Are we finally seeing niggers destroy western civilization and we're seeing the current effects of that happening right now?
Are we finally seeing niggers destroy western civilization and we're seeing the current effects of that happening right...
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Never blame the weapon, blame the person pulling the trigger.
oh look its this thread again
>Are we finally seeing niggers destroy western civilization and we're seeing the current effects of that happening right now?
wait what time line is this? did 2013-2016 not happen the same way here ? obama wasnt race baiting and the left werent threatening a race war if hillary didnt win?
i only made 2 changes so far to a older version of what i do. u changed my posture for a drivers license and the next drivers license i got i didnt talk to the black guy. every time it starts a fight and he claims i said nigger which i didnt he asked a question and it turns into WW3 in the DMV so i didnt talk to him when he talked to me... but i will change a few more things this is just showing my range i can replicate actions from many time line revisions past