>European canadians: 96%



Seriously though, what the fuck? Holy shit, Canada was actually the first to fall, they are literally incapable of electing an anti immigration government now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can change your VPN pooland but we know its you

jesus christ

No for real, you guys are reaching Brazil rates by 2030, I am not joking. At this speed you'll be less white than Brazil by 2070

Uruguay is unironically whiter

They removed the union jack from their fleg and this happened
Based Australia honored their conqueror colonist ancestors and nowadays they have prison islands for illegals and tell them to fuck off. Clearly Australia is the best child you made.

Brazil was also better when we had a Portuguese dynasty ruling the mulattos.

Progressiveness is a beautiful sight. Canada is becoming less racist by the day.

>>tfw the day of the rake is not something in the future, but is here and has been here for some years now
>>tfw canada gets to be the tragic example that everyone learns from

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Are those leafs mocking thread now?

Or does some Brazilian not know how to speak English?

this cant be real
are all white people called euro-canadian or?

Toronto and Vancouver are minority white for sure. I visited them, saw many brownies and asians in both, and I bet many whites were Jews or white passing arabs too

How did their pop drop 3MM and drop from 93 to 53% euro descent in 25 years? Data seems fake

White birth rates in north America and Europe are worse than Japanese iirc

>it took Canada only 35 years to go from 93% to just 53%
Just how?

>less racist
maybe by some word-salad definition of "racism" that says only white people are capable of it.

canda wtf are you doing

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Well, it is not actually that bad. We are probably like 75% at this point. The reason why it is not recorded here is because the census gives the option to write "Canadian" as an ethnicity, and most of the people that choose that were likely whites who had no real connection to Europe.

I honestly, do not know what will happen to this country in the future. I think this will be a lost cause for white people to save, but maybe if immigration policies were back to how Harper had them, we might be okay since many of the immigrants are Chinese and Indians, which gives us a 90% above 100 iq intelligence ethnic group mix.

Hence, turning into Singapore is our best hope.


Communist Attack.
Nobody seems to notice we are under a globalist/ communist attack from within.

Based Trudeau wants to save Canada by nuking Toronto

To be honest, that probably would save Canada now that I think about it.

a-at least the city i live in is >95% white

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The GOP supports unlimited amnesty

This means everyone on the following list is a traitor:

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey, Chairman
Harold Rogers, Kentucky
Robert B. Aderholt, Alabama
Kay Granger, Texas
Michael K. Simpson, Idaho
John Abney Culberson, Texas
Ken Calvert, California
Tom Cole, Oklahoma
Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
Tom Graves, Georgia
Kevin Yoder, Kansas
Steve Womack, Arkansas
Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska
Thomas J. Rooney, Florida
Charles J. Fleischmann, Tennessee
Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
David P. Joyce, Ohio
David G. Valadao, California
Andy Harris, MD, Maryland
Martha Roby, Alabama
Mark E. Amodei, Nevada
Chris Stewart, Utah
David Young, Iowa
Evan H. Jenkins, West Virginia
Steven Palazzo, Mississippi
Dan Newhouse, Washington
John R. Moolenaar, Michigan

200,000 h2b visas set to be opened

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Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver make up a little over a third of canadas population. Think about that, and it will all start to make sense.

Either a cunning ruse via VPN. Or a sick leaf who doesn't realise they are a part of the problem.

We're not importing doctors, those go to the US. We're importing the bottom feeders.

Thank god for prairies. Only really worried about the injuns.

this, love living in the prairies

we may make it yet leaf bro

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>implying Edmoton, Red Deer, Calgary, and Lethbridge aren't all overrun with poos, pakis, chinks, and muslims

Sit around and laugh while white western countries get raped and overrun by the globalists, good plan. I'm sure it won't backfire on you guys at some point.

Sounds like Gander might be your only hope at this point.

le 53% face

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You need to put it in a Canada flag t-shirt.


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