>The Native American Party, renamed the American Party in 1855 and commonly known as the Know Nothing movement, was an American nativist political party that operated nationally in the mid-1850s. It was primarily anti-Catholic, xenophobic, and hostile to immigration, starting originally as a secret society. The movement briefly emerged as a major political party in the form of the American Party. Adherents to the movement were to reply "I know nothing" when asked about its specifics by outsiders, thus providing the group with its common name.
>The Know Nothings believed a "Romanist" conspiracy was afoot to subvert civil and religious liberty in the United States and sought to politically organize native-born Protestants in the defense of traditional religious and political values. It is remembered for this theme because of fears by Protestants that Catholic priests and bishops would control a large bloc of voters. In most places, Know Nothingism lasted only a year or two before disintegrating because of weak local leaders, few publicly declared national leaders and a deep split over the issue of slavery. In the South, the party did not emphasize anti-Catholicism, but was the main alternative to the dominant Democratic Party.
We need a new know nothing party/ pol/. Just replace romanists with Jews.

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Jow Forums is already the know nothings. Everyone here is fucking retarded and has no idea of the shit they spew.

Shut up Jew.

The Native American and Know Nothing party was Bill the Butcher's party in Gangs of New York and got cucked hard by waves of Irish immigrants

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That is a movie kid.

Based off a real Bill the Butcher, toddler

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Oh . but we should still start one

>romanists with Jews
They're the same thing. The actual old Americans were against all non-Protestants from entering because they knew they would subvert America, and they did. No, it wasn't the Jews, it was the Catholics and various non-Anglo-Saxon immigrant groups who started trying to industrialize the country, give women rights, free the slaves, etc.




Romanists are Jews. The Know Nothings were 100% right about everything.

Are you saying the roman Catholic church is Jewish?

Ahhh...ninth grade, brings back, Julie Crandall wearing jeans so tight I could tell if she was carrying change...the smell of shampoo...illicit bubblegum and adolescent uncomfortable and embarrassing raging hard on harder than an iron spike.....wew lad it was a trip.

this brah knows
Because it's fact if you open your eyes. Hell, look at the country since Kennedy, the first catholic president. Who's father lied, cheated, and stole to put him there. Look at the history of the religion of the supreme court and look at the religion of the court now. One Episcopalian, Gorsuch, who was a convert as he was raised RC. The rest of the court are RC and Jewish. Look up what happened to the universities after they dropped their founding protestant charters. The entire Ivy league used to have Protestant charters. Seriously. Look it up. It wasn't until they were infiltrated did the universities begin to become lost. Look at every country catholics touch. Every predominantly catholic country is in absolutely terrible shape and it is inarguable. The founding fathers literally came here to escape that shit. To escape that european hell that the RC has a stranglehold over. Then when Americans eternally and completely BTFO the RC Monarchy they've been flaming furious ever since and have tried to sink their claws in ever since. Well they succeeded in the 20th century. This shit goes back to the founding of the country. They wanted out. They wanted away. There's a reason. Why do you think you see so many hucksters on here shilling for the catholic church? You really don't think the vatican, I mean...the fucking vatican...isn't in a place like this cruising for lost souls? Opus Dei? The Jesuits? All these different groups seeking the power and control over an organization like the Roman Catholic Church? It's despicable. They're despicable, they're corrupt, they're inherently either commies or serfs. They don't have a functioning brain to have individualistic thought and work ethic. This is in the blood going back 1500 years. Honestly, catholics are fundamentally unamerican. It's literally antithetical to the american ideal and the founding principles of the country. That's why there are so many catholic shills here.

It's been subverted by the Jews for ages.

>country since Kennedy, the first catholic president
He only served two years fuck face, Johnson served the other six.

of course they are. Always has been. Ever since at least Constantine and Nicea, but some would argue going back to Irenaeus and the church fathers. Others would say all the way back to fuckin Paul.

was he or was he not an "elected" catholic president?

Yeah he was elected, kind of...

Kind of?

Of the 113 Supreme Court Justices in the entire history of the country, 91 of them have been Protestant. 91. Pic related is the court now. The first time they ever had a plurality came in 2005. Little weird...ain't it?

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Oh and guess what? Kavanaugh's a catholic, too! Jesuit, in fact. Things that make you go "hmmm..."

I wonder (((why)))

They're doing what they always do. Destroying everywhere they go. The sad part is the average catholic doesn't even know. They're too stupid and brainwashed. At least the jews know and somewhat admit it. The average catholic is clueless. I feel bad for them, honestly.


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name a progressive/liberal politician from before 1900 who was an anglo saxon protestant

good luck

Makes it obvious who God sided with, doesn't it?

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If he's not a Catholic priest he can't be a Jesuit

You're right, but he went to a Jesuit run school.
>he thinks it's over...

The Founding Fathers wanted no immigration because that would instantly corrupt the Republic.

If he went to a Jesuit-run school he's probably less of a Catholic than he would be if he went to some other Catholic school

No, they accepted "free white men," which obviously included Catholics. Charles Carroll was also a Catholic American founding father

>Charles Carroll was also a Catholic American founding father
Gosh...imagine if we could go back to a 1 in 56 ratio! This country would be great again in less than a decade.

>"free white men," which obviously included Catholics.

Catholics are not free, they are enslaved by the vatican. That is one of the main grievances of protestantism.

>an apostate Brazilian

Always sad when America claims another one for Satan

surprise, surprise.

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Hard to be less catholic than the pope

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Wait...You follow a pope that belongs to a secret society, that holds court in a building that looks like a serpent, in front of a statue (according to them) of Jesus in a nuclear holocaust (but not hellfire we swear guys it just looks that way) And you have the balls to say anyone else is in league with Satan?

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The Society of Jesus is not a secret society, it's an order that is part of the Catholic Church just like the Dominicans and Franciscans. The rest of your post is just >DUDE ARCHITECTURE LMAO. Like sure I don't like the architecture and artistic stylings of the 60s either but don't attach so much significance to it

Checked, and that's fucking retarded. You know architecture in the Vatican is laden with symbolism, it's intended to be, so to say it's all just meaningless, is frankly insulting. Putting Christ in a sea of flames should be a big no no to any Christian denomination, denying that is intellectually dishonest. And yes, the Jesuits do have a lot of shady stuff surrounding them, not all is out in the open, and other Catholics have spoken out on them. Remember all the gay drug orgies discovered in the vatican, all the kid fuckers that were hidden and protected by the church itself? How many people do you think were turned away from the faith because of that? How many catholics do you think lost their faith, and people looking for guidance were put off because of it's behaviour? Now, you want to sit here and act like the church has any moral ground, or spiritual legitimacy before the average man or Christ himself? You'll sit here and throw accusations of being claimed by Satan? This is why I fucking hate papists, the most degenerate, godless denomination of all Christianity but at the same time the most smug and pretentious and holier than thou. Go donate some money to the church so you can fund another chimo's holiday home

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If everything in the Vatican is full of symbolism, why do all protestants always focus on literally this one building in Rome that I would have never been exposed to in my entire life as a Catholic and which has no impact whatsoever on my practice of Catholicism?

Why do we focus on the depiction of Jesus in a lake of fire inside a room that looks like a serpent? Nigga are you for real?
There's a lot of other things to point out but it gets ignored just like you did the most glaringly obvious one, and just like you ignored my other point.

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