Could Jow Forums actually be so stupid as to think this is what would happen?

Could Jow Forums actually be so stupid as to think this is what would happen?

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Why wouldn't it? He wanted to entire Army armed with Girardoni air rifles (semi-automatic) but they were too expensive at the time.

If it killed more lobsterbacks then George "Stab you in your sleep on Christmas" Washington would take it.

Adding on to this to say that private citizens legally owned warships at the time. The founding fathers absolutely wanted citizens to own military equipment. TJ himself in his old age complained in his memoirs about his neighbors firing their cannons, as in multiple, in celebration on the 4th.

Reminder that the US government hired citizen-owned and manned warships that had dozens of high-caliber cannons on them throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Washington supplied the continental army with his personal cannons when they were low on munitions you daft ponce

>comparing a time when America was literally fighting for Independence with today's America, in which the biggest threat to the country comes from the orangutan in the White House

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Of course not. Contrary to popular belief, Washington was a giant fucking pussy who loved big powerful government.

Are you retarded? A semiautomatic weapon with a thirty round magazine that's accurate out to 300 meters and can still kill out to 600 meters, is significantly lighter than any musket at the time, takes mere seconds to reload instead of tens of seconds, and can be heavily modified to suit different combat conditions would be an exceedingly powerful advantage that washington would love to have. Not to mention that at the time of the revolution civilians owned destructive devices such as cannon without needing to register or pay tax stamps or pass courses at all.

You're a couple years behind, brazil bro.

>monkey calling other people monkeys
Hue hue br br?

>The shit pic specifically tries to draw some kind of point by introducing a scenario in which a modern firearm is introduced into the revolutionary war.
>Hurrrrr durrrr why is everyone talking about the revolutionary war?!?

What are you fucking retarded?

Adding that "the founding fathers disagree with you awt wight faggots" is really sloppy ground to stand on. You should hear some of the things they said about black people. "White peoples of good character" was written into the constitution regarding who was allowed to move to the United States.

I wish we had more respect for the men who founded this country today. Andrew Jackson was particularly based.

>“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
-- Benjamin Franklin

300 yards? nigger 600 yards with irons is almost impressive, 800 yards is actually pushing yourself.

>literally the height of tensions concerning keeping the US independent
>Standing military wasn't really a thing
>lol you don't think they'd want these to be in the hands of the people do you

How the fuck can you aim at 600 yard with iron sights? I’m just starting, so maybe is the big difference, but I’m proud if I hit the bullseye on a target at fuck idk 25 yards?

>uses revolutionary war figure to make a strawman arguement
>gets assblasted when people talk about revolutionary war

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Fact is americans elected a racist. That's all anyone needs to know.

>biggest threat to the country comes from the orangutan in the White House
Being able to usurp a tyrannical government with small arms (and large arms) was the whole point of enumerating the 2nd Amendment.

If your target is brightly colored and the sun is to your back you should be able to see it clearly. Of course when you're just shooting at the range you have all the time in the world to line up a shot.

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What does some Brazilian monkey know about our founding fathers. They would absolutely 100% want us to have whatever weaponry necessary to take down a feral federal government that had resorted to tyranny.
Fuck off.

Well at least you're willing to admit that you have no intention of being anything other than a retard.

>Not to mention that at the time of the revolution civilians owned destructive devices such as cannon without needing to register or pay tax stamps or pass courses at all.

You know, you can actually still do that. You can buy a full sized, functioning reproduction cannon today. They're completely legal. I think they tend to run between five and eight thousand dollars, but they're on the market.

Hey, if anti-trumpers think he's such a monster they should be glad they can buy guns to defend themselves.

And? Everyone is racist. It's normal. Get over it.

it was called a puckle gun

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Not without red tape though? I've never attempted to go through the process of buying a canon before.

This is a slide thread. Every post below this one is either a spy or a traitor.

Nigger. The guy who signed the Declaration of Independence, fought a war to free himself and the people from the shackles of a tyrannical government, didn’t want to arm the people he just freed to defend themselves from a tyrannical government that might arise in the future?

By not sucking.

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Provided we're talking about the kind of muzzle loading cannons used from the Revolutionary to Civil Wars? Nope, no red tape at all. I mean if it's a more modern type that loads shells, there's all kinda fucking red type. But the kind that you ram a bunch of black powder and a projectile into? Anyone can buy them.

Literal felons are free to buy them.

Effective range for an M4 is 500, max is 3600.

Literally Washington put down the first rebellion against unfair taxation. But you niggers keep on believing he wanted a sovereign society. He literally went after the first batch of free people that simply turned a surplus of perishable goods into non-perishable goods that could be sold to feed their families and survive shitty northeastern winters in order to help his rum and opium running buddies. He was literally the first corporatocracist. Imagine that.

Get bent niggers. He simply thought he and his buddies should get the spoils and used the sovereign libertarian angle to appease the masses. He couldn't very well say
"My fellow colonists, don't give the king your extra money! Give it to me and my buddies!"

The real redpill is that they used the right propaganda to earn popular enough local support without any actual follow through and we live in 1984/Animal Farm where no bill of rights actually exist.

The bill of rights wasn't supposed to exist because the jews in the government would find loopholes in the writing and still curtail or even deny basic rights. The motherfuckers knew it and allowed it anyway. That means they accepted it.

There is no free society. The black pill is that you're a slave and there's no escape. You can only die trying.

We should have made Jefferson a lifelong president and the chief justice of the supreme court. But we didn't.

Your country alone keeps best gore in the black.

That alone is good enough reason for everyone to have a gun.

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Throughout the 1800s there was plenty of gun debate where the argument was that the citizenry should only be allowed to own military type weapons. The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to protect the citizens from militaries. Of course Washington would want people to own modern rifles

>Let's go show those Loyalists what for, men

>biggest threat to the country comes from the orangutan in the White House
The biggest threat to me is most likely the violent criminal democrats out there.

you're not an american, you can talk about our white house, our freedoms and our orangutan when you are

I feel retarded most of the time, until somebody's question I had the answer to comes up, T.corp.of combat engineers then I fix the problem, flat bottom tanks are a high priority at the moment. I'm thinking blast shield that disables the tank tracks instead of the crew. It's the drivers job to watch for incoming live fire and deflection angles.

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>I'll make the attachment cheap.

Are Brazilians so unread on American history that they don't realize absolute bad ass General George Washington would have said LITERALLY just that and then proceeded to rape the living dog shit out of the brits, indians, and mexicans; followed by a conquest of the entire world with his nation of well armed, hard working whites.

Before I further berate you and the nation represented by your flag, I must ask you, is this post by chance- bait?

T.doom tanker

>Bradley go fetch*
>prhh* okay.
>still in a napping position direct fire mission on route of enemy
>see that gunny? Shoot it.
>kicks driver on both shoulders..
>kill confirmed

Washington warned us of the dangers of Big Government. He told us to watch out for the tendency of government to encroach on individual freedoms and consolidate its power. What American can say this warning has not been justified by subsequent events? "A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position," Washington said. We could add: Any doubt that might be left can be put to rest by assessing the size and reach of the U.S. government in 1996.

Our only defense against an over-reaching, tyrannical government, Washington insisted, is the Constitution's strict limits on government power. Washington said that unless these limits were carefully adhered to -- that is, unless the federal government exercised only those functions specifically delegated to it by the Constitution and by the authority of the people, and no more -- the nation would become vulnerable to "cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men."

In his Farewell Address, Washington also told Americans that while their Constitution creates a framework for good government, it could only work if the people govern themselves rightly. In the absence of governmental restraints, the people would have to restrain their own passions and prejudices. Washington meant to encourage religion and morality as "indispensable supports" for political prosperity. He cautioned Americans never to expect virtue from their elected representatives if they were not moral, virtuous people themselves.

2/10 bait

>I only ever let them put jet fuel in my tank.

Brazilian intelligence

>biggest threat to the country comes from the orangutan in the White House
you misspelled "the jews"

Not too intelligent if you ask me.

>the orangutan in the White House
Obama's no longer president, though, you're a bit behind.

>monkey mad at ape
fucking kek

>someone from the future gives you a weapon that will let you defeat the enemies you're at war with
>expect them not to use it

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>I know what the founding fathers would’ve thought
>I’m calling others stupid


apparently its a new oxymoron

People that are against guns are afraid of them because they realize that deep down they hate themselves and have so many mental issues that they would end up using it to end their own lives.

He's coming
He's coming

No. You believe the remnants of the propaganda. They did not want people fighting against the government (((they))) instituted or else the whisky rebellion never would have been an issue. Face it, our constitutional conservative ideology is based on lies.

i think it has more to do with a distrust & fear from their own community..., which is just immensely sad; IMO

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I think of it this way:

By far the biggest supporters of less restrictive gun ownership are white males with a conservative lean.

That's pretty much all the founding fathers.


Automatic & semiauto firearms existed in George Washington's time. The continental army wasn't armed with them because of how expensive they were. So yeah, he actually probably would've basically said that irl.

But hey, why would I expect a retarded Spainmutt to know anything about US history?

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the fight for independence never ends as long as government exists

Doesn't matter, I have one and you don't.

orangutans are more evolved than you, good bait