
Cohen, Trump's former attorney, has alleged that Trump approved the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians!
>Cohen, Trump's former attorney, has alleged that Trump approved the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians!
Cohen, Trump's former attorney, has alleged that Trump approved the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian!

This is direct evidence substantiating the claim that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 Presidential Election! We are no longer within the realm of mere circumstantial evidence! Trump will soon be indicted and charged with colluding with the Russians, and Hillary Rodham Clinton will be vindicated!

Patriot Robert Mueller is closing in on Drumpf and his corruption -- quickly, too! The noose is undoubtedly tightening around the Orange Cheeto's fat neck, and at this point he can no longer evade the swift hand of justice! The light of truth will, in the end, shed itself upon the darkness of deceit! The Republic will be saved, and there is absolutely nothing Jow Forums can do to save its right-wing, reactionary savior! All for which our nation has fought will not have been in vain!

How does Jow Forums know Drumpf would have made it home safely had his Jew lawyer not caved so easily to federal investigators! What a historic day! The Republic is saved! The Republic is saved!

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Hearsay

> If not hearsay violates attorney client privilege

> The Trump tower meeting was an Obama agent.

Sage goes in all fields.


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>pretending to be an attorney
>thinking that hearsay isn't admissible when asserted to prove, for instance, intent -- or anything other than the truth of the matter asserted
>thinking you know the law
>thinking attorney-client privilege is absolute


Jesus. Ya'll really don't have shit, do you?

intent to what? What crime?

None of what Cohen said implicates Trump in any crime. Media is just retreading old stuff.

And this Cohen thing is a nothingburger.

Remember it’s okay for Hilary Clinton to hire fusion GPS and arrange for and pay for information with a British national agent, but if trump (not even that he did) does it it’s collusion and treason.
Really makes ya think



anyone else hacked 3-4 days ago?

dont forget coordinating with Ukrainian government agents to dig up dirt on her opponents campaign chairman.

It's all cool because Hillary only got one scoop

Imagine if it were Hillary who had met at a tower with a bunch of foreigners during her campaign. Jow Forums would never have let go of it.

Trump is a fucking traitor and beholden to Putin. Its even funnier because the other recording of him shows he intended to violate campaign finance laws by paying the whores he banged with shell companies DIRECTLY in order to prevent their stories from affecting his campaign. This makes any monies he spent doing that a campaign expense.

How exhausting and nightmarish must it be to live in a universe where every new bullshit media narrative is surely the end of Drumpf but the end of Drumpf never comes.

You people are trapped in a hell of your own creation.

where's the proof?

Hillary met with foreigners and took bribes from them a lot dumbass.

We just couldn't focus too much on any one thing.

Okay, so put them both in prison. Doesn't make what Trump did okay that Hillary did it. It doesn't matter, because she isn't President now.

Can't wait to see Trump get impeached.

>asserts russia collusion with no proof
>demands proof for all other acusations


Also you should google alexandra chalupa.

Ill also add one more accusation as well, Shitlery also colluded with mainstream media to get debate questions leaked to her. She also engaged in a massive RICO fraud scheme called the HVF and the (((DNC))) and defrauded millions of dollars of prospective democrat voters. See: Donna Brazile


>direct evidence
Once again, liberal faggots don't understand that "alleged" details are not ever proof. Why are leftists so fucking dumb that simple vocabulary causes them to get mentally tripped up and lose their wits every time they think something is in their favor?

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I heard that the Russians implanted a micro chip in his brain and Putin is controlling him remotely from the Kremlin like a VR video game. Quick, Someone leak this to CNN!

>arguing with dopples

gtfo newfags

>what trump did

you mean allow his son to meet with DNC lobbyist approved for entry by john kerry and Loretta Lynch? fucking what?

Why do Trump supporters always go back to Hillary. She isn't the president. Trump is. The buck stops there.

that's a lot of words to say you have no proof, limpdick

Goddamn this is so tiring

Libtards are so fucking retarded, a new fake scandal every day

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cry a little harder hun

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> No link
> Not even a clickbait headline that even remotely substantiates

Imagine how stupid you have to be to write a post like this

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The establishment is just afraid of change, if relations with Russia are normalized then there would be no reason for a lot of the international power structure to exist, NATO could be dissolved, the US wouldn't be needed to protect all the worlds socialist paradises from the big bad Russians and divert trillions of dollars to helping it's own people. In 20 years the media and the Democrats will be seen to be on the wrong side of history.

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So, what are the sources, why did Coehen lie to congress before saying this, and why would he say something like this and admit to having no evidence?

Actually I'm more thinking about violating campaign finance laws by setting up shell companies to pay off women he fucked, whom he also got abortions for, and being on tape speaking about how he needs to stop this so it won't affect his campaign.

Even bigger happening. The GOP supports unlimited amnesty.

Both parties support opening 200,000 h2b visas. Say goodbye to your nice smalll towns

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you have cried wolf 50+ times you don't deserve the benefit of the doubt i dont believe anything you wrote kys

You're going to be crying through 6 more years of Trump and I'm going to be sitting here laughing at you freaks constantly trying to make shit up

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The Muller investigation only exists to cover up the real Russian collusion, the one with the Democrats

>I posted a meme image that'll make everything bad against papa drumpf go away waaaaaaaaahhhh
You guys are pretty funny. Literally glow in the dark Russian shills.

Has no evidence to support the claim too! I can't wait for this shitshow to play itself out. On to the next one. At this point, I almost feel bad for libshits, as their hopes are raised and crushed just about daily now.

No one cares.

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A shill calling me a shill, oh the hilarity

They need to start hiring people with IQ above 80

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>Sage goes in all fields.
>doesn't put it in the name field

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? politicians meet with foreigners all the time during campaigns
are you dumb or just stupid?

all I saw was a CNN screen shot and stopped reading

so you think taking dirt on hillary from russians is collusion? even though hillary bought dirt on trump from russians? is this how you're going bring down trump?

I sort of dont care. If hillary was smart enough, she would have colluded with the russians to win. In fact the Clinton Foundation colluded with poor countries by networking with many powerful people, becoming powerful, blackmailing, anf using these connections.

Just know that Trump wins. If he didnt collude with russians he still would have won. If he did think about what collude evwn means. Did Trump need the russians to hack voting machines? Pfft. Russians did nothing and cant do anything so collusion makes no sense. All in all everything points to this being a fake story pushed by democrats and I would trust someone colluding with Russia over the shadiest family in the world who probably is in deep shit from trying to maintain powerful connections.

Meeting with foreigners to make agreements before you are actually a member of the government is not legal. Trump wasn't a congressman, senator, or President. He was a private citizen making deals with foreigners that when he gets into office he will do certain things in their favor, so long as they do a favor for his campaign. Collusion to a C.

Don't you get it? If Drumpf literally talked to one russian person during the campaign, hes impeached!

(this is literally what libtards think)

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What actual crime does collusion fall into?

u can't fag

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Except he didn't do any of that lol

Fuck you are so stupid it's hilarious, your life must be a disaster

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16 Russians have been indicted, and almost a dozen Trump campaign officials have been indicted or are under investigation for meeting with, dealing with, and being foreign agents for Russians. Let that sink in. Every person involved in his campaign was dealing with Russians. Not just one Russian, many Russians.

oh, so exactly what the clintons were doing by taking hundreds of millions of dollars of donations from foreigners. the only difference is that hillary took actual money, ie., bribes. gotcha.

as a democrat even I have to say this is a nothingburger

this kind of nonsense only weakens our movement

>normal sexual conduct for a billionaire. Paying for a woman to have an abortion and taking responsibility for poor choices


>treason and sedition. Abusing law enforcement authorities for political gain, colluding with establishment media hosting the debate you're involved in. Lying to national security investigators and having the USAG fucking shutter the criminal investigation against you

fuck off retard.

>he didn't do any lol
Excellent counter argument. I expect you to have another one ready when the tapes come out having him say exactly that he did speak to the Russians to get favors.
I'm sure you will, you guys always do.


The first one is old; the second one is new. Tick-tock....

>exactly what the clintons were doing
Right, so lets put Hillary and Trump away.

>This is direct evidence

Kys shill

nah we're just putting hillary away, and you too

>Blah blah blah blah russia russia russia

No crime was committed, Trump is going to be here for 6 years and you'll still be wasting your time shilling on an anonymous message board in a desperate attempt to propagandize the public

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What part of "campaign finance violations" don't you get? If doesn't matter what he paid for, if he didn't disclose it as a campaign contribution then he violated the law. In this case, he paid a woman to not go to the media about his affair. If he didn't report this expense as a campaign expense, then it is a felony.

Did this post make sense to you in your head? Goddamn you people are hilariously stupid.

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Exhausting? Yea it is real hard checking in a couple time as week on the new crimes Trump committed that will ultimately end in his demise. You think he has a chance of getting out of this shit? lmfao, this isn't a fucking third world country (yet), even if half the country are brain dead rubes we have enough good people in the justice department to ensure this dude rots in a jail cell and is etched into stone as the biggest embarrassment and imbecile in the history of the united states

Exhausting must be screeching for literally 10 years about the crimes of Obama and Hilary that that gullible right wing hicks bought into hook line and sinker, and that zero ground has been made in any of the multiple investigations run by the opposing party that have already been closed on these two.

Obama? Respected around the world. Majority of the country loves him. Probably the flyest motherfucker to ever hold office. Not a single person in his staff indicted on anything in 8 years

Trump? One embarrassment after another every hour on the hour since day 1. 46% of staff has resigned at some point. Numerous indictments involved in campaign. Numerous ongoing lawsuits. Most of country and World despises him (foreign countries even flying balloons of him in fucking diapers LMAO). Multiple people close to have have taken plea deals. Obstructs justice in plain view. Literally putins bitch. It is right on fucking camera LOL

Go ahead and guess which one of these guys history will be kind too and which one will be villainous. Real brain buster.

Defending this charlatan? What could be more exhausting than that?

>The Republic is saved! The Republic is saved!
saved from what?

Exactly. I dont know why people think the Russians could have helped Trump. How? Maybe by having shit on the Clintons. But then sounds like russians could blackmail the clintons once in office.

The only thing going on here either way is demos are crying and cherry picking laws to get at Trump. Do the samr thing at the Clintons. Oh right, theyre too powerful to touch. Trump did the best he could and the machine is attacking him. All I care about is how the Clintons are worst either way.

Is Trump ever going to reconsider his subservience to Israel given that Jew after Jew has been betraying him and fucking him over?

>The GOP supports unlimited amnesty.

Of course they do. They've supported amnesty before, they're against border control, against a wall, they're pro-open border agreements, NAFTA..

The idea that the GOP is anti-immigration is just Overton Window opinion controlling, so that the stupid cunts who vote republican don't realize they're voting for open borders and unlimited immigration.

You literally have no recourse in the US to be anti-immigration. Trump has done jack shit by the way.

LOL look at this virgin nerd posting this gigantic post

How does it feel to waste all your time on nothing?

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Lmao... being this dumb. None of the charges for the Americans have anything to do with Russian collusion. Flynn has one for perjury, manafort is for money laundering at the behest of the podesta group... and democrat institution. If anything the big scandal is that we have intelligence agencies actively trying to undermine and deligitamize the democratic process, by spying with fisa warrants. And those fisa warrants were obtained using evidence the intel community knew was true (Steele dossier) and still decided to spy on the trump campaign. And have agents actively trying to “take care” of trump. If anything we need a clean sweep of all the cia, nsa, fbi traitors to this country who see their views and whims as above the rest of us.

>campaign fiance violations
>financed his own campaign
>used his own money to pay a bimbo slut to shut up

Ahh I see now how retarded you are.

Lol, always the same ID posting a single sentence of "wow u so dumb wow lol btfo" with a single image.

Must be a low paid Russian shill. How's Moscow this time of year?

dont care
and neither does anyone else

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GDP 4.5%

Yawn zzz

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but i thought trump was colluding with russia so what would be the point of the supposed meeting?

Criminal conspiracy is the crime here, at minimum. I know Jow Forums is hard of any kind of thinking that isn't wishful but you could at least try to keep up.

Yes surely I'm the shill and not you, because you really fit in on this board

Lmao you are literally reciting Shareblue talking points from a script

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antogonizing bump

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The same day that the news headlines read, "Mueller looking at Trump's Tweets for Evidence of Obstruction" It's really hard to take you faggots seriously

A finance paid to benefit a campaign, even your own, must be disclosed. It doesn't matter that its your own money, it matters what you spent it on. He spent it to benefit his campaign by preventing a negative story from surfacing. That's a campaign contribution. If he didn't disclose it (and we know he didn't), then that's a felony.

Don't make me spoon feed you the relevant statutes. I'm sure they'd go over your head anyway.

I wouldn't say Hillary wasn't corrupt, but she kept the corruption legal, as opposed to treasonous.

>that's a lot of words to say you have no proof, limpdick
>conveniently forgetting the collusion between the MSM and Donna Brazile; literal meddling in the 2016 elections for Clinton

Still no crime

>I know Jow Forums is

Again the shills reveal themselves

Note how shills don't think they are Jow Forums, they are something else...

I wonder what the shills think they are? Pic related.

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Criminal conspiracy. That’s not even a real term. Conspiracy to what? is this really the shills have??

This. So much this.

I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to hack Democratic Party computers; and I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to create fake news stories to assist the Trump campaign or to damage the Clinton campaign.
Given my own proximity to the President of the United States as a candidate, let me also say that I never saw anything - not a hint of anything - that demonstrated his involvement in Russian interference in our election or any form of Russian collusion.
I emphatically state that I had nothing to do with any Russian involvement in our electoral process.
In fact, I find the activities attributed to the Russian Federation, if found to be true, to be an offense to our democracy.

>he spent
>trump spent
>spent trump

Cohen spent you fucking idiot. le spoon fed

Shills are fucking retarded propaganda pushers, they just throw out Shareblue scripts trying to manipulate people.

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>manafort is for money laundering at the behest of the podesta group
That is wrong. Manafort was lobbying for Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine. Yanukovych was Pro-Putin and Pro-Russian and actively undermined the Ukranian government.

What they're (probably) actually doing is checking the tweet statements against actual hard evidence and gauging the level of synchronous between tweet and fact. Trump could be inadvertantly spilling the beans on other things.

This is how obama exactly set it up. He made the machine that eisenhowet warned us of more powerful. It's not even that honest federal workers mean to. Its just become so complicated that those at top and laws like those set up by obama programmef the machine to function in their favor to usher in something..scary...

Idk I dont want to blame the jews or anything but lets just say TPTB have an agenda. Theyre playing chess with Trump and already took out some of his pieces. Afaik Trump hasnt taken any pieces yet but Idk.

I’m not even kidding when I say I’d jump at the opportunity to hang people like you. I want t be the one who pulls the lever and watches you twitch as the light goes out behind your eyes.

I cannot believe anyone as maliciously stupid as you actually wrote all of that out, and isn’t shitposting, and actually walks among us in daily life

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Are you a nigger or a faggot?

I would hate to break it to you but having a meeting with someone and not doing anything after that meeting is no criminal conspiracy. Meetings by themselves are not "criminal conspiracy". But I understand you're desperate to confirm your anti-Trump bias so you'll read into everything a hundred miles.

I'm not here terribly often because arguing with you fucks is exhausting, but I'm not here on anyone else's behalf either. Not everyone you disagree with is part of a conspiracy.

Let's just hope they're paid to say it and they don't actually believe all the bullshit they write.

Maybe then they will be spared.

Wow that just reeks of hopeful thinking.

Russian bots on clean up tonight. I hope they pay you comrades overtime.