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Cucked and BLACKEDpilled

I hope the police catch him in the act and shoot him.Preferably while he's running away

Wew lad we got a culture problem. Baptized by Lean Doesn't sound as trendy as Blessed by Crack or Fed by SNAP

inb4 they make the star out of a material that is much harder to even get a dent in

hollywood golf holes!
Oh BOI global warming is a lie. Wankas puss was always cold.
Dolan scratches his groin.
Fucking jew gave him the lice. No family fun allowed. So disrespectfull. He puts the golfball up his ass.
He liked Wanka most when she was 13. Best age best PUSS. He farts. The golfball plops out.
Jeff Sessions that pedophile is messuring.
3 inch Sir.
See I am not small.
Dolan misses Wanka.
Sessions smell the but putt the ball back in.

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The more they struggle the more we win

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Did he get fined for doing this?

>Now the L.A. tax dollars from the people that dispise him the most will be used to give Trump the newest, cleanest star on the boulevard.

pottery in motion.

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whats their obsession with shit and piss