Got into a fight with a black guy outside a bar and now friends are calling me a racist?

Got into a fight with a black guy outside a bar and now friends are calling me a racist?

>Outside bar smoking dart and spit on ground
>Guy across street says thats fucking disgusting and says im the reason why he wants to leave the country
>I tell him he should then
>Cursing each other out and I tell him to smell ya later bawd ( East coaster here)
>Runs across the street with a flying kick, I grab his leg and push him to ground
>Couple punches thrown until broken up by friends
>They are pissed at me and saying that was a racist thing to do

What the fuck man?

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You sure you're a leaf? This is the most Boston thing I've pictured yet.

>Runs across the street with a flying kick, I grab his leg and push him to ground

What a pussy move. I bet you suckerpunch as well, faggot leaf.

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Fuck em bro.
Come to Texas and be my friend and we can get drunk and fight beaners together.
Also what you did is what any user faced with that shit should do.
I get in fights with antiwhites quite frequently, most are jews or spics though.

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He came across the street with the flying kick at me

Oh my bad, cool leaf.

the only way to prove to them that you're not racist is to fight them as well. Unless they're black, too, and I would ask why you hang out with niggers

One is a massive liberal with rich parents who blows all her money on blow and the other one has been to jail for armed robbery. Maybe I should get new friends because the hypocrisy is crazy.

Ditch your friends and live the life of solitude

tfw You realize your friends are fags