and payed russians to frame the opposing candidates family.

Why is it always about sex with you freaks? No wonder you are all pedophiles.

Testimony is evidence. Cohen knows that because he's a lawyer.

I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to hack Democratic Party computers; and I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to create fake news stories to assist the Trump campaign or to damage the Clinton campaign.
Given my own proximity to the President of the United States as a candidate, let me also say that I never saw anything - not a hint of anything - that demonstrated his involvement in Russian interference in our election or any form of Russian collusion.
I emphatically state that I had nothing to do with any Russian involvement in our electoral process.
In fact, I find the activities attributed to the Russian Federation, if found to be true, to be an offense to our democracy.

>Trump didn't know a meeting organized by the Agalarovs was taking place with his son, son-in-law and campaign manager

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The first one is old; the second one is new. Tick-tock....

Haha what?
Fuck the GOP. You have vastly misunderstood what this is about if you think we are on the GOP side. This is about shitposting the entire two party system into oblivion. Fuck you dude

>man with no credibility says thing

What accomplishments... niggers fucking your daughter?

Fucking kike shill faggot

my info was included in that dump. my entire sf-86 packet documenting the last 15 years of my life before joining are in teh open. i was in 3 special access programs.

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Tick tock

Can’t you see that Drumpf is an ass

No spine - just a money grabbing ass

That dude has Paul Nehlen's face. Really makes me think.

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>conducted opposition research for a campaign

I just don't understand it. It was a Russian lawyer so it's bad? Hillary paid for opposition research from multiple foreign nationals but nobody gave a shit.

You guys know the truth, deep down. There's just nothing here. This entire investigation has proven that the democrats don't have any idea what the fuck to do to help the country; They're content on riding this waste of time to the midterms because they think literally devolving half the nation into screaming children was best for the country.

I just can't stand this world anymore. I can't stand these shithead democrats anymore.

This is the new norm, by the way. No more civil discourse. No more respect for the other side. From now on, it's going to be like this.

No more friends of different political opinions.

No more anything other then every fucking scrap of dirt on the other side being hoisted up and paraded around like it means something.

I hate what this world has become. Bring on the nuclear war, it's what we deserve.


It took at least two Jews to make up this lie

>Stood up to China
>Stood up to NorKo
>Stood up to Iran
>Stood up to Canada
>Stood up to the EU
>Stood up to Theresa May
>Stood up to Mexico
>Stood up to Russia
>Stood up to NATO
>Stood up to Australia

Angel vs Demons and you want to nuke everyone. How about you just kill the Demons?

This Cohen is a fuck up. Don't believe a single word.

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>Voted for George Bush
>Voted for Mitt Romney
>Voted for John McCain

Goddamn that’s a sad fuckin track record.

>Stood up to Russia
Getting up after oral doesn't count as standing up.

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>the absolute state