Why doesn't anybody care about the national debt anymore? Why isn't the Tea Party protesting Trump's trillion dollar federal budget deficits?
Why doesn't anybody care about the national debt anymore...
Because Trump can rack up as much debt as he wants if he wiped it out and kills the bank within a short timespan
same reason you're pretending to care now
>we all no debts don't mean shit if you can't collect
He's been seizing the assets of the nwo and using it to hold the economy up. The debt doesn't matter as long as the economy keeps moving
I do care. I think we need to stop the insanity (progressivism/anti-whites/"diversity") that's spreading at the moment before something will be done about normal political matters.
of all people you could have chosen for your unofficial mascot, why pick this run-of-the-mill pop slag?
Because Republicans aren't fiscally responsible. This is the largest expansion of debt, in peacetime and prospering economic times. You don't spend into a boom, because that means you don't have enough money for a bust. And a bust will happen, that is just how the economy works.
>ancap caring about statist's problems
This is why you retards will be always irrelevant.
It’s Obama’s debt.
He dug this hole.
And liberals helped him.
Trump and his base are a bunch of dipshits.
I have no idea what you're inferring about me. I've been a Ron Paul supporter since 2007. He's critical of both Democratic and Republican presidents.
>participates in democratic process of supporting candidates
jeez this is getting better and better
11 years is a long time to not mature
Public debt is the money. Only a commie would want to get rid of money. Libertarians=Commies=Materialist Consumerist Jewish hedonism.
All of the debt is created by fiat and thus can be erased by fiat when the swamp is drained.
Why can't Libertarian understand fiat ability works both ways? You keep acting like money is like Oil and Coal and will "run out." Money is numbers and you don't run "out of numbers." The issue is the value behind the numbers and Trump is trying to fix that with manufacturing and jobs and those things are the Nation's real value.
>8 years of skyrocketing debt under Obama from $10 trillion to $19.5 trillion
Not a peep from the media or leftist.
>Trump president
You could say the same thing about Fox News, the Republican Party and the Tea Party. Why are they so silent about the deficit and the national debt when they were so critical of Obama for running up deficits?
Ron Paul is the only politician I like. I've never voted in the general election.
the tea party didn't actually give a shit about anything except being colossally buttmad over having a nigger as president. do you think the boomer retards at the tea party rallies had any understanding of economics beyond welfare queen memes? fuck no they didn't. now the funny man from twitter who ripped on obama all the time is president so they don't know or care what's happening beyond NIGGERS AND LIBRULS ARE ANGERY LOL
>TEA Party
>T axed
>E nough
>A lready
Understand the answer now?
Actually Republicans have been sounding the alarm on deficits since the 1980s. And Tea Partiers didn't care that Obama was half white. They cared that Obama was your typical America-hating globalist-loving scumbag Democrat.
Because of niggers you moron. This country is dead and all of your lolbertarian kike talking points are bullshit.
Fuck offend shoot yourself.
>Actually Republicans have been sounding the alarm on deficits since the 1980s.
So why did Reagan and both Bushes run up the debt so much? Ron Paul was so dissatisfied with Reagan and the Republican Party that he quit the Republican Party in 1987.
Because inflation makes the worry worthless. Soon, one trillion American dollars will be worth the same as a trillion Zimbabwean dollars.
Yup there was nothing Obama ever did besides being black that people could complain about. He was just that great.
>still believing America is salvageable
This country is dead amigo, time to move on. We will all be slaves to the Chinese in 20 years not because of the debt but because they’re smarter than we are.
Economics is auxilliary to securing a homeland for ourselves and future generation to come.
Idk Taylor. Trillion dollar deficits are ridiculous but whenever we try to cut spending whichever federal departments get hit by the cuts start throwing fits. Drafting federal budgets is just a massive headache.
Because she's Aphrodite incarnate you flaming faggot.
Hitler was a vegetarian
>And a bust will happen, that is just how the economy works
Yeah with no gold standard and a central bank.
Did n't bat an eye when Obummer jack up a record level of National debt to the tune of $9 trillion. Now Trump is saddled with Obummers interest payments and is supposed to lower it while the obstructionist left interfere with every policy.
she used to make country music REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Part of Alinsky's tactics to destroy a nation. Drown it in debt.
>caring about fiat ponzi schemes when its about to collapse and crypto exists
dont be a nocoiner
No one cares retard. People only pretend to care if it benefits their narrative.
>oh no obama is increasing the debt
>oh no trump is increasing the debt
Same shit every election.
The debt will never be paid off in the foreseeable future and if you think it will you are a delusional retard.
because "drain the swamp" takes the highest precedence. the progressive left has proven themselves to be acting in bad faith by not accepting the results of a free and democratic election, and therefore they must be destroyed at any cost.
why is she so perfect
but she's degenerate and can't hold a relationship
So is Trump implementing Alinsky tactics with his trillion dollar deficits?
>drain the swamp
The swamp is irrelevant when you have 100 million shitskins who don’t understand basic concepts of civilization.
Ron Paul has been a consistent critic of both Republican and Democratic presidents.
we need to kill the left before the financial collapse. because financial collapse + strong left = communism
If you’re at war do you care about the debt?
Grow a brain retard.
Sauce of degeneracy?
>inherits huge financial debt
What? You didnt immediately resolve this? You're at fault.
because it's counted in funny-money
>he doesn't understand that debt can only exponentially increase
this is one of those dumb conservative memes that doesn't mean anything. balancing the budget doesn't do shit when you have a monetary system based on paying interest to bankers for no reason at all. it's impossible to ever actually lower the debt it just goes up exponentially
"The national debt" was just a meme so we didn't have to give out anymore gibs
the only reason people are noticing now is because in an exponential curve there is the long tail
Because it doesn't really matter. You don't take the entirety of someone's debt regardless of when it matures and measure it against one year's earnings(gdp), you measure it against their net worth. It's the reason Japan is still around and doing okay even though their debt levels have been insane for decades. And the US's net worth is astronomical to the extent that the "national debt" is barely even worth talking about.
Paying it off will suck, taxes will go up for sure. But it'll happen, and it's not really a big deal in the mean time.
Because a global depression or WW3 is baked into the cake. There isn't anything anyone can really do about it at this point. Central bank parlor tricks are about the only thing propping this thing up at this point, what is it, 230 trillion world wide debt + quadrillions in derivatives? When this thing blows, it's going to be a new world. The elites are already prepared and even the non-elite very wealthy private individuals are making plans because even they know the writing is on the wall.
Wow, you really dont understand it all.
Gibs are the only thing currently preventing a full blown civil war.
I would pay thousands of dollars to watch her pee.
>The elites are already prepared and even the non-elite very wealthy private individuals are making plans because even they know the writing is on the wall.
>wanting to watch her excrete the filtered toxins from her blood
That's not even sexual. Youre defective.
This. It doesn't matter anymore. The system will collapse in 30 years or so and there's nothing that can stop it. Might as well milk it for all its worth.
The debt can never be repaid. If bank makes X currency then wants you to pay it back with 2X currency. You have. Borrow another X to pay back interest in your first X. So you must always borrow more to pay back.
So who cares just burn the federal reserve to the ground if you want a clean slate.
I'm "ancap" or whatever the fuck that means. I really just support natural order, and reject democracy. I only voted for two fuckers in my life. Ron Paul in the primaries, and Trump in the general.
So far, Trump has been the greatest president in US history.
Because the president isn't black anymore
>american education
Yeah, I do. I actually do analysis on this stuff for a living. You don't have to believe me, it's fine. The US isn't even in the top 10 of debt to gdp, and unlike most of these countries, we have the net worth to actually back that shit up easily. And worst case scenario, we've got more guns than all the rest of them combined. It slows growth, sure. But it is not anything close to the death sentence people make it out to be. The US is the richest nation on the face of the earth by an extreme margin. We can pay our bills.
Well take for example Zerohedge.com (it is a admittedly a doomer site), but you combine youtube Pod casts with financial backgrounds like Greg Hunter (pro-Trump), Gregory Mannarino (politically unaffiliated day trader who invests in btc and gold), a libertarian, Peter Schiff (sells gold) , Christ Martenson someone who is bearish on gold. From all different backgrounds of people from former Goldman Sachs (Nomi Prins) to Day traders. Successfull people like Jim Rogers, Robert Kiyosaki They all have one thing in common, they all know that this shit is going to blow. It's a debt bubble and everything bubble that needs exponentially more debt to sustain, That is the unifying theme that ties them all together
>cut tax
>increase spending
>blame obama
Because debt is literally the mechanism by which money is created. If there were no debt, there would also be no money. Watch Money Masters.
>the left is retarded if you expect the right to do better you're a leftist shill
When you elect a self-made billionaire businessman you trust what does with the economy or you're stupid.
because we're going to fuck the bankers up with space lasers and implement national socialism
Please be true. 4th reich fascist space empire.
A true american beauty with a thick american booty
>retarded liberal cuck attempts politics
Diversity is your strength right? Niggers are being oppressed even though they’re disproportionately raping and murdering everyone right?
>tax cuts have consistently proven to increase revenues
>act like tax cuts are the problem
god i love tay so much
>Why isn't the Tea Party protesting Trump's trillion dollar federal budget deficits?
The tea party died off a long time ago.
Rand and Ron and Thomas Massie are still out there complaining about the debt and the Republican establishment are still ignoring them.
cops are still trying to stop those rapes and murders though
National debt means nothing. Chinks can't collect because they can't impose force on us, their whole economy depends on dumb Americans buying their junk.
Taxes on the working man, and national production means much more
He lowered tax and increased spending
He far exceeds the debt he inherited.
Why are americans so partisan?
>everything other team does is baaaaaad
>if my team doss the same goooooood
Is it because they watch so much tv?
This guy is right actually. The debt is worrisome and we need to do something to get it under control; but we aren't at crisis levels yet. But we need to start to do something about it lest we end up like the Greeks.
>zeitgeist fags
>The debt is worrisome and we need to do something to get it under control; but we aren't at crisis levels yet.
Yeah. We need to raise taxes by a serious margin if we ever want to have a chance at reducing the national debt.
Greece doesn't have the Mississippi river basin. The USA has a total economic value of over 320 trillion dollars. The debt is peanuts compared to that.
Eh, there's lots of ways to do it. Best idea I've got is to have the DOD/DARPA subsidize space based solar arrays and basically hold the entire world hostage with energy sales. Be the Saudi Arabia of the future, except with the entire world as a captive, monopolized market. In the mean time, LNG exports will do just fine.
Why should we care about the debt when the leftists will just skyrocket the debt again like they did under Obama? Next time leftists are in power it will skyrocket yet again especially if its a socialist. There is no point in caring anymore unless we can massively cut down the government size.
>Best idea I've got is to have the DOD/DARPA subsidize space based solar arrays and basically hold the entire world hostage with energy sales.
American space supremacy. I like it! Asteroid mining would help quite a bit, too.
>Next time leftists are in power it will skyrocket yet again
Yeah. We're going to be busy cleaning up your fuck-ups. That costs money.
Why does it matter that the total wealth in America is 320 trillion dollars? The US government can't confiscate private property to make debt payments.
Why did the anti-war activism on the left mostly die out after Obama was elected?
Why did the anti-war activism in the Trump camp mostly die out after Trump was elected?
The fact is that to the politicians the "issues" are merely tools used to gain political power, and to most of their #Followers, the "issues" are easily forgotten and replaced from year to year, or even month to month.
No leftists allowed in space, sorry. And asteroid mining is a stupid fucking idea.
What do you think taxes are?
Ron Paul was the one exception.
>No leftists allowed in space, sorry. And asteroid mining is a stupid fucking idea.
Liberals pioneered the space program, you cuck. As for asteroid mining, it's a great idea because it'll make minerals cheap and plentiful for the foreseeable future.
Federal government mostly taxes income. Are you advocating taxes on wealth?
No, great men did that. There are no great men on the left. And no, it's not a great idea because we already have plentiful minerals right under your damn feet which are about a billion times cheaper to get at than fucking asteroids. The reason space based solar is valuable is because 1) we don't have it on the ground (clouds, night, humidity, etc) and 2) it doesn't need to be transported to get to earth, just beamed in microwaves or whatever else.
I'm stating the fact that the US as an entity will pay whatever debts it contracts because it controls an absurd share of the world's wealth. Yes, the government is funded through taxes, which means their debts will be paid via taxes. I don't care about rates, revenues are what matter. Either grow the base or increase the percentage. Or again, just monopolize the world's energy market and literally suck the rest of them dry. We'e America. It doesn't matter how much money we owe because at the end of the day no one can do anything about it.
It's an old story: If I owe you a hundred dollars, you've got me. If I owe you 20 trillion dollars, I've got you. Orban did the same thing to the EU back when the Forint collapsed. When you owe that much money "take it or leave it" is always an option, doubly so considering there's no nation on the planet that could do anything about it. Debt doesn't end nations. Guns do.
>We'e America. It doesn't matter how much money we owe
Look at the history books m8.
There's no empire too big to fail.
>404 Canada
Keep wishing for the worst, leaf
Eh, debatable. Hegemonic control over space would make the US pretty god damn hard to topple. It's not impossible, for sure, but I don't have a damn clue who could even try.
Who the fuck are we going to pay the debt to?
Their lives depend on us buying their cheap shit
>everybody else
What are they going to fucking do?
Obama only added on another 10 trillion but we'll just keep raising the debt ceiling
>>cut tax
>>increase spending
Gotta spend money to make money
>>blame obama
Damn right I do
>he far exceeds the debt he inherited
Might want to check your math again Mohammed.
t. An older millennial that doesnt own a TV.
>And asteroid mining is a stupid fucking idea.
Not if its entirely automated.
>Debt doesn't end nations.
I think the USSR would disagree.