User vs NIGGER

This is my illustrated version of a story a heroic user just told on here.

Smash that like button1

Attached: 1.jpg (800x2000, 573K)

This looks like it was made by a schizophrenic on acid

Attached: artist-lsd.jpg (500x340, 59K)

Non you fool

It's based on a true story!



BUMP faggot mods, get this shit on page 1 RIGHT NOW you pathetic interning basedboys

BUMP for magnificence

Are those wings coming out of his ass?

absolutely, that's how he flew across the street
did;t u read the story?

K, just chekin.

FUCK YOU kike mods, you shameful pathetic satanic faggots, I told you to sticky my thread and 5 IMNUTES later it's on page 7!

BUMP, kill all mods, fucking faggot ass bitches

fucking shameful, SHILL-ASS shadow-banning piece of shit mods

BUMP for moral integrity, SHAME on the pedo-harboring fucking MODS


excuse me?

BUMP you motherfuckers

Not bad, but just a 1.jpg won't cut it, you need a folder dump.

Attached: 1476122966995.jpg (1280x842, 108K)

I have it on good authority that OP is not a fag.
He is however, in all other respects, a very wrong person.
By the by, just wondering - how the fuck did you manage to paint something that actually looks better in the thumbnail?

I worked backwards

FAGGOT MODS, HOW many times I gotta tell you to BUMP my shit and keep it BUMPED like I keep your whore mothers up here???

Are you autistic?

You luciferian little S O Y PRICKS

FUCK the child-molesting MODS, I'm launching my OWN mueller assprobe into you S O Y ADDLED LITTLE FAGS, ima burn you all DOWN

BUMP for clarity , FUCK the fake-media MODS, FUCK them right in the gaps of their TEETH

Phony fucking corrupt mods

Did you really need to ask?


fkin bitchass