Mueller Examining Trump’s Tweets in Wide-Ranging Obstruction Inquiry

I'm...confused. Doesn't this basically mean he's scraping the bottom of the barrel? He has to go through his fucking tweets, which is probably something that's already been done anyway?

>For years, President Trump has used Twitter as his go-to public relations weapon, mounting a barrage of attacks on celebrities and then political rivals even after advisers warned he could be creating legal problems for himself.

>Those concerns now turn out to be well founded. The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is scrutinizing tweets and negative statements from the president about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to three people briefed on the matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

republicans impeached bill clinton over phony obstruction of justice

this is real obstruction of justice

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>Pretty sure if the Media hasn't disclosed anything the least bit NOT incriminating of the case
>The God of all Shitposters would likely have drawn the attention here
>No one, not even the shills are speaking up here.

Yep. Bottom of the barrel here indeed.

Presidents can't obstruct gg

If evidence existed that Trump colluded with Putin they wouldn't need to worry about obstruction charges

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Didn't CNN has a recording of Trump wanting a coke and think this will end him?

Guilty of what exactly? Can you write down those totally related charges for me? Oh... right.

It's true. He can tell Comey to fuck off for any reason he wants.

>Another thread full of mad ass nervous trumpkins claiming Mueller has nothing

>a fucking leaf
>no proof
>just saying THIS like a retarded redditor

Go back to chugging maple syrup

I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to hack Democratic Party computers; and I have never engaged with, been paid by, paid for, or conversed with any member of the Russian Federation or anyone else to create fake news stories to assist the Trump campaign or to damage the Clinton campaign.
Given my own proximity to the President of the United States as a candidate, let me also say that I never saw anything - not a hint of anything - that demonstrated his involvement in Russian interference in our election or any form of Russian collusion.
I emphatically state that I had nothing to do with any Russian involvement in our electoral process.
In fact, I find the activities attributed to the Russian Federation, if found to be true, to be an offense to our democracy.

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It's gonna be hilarious when he finds that one tweet where Trump calls Obama a moon-cricket.

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listen russia

trump firing comey is obstruction of justice

he even admitted it

Clinton was actually impeached for perjury you dumbass leaf.

Now why would creating legal precedent for going through a persons tweets matter?
What has Jow Forums been doing this week and why??

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lol u fucking shills are so mentally retarded

all your talking points are wrong

Gingrich says presidents can’t obstruct justice — but accused Bill Clinton of doing just that

>according to three people briefed on the matter

How long do you want to ride the swamp media merry go round? This isn’t getting boring to you at all?

When your entire case falls apart, change the angle and narrative again and again, it's the Mueller way!
Basically, he's entrusted to keep this charade going on at least through Midterms, because when the final statement comes out that MUH EBIL DRUMPF didn't commit any crimes, there will be SO many liberals killing themselves, the democrats will lose 10-20% of their extreme voting base.

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lol there's no legal case there you moron. Presidents can't obstruct and there's been multiple credible lawyers who have said as much. The FBI literally operates under the President's authority.

If they're at the stage where they are looking at fucking tweets, you know they are desperate.

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cite the supporting caselaw

Clinton was impeached for perjury. Go fuck yourself.

paid shill, your talking point has failed you

>Former speaker voted for impeachment article charging Clinton with obstruction

republicans literally voted to impeach bill clinton for obstruction of justice

u retards are unhinged


Sessions argued in Clinton impeachment that presidents can obstruct justice

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Too many kids on these boards that have no knowledge of the Clinton impeachment.

Impeached for perjury. Not obstruction. Does not matter who argued for what. Coollusion is not a crime. Nothing has been obstructed. The going over the tweets is a last gasp at finding perjury, since Trump has told him to pound sand with that dumb interview.

they literally voted on obstruction of justice

u can pull this shit up

you fucking retarded shills have the worst talking points lol

>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.
u retarded shills need to speak to your supervisor

OH NO HE ARGUED FOR IT. Must be very similar to the hot air the Democrats are going on about. Also fuck Sessions hope he has a heart attack.

>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.

i fucked u paid shills up badly

The perjury is the basis for the argument of obstruction. But whether he was impeached for perjury or obstruction is a stupid, pedantic argument.

lol I love your logic: guilty before proven innocent? By your logic if you are charged with a crime you are guilty even if you are deemed innocent. HILARIOUS. But I wouldn't expect any less for globalist leftypol shills.



The Orange Cheeto is fucking DONE.

they literally fucking voted to impeach bill clinton for obstruction of justice

these right wing retards are pure fake news

trump is guilty

that's why he keeps trying to fire mueller

the billionaire globalist conman you are paid to shill for is FUCKED

Burden of proof is on you fucco

No, we voted to impeach Bill Clinton because he lied under oath. Day of the Rake soon, leaf

>blah blah blah I have Trump Derangement Syndrome

all u 12 year old retarded shills have the wrong talking points AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

you're all using the same talking points and you're all wrong

>>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.

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i fucked u retards up badly

>>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.

Exactly how does one obstruct justice on Twitter?

28 year old boomer here. It's really weird because I always thought it was perjury, and never heard anything about obstruction before, and I only had a very vague CNN once a month interest in the events when they happened. Have people been reeducated or is it just indoctrination of the new generation?

>thats why he keeps trying to fire Mueller
Trump has the authority to fire Mueller whenever he wants, maple nigger. Go back to blowing your dog.

this is what happens when you're a fucking retard who gets all his news from paid GOP shills on Jow Forums

u fucking retards are easily programmed clueless morons

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no he doesn't

You show them Obama leaf

all these paid GOP shills getting fucking obliterated

god i love it
Get fucked, leaf lmao

you're literally paid GOP shills

>says the faggot linking to politico

There is no case law. It' literally written in the code of federal regulations that he can fire agency heads for no cause.

>muh talking points

Nigger, do you even know what a talking point is?
Clinton got impeached for perjury and that's final. Clinton lied under oath.


I love that discovery at the FBI has be reduced to something a child could create in python.


i can give u 10 different sources for that u fucking moron

it's not an opinion u retarded fucking paid GOP shill

it's a fucking fact that republicans voted to impeach bill clinton for obstruction of justice

how the fuck do u not know that? were u born yesterday? how is it possible that all u paid GOP shills are this fucking retarded

>>>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.

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Oh wow is Mueller again. He's truly awesome. Gib tax monies.


u fucking paid GOP shills are pure fake news retards

u must think your voters are fucking morons eh

Not only that but he lied directly to all of America in no uncertain terms. "I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky". Libs still love them some Ol Rapin Bill though dont they?

It's also a fucking fact that Trump has the constitutional right to fire Mueller whenever he wants.
You said he doesn't. You're wrong.
>18 posts by this ID
Everyone can see who the shill is here, faggot.

trump lied that he didnt cheat on melania with all these women

r u retarded

trump lies to the american people everyday

i wonder why an innocent man would want to fire mueller

he doesn't. u just want trump to fire mueller because u know trump is guilty

Trump didnt cheat. The bimbos accused him of cheating and he had to pay to shut them up. Its called blackmail.

I never said he should. I said he had the right to. You said he didn't. You were wrong.

I'm glad we agree.



>Sessions isn’t alone. More than 40 current GOP members of Congress voted for the impeachment or removal of Clinton from office for obstruction of justice. They include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – who mounted his own passionate appeal to remove Clinton from office for obstruction of justice – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, who was a House member at the time.



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he fucked em and lied about it

we have him on tape

he wanted to pay in cash like a thug

he doesnt have the right to

anyways r u retarded? do u realize this is a point of opinion whereas the vote on impeachment is a hard fact

it's over

see ya losers

Wrong. The hoes came out of the woodwork right at the election, what a coincidence. You have nothing on tape.

Isn't cash a pretty normal way to pay for things? Would credit card have been more appropriate? Money Order? Wire? Cashier's Check?

Or did you expect him to publish the payment on his campaign website?

he paid them off before the election u moron

and he bragged about sexually assaulting women on tape

u GOP shills are human garbage

pure filth

imagine how melania feels

Normal. Do you think she had no recollection of his sexual history before being his third wife? Billionaires sleep around. It's like being surprised when a king has a mistress.

You literally can't, unless you're DMing a witness threatening them or trying to bribe them.

That is actual obstruction of justice - murdering a witness, bribing a juror.

Just take a step back and appreciate how far these faggots have moved the goalposts. It went from DRUMPF is a literal agent of Putin and actively worked with Putin to hack the election to "His Tweets are Obstruction of Justice!"

It's absolutely insane. Setting the bar that low you could VERY EASILY make the case that pretty much ANY politician putting the pressure on Rosenstein to resign, or ANY politician who seeks for Mueller to stop his investigation are "Obstructing Justice."

>whether someone has the right to do something or not is a matter of opinion
And this is why your country is a shithole. Keep screeching though, I'm sure this "scandal" will surely bring down Trump, unlike the thousands before it.

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Yes you dumbfuck they blackmailed him right before the election. He said women let you grab them by the pussy if youre rich. If they are letting you then thats not assault. Youre just an idiot. That's the whole problem.

The fuckin Constitution that invests him with all executive power

trump is a cheater and a liar and a whore

you're right, he is not honest and trustworthy

the American people do not believe a word he says

he has 0 credibility

no wonder he's compromised by the russians

he's a filthy degenerate billionaire globalist who loves getting pissed on by russian whores

Don't you realize that the point of this is to make Trump look like an extremely corrupt traitor for the duration of his term? It won't end. It was NEVER legitimate and was always illegal.

How is it sexual assault if the women let you do it?

they don't

he's also a pedo which is why u right wing shills worship him

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You realize that volume of posts only makes you look insane right?

What would you know about what the American people think? You have 0 credibility.


g2g bye losers

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if they had evidence it would of been leaked in the first fucking week, its been a big song and dance, im starting to think they only reason its been going on so long is so trump stars declassifying shit hardcore before those midterms to watch the shit hit the fan for giggles

u realize it's blatantly obvious you're a paid shill for a billionaire globalist conman

48 yr old millennial here.
Clinton got impeached for giving Monica jewensky head while smoking a cigar.
Learn history faggot.

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Using that definition of "Obstruction of Justice" would pretty much mean that ANY politician commenting on an ongoing case - criticizing it, questioning the motives of the investigators, whatever - are potentially facing a lawsuit for "Obstruction."

What is Trump not allowed to defend his character to the public and try to maintain his innocence? Is he not supposed to make his case to the public as to whether he should fire Sessions? This is beyond insane at this point. I realize leafs don't understand the First Amendment but IMO Trump has at the VERY LEAST a strong case to make in his defense here. Just like with firing Comey.

In fact, in both instances it appears almost certain that it is well within Trump's authority to do: fire a subordinate (Article II Section I) and express his opinions on legal/judicial matters (First Amendment.) Am I missing something or is this starting to get desperate?

Youre a russian DNC funded bot.

yes lol

Herr Mueller is very thorough. Very thorough, indeed.

you're genX, stupid

>Call them shills! Tell them they're paid!
Pathetic, dude. It won't work

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I rolled my eyes at this. Everyone and their mother in the media has reported on the Presidents tweets. They literally are public record at this point. Mueller is wasting (more) time again and again

You're reaching. Melania knew well before she married him that he was open to sleeping with other women. If it's consensual between two adults it's far from shady. Hell, Trump's ex-wife only says positive things about him.

-Hey! You got Tweets on my Obstruction!
-Hey! You got Obstruction on my Justice!

a bunch of dumb shit that adds up to nothing

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We all realize on some level that Trump is at risk from Mueller, but I wonder if Mueller and his supporters have ever considered the risk that HE is at risk. Has Robert Mueller ever considered how Trump voters would react if he leveled frivolous process crime type charges against a sitting President for conduct that has next to nothing to do with Russia or the 2016 election? Imagine how absolutely insane Trump's base would get over that. I don't know about you guys but I'm already pretty god damn worked up over Mueller. I am paying very, very close attention to politics now, and I have a completely different frame of mind now than I ever have before.

This Mueller shit, this is life and death. This guy, these people - they don't just want to destroy Trump. They want to destroy US. Mueller isn't hurting Trump by coming after him and the people who supported him in the campaign. Trump will always be financially secure and live well. He's coming after YOU.

Go ahead Mueller, drop some bullshit charges on Trump. Charge him with Obstruction like your pal Comey wants you to do. Let's see how that works out for you buddy.